Issue - meetings

Discretionary Housing Payments Policy

Meeting: 25/03/2019 - The Executive (Item 7)

7 Discretionary Housing Payments Policy pdf icon PDF 961 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer.

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It was resolved to approve the revised Local Discretionary Housing Payment Policy (DHP) Scheme for 2019/20 and for subsequent years at as Appendix A to the report, noting that the approved scheme will apply for subsequent years and will only be brought back to the Executive if future amendments are required.


The report of the Head of Function (Resources) and Section 151 Officer seeking the Executive’s approval for a revised Local Discretionary Housing Payment Policy Scheme for 2019/20 was presented for consideration. The report provided information on the operation of the DHP during 2018/19 and whether on that basis, any changes are necessary for the future.


The Portfolio Member for Finance reported that DHPs provide claimants with “further financial assistance” to meet their housing costs on top of any other welfare benefits they may receive, where the Local Authority considers that such additional help is necessary. All DHP awards must be made within the overall cash limits as determined by the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP).The DWP will award the Local Authority an annual sum towards the administration of the scheme with local authorities being able to top up the Government’s contribution by an additional 150% maximum; however top-ups would have to come from the Council’s own funding. Following the welfare reform measures of April, 2013, demand for DHP increased substantially but now appears to be reducing. The DWP grant to the Council for DHP in 2018/19 was £153,307 of which £142, 432 has been spent as of 1 March, 2019. There was an underspend on the grant in 2017/18 for which the Authority received some negative publicity as under the rules of the scheme, any unspent allocation must be returned to the DWP. To ensure the most effective use of the DHP budget including full allocation of all the budget and to respond to any revisions of the guidelines by the DWP, the Council reviews and where necessary, amends its DHP policy annually.


The Portfolio Member for Finance said that last year, the Authority’s policy was changed to provide assistance with clearing rent arrears where this was a barrier to moving to more suitable accommodation. Experience during the year has shown that the policy needs to be developed further in this respect to assist people to stay in their properties, where the tenancy is deemed sustainable, by contributing to pay rent arrears where beneficial to the claimant. This is the only change proposed for 2019/20 and is detailed in paragraph 2.10 of the policy.


The Head of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer said that based on the latest information, approximately £150k of the 2018/19 DWP grant has now been spent.


It was resolved to approve the revised Local Discretionary Housing Payment Policy (DHP) Scheme for 2019/20 and for subsequent years at as Appendix A to the report, noting that the approved scheme will apply for subsequent years and will only be brought back to the Executive if future amendments are required.