Agenda item

Applications Arising

7.1  34C304Z/1/ECON – Coleg Menai, College Road, Llangefni

7.2  39C18C/2/VAR – Plot 10, Ty Mawr, Menai Bridge

7.3  41LPA1041/FR/TR/CC – Star Crossroads, Star


 7.1  34C304Z/1/ECON – Full application for the erection of six buildings, the change of use of field into a heavy plant training area together with the creation of a new car park at Coleg Menai, College Road, Llangefni


(Having declared an interest in this application, Councillor K P Hughes left the meeting during discussion and voting thereon.


Councillor John Griffith had declared a personal interest but following legal advice he took part during discussion and voting thereon).


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is a major planning application and the development forms part of the long term masterplan for the campus and town of Llangefni.  At the meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 4th July, 2018 it was resolved to visit the site in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  The site was subsequently visited on the 18th July, 2018.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the proposed development comprises of 6 buildings consisting of (1) General construction operative equipment store (2) Scaffolding store (3) Casement and shuttering formwork joinery training centre and general operative training building (5) Scaffold training building and (6) Heavy plant store.  Additionally there will be a change of use of agricultural land to a heavy plant training area along with the creation of a car park for 41 vehicles and associated landscaping.  The application is a full application for the creation of a Centre for Infrastructure Skills Training and will deliver skills required associated with the construction stages of major infrastructure projects.  She noted that the development will require 20 newly created posts and the centre will have a capacity to train between 800 and 1,000 individuals annually. 


The Planning Development Manager further reported that Natural Resources Wales has requested more information as regard to bat mitigation details and representations are still awaited from the Drainage Section and the Welsh Governments Highways Agency as regard to the application.  She noted that representations have been received by Welsh Water, Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Services (GAPS), Highways Authority and the Welsh Language Officer who are satisfied with the development. 


Councillor John Griffith questioned as regard to the level of noise nuisance to neighbouring dwellings from heavy machinery during training programmes of students.  He noted that the Officer’s report stipulates that there will be no adverse effect on neighbouring properties.  He further said that there has been no reference within the report to the 153 properties and hotel which has recently been approved as part of the developments at Coleg Menai.  The Planning Development Manager responded that a previous outline application was approved for the erection of buildings for heavy plant training was nearer to the properties.  She noted that the application has been amended and buildings are now further away from the properties. Councillor Griffith sought clarification as to whether a condition as regard to noise levels can be attached to any approval of the application as to the movements of heavy machinery on the site.  The Planning Development Manager responded that no noise levels conditions have been attached to the application but condition (05), as noted within the Officer’s report, stipulates that heavy plant using the training area shall operate on site only between the hours of 9.00 a.m., and 5 p.m., and that no plant shall operate at weekends nor Bank Holidays.   


Councillor T Ll Hughes MBE proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Bryan Owen seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report and that the required response received from the statutory consultees is acceptable.


7.2  39C18C/2/VAR – Application under Section 73 for the variation of condition (09) of planning permission reference 39C18H/DA (erection of 21 dwellings) so as to amend the external appearance at Plot 10, Ty Mawr, Menai Bridge


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.  At the meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 4th July, 2018 it was resolved to visit the site in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  The site was subsequently visited on the 18th July, 2018.


Mr Ken Hughes (against the proposal) said he was representing himself and his neighbour Mr Dyfrig Williams who both live in neighbouring properties to this development.  He noted that he and Mr Williams have no opposition to the development in respect of the design nor its size but they have concerns as to the height of this proposal and where the finished floor level should be.  He noted that the new dwelling will have a roof construction which is hipped on four sides sloping up towards a narrow ridge with a mass of slates facing neighbouring properties and especially in front of 6 Ty Mawr Estate.  Mr Hughes considered that the level of the floor could be reduced and would not have a detrimental effect on the amenities of the property when completed. 


Members ascertained as to the reason why they considered that the height of the roof of the proposed dwelling needs to be reduced and whether it impedes on the views of neighbouring properties.  Mr Hughes responded that the height of the proposed dwelling that the developer has now submitted is twice the height of the previously approved dwelling. The occupier of 6 Ty Mawr Estate will be overlooking a mass of slate roofs and reducing the height of the roof of the proposed dwelling would greatly alleviate the effect on the neighbouring dwelling.  


Mr Jamie Bradshaw (for the proposal) said that the application is for a change to the approved design on plot 10 of the Ty Mawr development.  The new design proposes a 4 bed bungalow with a single bedroom in the roof space of the building.    He noted the approved design is for a single storey bungalow, but it is important to note that the height of the ground floor of that property is considerably higher than what is now proposed.  The previously approved application is 34 metres higher than the amended plans which is to be 31.82 metres.  The proposal is for a hipped roof on all four sides which lead up to a single narrow ridge.  In contrast, the approved design has a long central ridge and gable ends that face onto neighbouring properties.  As such the proposal has a lesser impact upon neighbours than the approved design, which is a key argument in its favour.  He further said that it must also be noted that the approved design is a key fall-back position as it could be built if this application is refused.  Mr Bradshaw said that the proposed development is a modern design which would be an improvement from the approved dated design, and which would reflect the other recently built properties seen around this site on this part of the estate in terms of its appearance and scale, and also the size of the building on the plot.  The Officers have reached the same conclusions when assessing the proposal.


Councillor Dafydd Roberts ascertained whether there was any technical reason as to why the level of the floor of the proposed property was not possible.  Mr Bradshaw responded that it would require extensive excavation and would be costly.  He said that the height of this proposed development has been reduced in comparison to the previously approved application.   


The Planning Development Manager reported the application has been made to change the design of the previously approved dwelling.  The area is identified within the Joint Local Development Plan where it is expected that housing developments take place. The roof of the proposed dwelling has now been significantly reduced in comparison to the previously approved dwelling and would reduce the impact on the neighbouring dwellings.  The recommendation is of approval of the application.


Councillor R Meirion Jones, a Local Member said that the development of the Ty Mawr Estate has been undertaken for a number of years and the occupants of the dwellings of the estate were informed of the layout and size of the properties on the estate.  Recently, owners of plots on the estate are now submitting plans to extend the footprint of the dwellings.  He referred to Plot 8 on the estate and the footprint of this dwelling has filled the whole plot and has a mass slate roof that overlooks neighbouring properties.  Councillor Jones said that he did not agree with the developer of Plot 10 that the proposed dwelling would have a lesser impact on neighbouring properties to the previously approved design as the footprint of the dwelling has been increased and would have a greater impact.


Councillor Robin Williams expressed that he agreed with his fellow Local Member, Councillor R Meirion Jones that the footprint of dwellings of recently approved properties is much larger on this estate.  The Planning Development Manager responded that individual planning approval has been afforded within the estate, on their own merits, after the original permission for the development of the Ty Mawr Estate.  She said that the mass of the roof of the previously approved dwelling at Plot 10 has been reduced and a hipped roof is proposed as regard to the proposed design. 


The Chair, Councillor Nicola Roberts ascertained as to the distance of the proposed dwelling to its neighbouring property.  The Planning Development Manager responded that the distance between the properties is 9.5m which is considered acceptable.   Councillor Robin Williams referred to the Supplementary Planning Guidance, Note 8 which stipulates that the distance between properties should be 10.5m at the least and distances as regard to site level needs to be increase of a further distance of 3m; therefore the distance between these properties should be 13.5m.  The Planning Development Manger accepted that the guidelines for the distance between the boundaries should be 10.5m and the SPG refers that distance needs to be increased when the design has ground floor bedrooms.  She said that Plot 10 is lower than the neighbouring properties and the distances between boundaries of neighbouring properties can be decreased as there will be no overlooking from the proposed dwelling.


Councillor Vaughan Hughes said that during the site visit it was obvious that there has been insufficient control on planning development on this estate due to extension to the size and design of recent dwellings. He considered that the amenities of residents are being affected and agreed with the objector to this application that the floor level of the dwelling should be decreased.


Councillor K P Hughes proposed that the application be approved and Councillor John Griffith seconded the proposal.


Councillor Vaughan Hughes abstained from voting.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


7.3  41LPA1041/FR/TR/CC – Full application for the change of use of agricultural land for use as a temporary stopping place (10 spaces) for Gypsies and Travellers, formation of a new vehicular access, the formation of a new pedestrian access and pavement together with associated development on land east of Star Crossroads, Star


(Having declared an interest in this application, the Planning Development Manager withdrew from the meeting during consideration and determination of the item).


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application has been submitted by the Council. 


Councillor Robin Williams proposed that following receipt of the flooding impact report he considered that the site needs to be visited to ascertain if the site is suitable for a temporary stopping place for Gypsies and Travellers.  Councillor Vaughan Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to visit the site in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reasons given.


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