Decision details

Gypsies and Traveller Sites

Decision Maker: The Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The report of the Head of Housing Services which provided an update on the development of sites on Anglesey for gypsies and travellers was presented for the Executive’s consideration. The report outlined the progress to date on developing a design scheme in respect of a temporary stopping place at Star and a permanent residential site at Penhesgyn along with the cost estimates for the construction of the respective sites. The Executive was informed that the planning documentation for both sites has been prepared and is substantially complete and ready for submission.


The Portfolio Member for Housing reported that the report in seeking approval for the submission of planning applications for both sites represents the next step forward in a process which has involved site selection, a public consultation exercise thereon and design related assessments made. The Council is required by law to provide sites for gypsies and travellers where a need has been identified.


It was resolved –


  To note the budget costs associated with the project delivery and that the funding of those costs will be considered at a later date once planning permission is received and grant funding agreed with Welsh Government.

  To authorise Officers to progress to the next stage i.e. the submission of detailed planning applications in respect of a temporary stopping place at Star and a permanent residential site at Penhesgyn.


(Councillor R. Meirion Jones did not vote on the matter)

Publication date: 18/09/2017

Date of decision: 18/09/2017

Decided at meeting: 18/09/2017 - The Executive

Accompanying Documents: