Agenda item

Report on Objections to a new Primary School to replace Ysgol Bodffordd and Ysgol Corn Hir and Approval of the Original Proposal

To submit a report by the Head of Learning.


The report of the Head of Learning outlining the objections received following the publication of the statutory notices for a new primary school to replace Ysgol Bodffordd and Ysgol Corn Hir was presented for the Executive’s consideration. The report sought the Executive’s approval for the original proposal.


Having declared a prejudicial interest in this item, Councillor Richard Dew left the meeting whilst the discussion took place and a decision was made.


The Portfolio Member for Education, Libraries, Culture and Youth reported that the report is made in response to the statutory process. The Statutory Notice was issued on 2 October, 2018 with the 28 day period for objections ending on 29 October, 2018. 111 objections were received, 109 of which were presented on a standard proforma as in Appendix 2 to the report.


The Head of Learning said that in accordance with the School Organisation Code 2013 issued by the Welsh Government the Isle of Anglesey County Council as the proposer is required to issue a report describing any objections received. The Objection Report is contained in Appendix 1 which provides details of the nature of the objections presented by stakeholders. These can be broadly grouped under the themes of Transport and Travel, Choice, the conduct of the Consultation Process, and the Community Centre and the School Building’s future. The Authority’s response to the objections is also outlined.


Councillor R.G.Parry, OBE, FRAgS, Portfolio Member for Highways, Waste and Property and a Local Member said that locally there were two main areas of concern which related to the hazardous nature of the road network in the vicinity of the preferred site for the new school and the implications for pupils travelling to the new school from Bodffordd, and also the future of the Community Centre in Bodffordd which forms part of the school and its continued availability for use by the community after the school has closed. The Portfolio Member said that the implementation of traffic measures in the area of the new school has been considered with external specialists having concluded that a roundabout is needed on the B5109 to provide access to the school. The Authority will decide whether to provide transport to the new primary school after a safety assessment of the travel route. As regards the community centre, meetings with Bodffordd Community Council have been held to consider ways of preserving the community hall in line with the Executive’s original decision.


The Portfolio Member for Education, Libraries, Culture and Youth said this matter has been the under consideration for over two years and in that time has been the subject of extensive discussion through a non-statutory and statutory consultation process, the process also having been paused to re-consider the options for this area.  Although on the one hand the proposal means that a school is closing which is always a difficult proposition, on the other hand the area is being provided with a brand new school building which will serve it for many years to come.


The Executive in considering the report made the following points-


           The Executive re-emphasised the importance of finding ways of securing a resource for community use where the community school is closing.

           The Executive noted that letters sent by some parents in the area to the Executive’s members have been considered and their contents are reflected in the Officer’s report.

           The Executive noted that an alternative scheme put forward by Cymdeithas yr Iaith was considered earlier in the process.

           The Executive noted that it has always acknowledged that closing a school is a difficult course to take; such decisions are made collaboratively taking in a wide range of information including the professional guidance of Officers with the aim of securing the best option for each area.


It was resolved -


           To approve the original proposals namely – Propose not to support Ysgol Bodffordd, Bodffordd, Anglesey, LL77 7LZ and Ysgol Corn Hir, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7JB, that are at present maintained by the Isle of Anglesey County Council and to set up a new Welsh-medium community primary school to be maintained by the Isle of Anglesey County Council on land by the Bryn Meurig Housing Estate, Llangefni LL77 7JB for boys and girls aged 3 to 11 year old.

           To authorise Officers to continue with the process of building a new primary school in Llangefni on land near Bryn Meurig housing estate subject to the site being suitable.

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