Agenda item

Applications Arising

7.1  FPL/2019/13 – Telephone Mast, Nebo

7.2  FPL/2018/57 – Parc Tyddyn Bach, Holyhead

7.3  FPL/2018/52 – Holyhead Rugby Club, Bryn y Mor Road, Valley

7.4  FPL/2019/31 – Ty Mawr, Pentraeth

7.5  FPL/2019/51 – Preswylfa, Valley

7.6  14C257 – Cefn Trefor, Trefor


7.1  FPL/2019/13 – Full application for the erection of an agricultural shed for the housing of livestock and the storage of machinery and fodder together with the construction of a hard standing access track on land adjacent to Telephone Mast, Nebo


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.  At the meeting held on 3rd April, 2019, it was resolved that a site visit be undertaken and subsequently the site was visited on 17th April, 2019.  The Planning and Orders Committee held on 1st May, 2019 resolved to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.


As he had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the application, Councillor Richard O Jones stood down as Vice-Chair but remained at the meeting in order to make representations as Local Members.  He left the meeting during discussions and voting thereon. 


Councillor Richard O Jones showed maps of the planning history of the site to the Committee.  He said that the telephone mast has been demolished but the concrete block foundations remains.  He said that he considered that the application site complies with planning policy AMG2; it was apparent at the site visit that the proposed agricultural shed would not be visible from the nearby highway if the hedgerow grows any higher and it would comply with Policy PCYFF 4 and PCYFF3. 


The Development Control Manager outlined the principle planning issues in relation to the application.  She noted that the site is located within the Special Landscape Area of Parys Mountain and adjoining the AONB and the recommendation is to refuse the application.

Councillor K P Hughes said that there is justification in approving the application as it complies with relevant planning policies.  Councillor Hughes proposed to reaffirm the decision of the previous meeting to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendations.  


Councillor John Griffith said that the Planning Officer’s recommendations to refuse the application is clear and especially the comments as regards to the effects on the landscape.    Councillor Griffith proposed that the application be refused. There was no seconder to the proposal of refusal.


Following the ensuing vote it was RESOLVED to reaffirm the decision to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation and to authorise the Officer’s to apply conditions as regards to landscaping and access to the site.


7.2 FPL/2018/57 – Full application for the erection of 46 dwellings together with the creation of a new vehicular access on land adjacent to Parc Tyddyn Bach, Holyhead


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member due to local concerns.  At the meeting held on 6th March, 2019, it was resolved that a site visit be undertaken and subsequently the site was visited on 20th March, 2019. 


The Development Control Manager outlined the principle planning issues in relation to the application.  She said that Welsh Water are satisfied with the details of the drainage on site; the Housing Department is satisfied with the mix of the housing units.  Response is still awaited from the Drainage Section and the JDLP Unit.  She further referred that there is local concerns as to the effect of the development which is listed within the report.  The development affords 4 affordable dwellings which complies with planning policies and a payment will be afforded which is equivalent to the value of 60% of the value of a social rented three bedroom dwelling in Holyhead.  The developer will also afford an Open Space and an Informal Green Space on site which complies with planning policy ISA 5.  Concerns locally has also been raised as regards to the protection of badger setts in the vicinity of the development site and a scheme indicating and providing full specifications of all access points to the development is to be formed to maintain the ability of badgers to transect the application site to and from their foraging grounds.  The Officer’s further said that the design of the dwellings and layout of the site has been amended to mitigate the effect on neighbouring dwellings.  


Councillor Eric W Jones proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Kenneth P Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report and that a S106 legal agreement be signed as regards to affordable housing provision, open spaces and badger scheme as noted within the report.


7.3  FPL/2018/52 – Full application for the erection of a new changing rooms and club house for Holyhead Rugby Club at Holyhead Rugby Club, Bryn y Môr Road, Valley


Having declared an interest in the application, the Development Control Engineer withdrew from the meeting during discussions and determination thereof.


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of two Local Members.  At the meeting held on 1st May, 2019, it was resolved that a site visit be undertaken and subsequently the site was visited on 15th May, 2019. 


Public Speakers


Mr Dilwyn Williams (against the proposal), said that he was representing the local residents living near the proposed application and noted that their concerns is relating to the increased use of the clubhouse and extra traffic travelling along a narrow road to the site.  It is considered that the proposed development is excessive to the area as the neighbouring properties are all residential and agricultural dwellings.  He said that there has been no public use of the facilities at the present rugby club and local parking facilities are used during rugby matches.  Mr Williams further said that local resident are having to put up with foul language and rubbish thrown into their gardens which is classed as anti-social behaviour and this situation will deteriorate if this application is approved due to the increased use of the site.  During the winter period floodlighting at the club will be used which will cause light nuisance to neighbouring properties; mobile floodlighting is also used which is powered by generators which cause noise pollution.  The applicants have said that an acoustic fence is proposed across the boundary walls but it was considered that this would not mitigate such noise from the site.   He expressed that the Rugby Club do not respect the residents of Bryn-y-Môr Road as they have not consulted with the local community as regards to the proposed new facilities on the site.  Bryn-y-Môr Road is a single track highway and traffic travel at excessive speed along the road which is dangerous to pedestrians. 


The Committee questioned Mr Williams as to what is different in the proposed application to which already exists on site.  Mr Williams responded that a present there is inadequate parking facilities on the site; the only adequate piece of land for parking facilities is at the end of the field which is marshland.  The parking facilities proposed by the applicant for 75 car parking areas is considered inadequate when large gathering attend during important rugby matches. 


Ms Georgia Crawley (in support of the application) said that the Holyhead Rugby Club has resided on this application site for over 50 years and has 250 members.  Over the last few years the Club has established a Women and Children’s Rugby Teams and also affords training facilities.  The current facilities on the site is of a poor condition and the proposed new building has been designed to provide the standards of facilities that the Club requires.   The Clubhouse will be finished to a grey render to ensure that it blend into the landscape and will be located away from adjacent residential properties and will have changing rooms to the rear of the building.  The kitchen area will allow the Club to serve refreshments following rugby games and events at the ground.  Ms Crawley further said that as part of the proposal additional parking spaces will be provided which will alleviate parking problems and will enable people to park on the site rather than on nearby road and public parking facilities.  She noted that the application is supported by full drainage plans which deal with foul and surface water.  The development proposal complies with Policy ISA 2 of the Joint Local Development Plan. 


The Committee questioned Ms Crawley as to the measures undertaken by the applicant to alleviate the concerns of local residents as regards to this proposed development.  Ms Crawley responded that the ability to afford facilities for all member of the Club will alleviate noise nuisance and extra parking facilities will also be afforded to ease local concerns together with a lighting scheme.  


Councillor R A Dew, a Local Member said that he was representing the residents of the community in opposition to this proposed application in respect of increased use of the clubhouse and the concerns as to the increase traffic that will be using the single track highway to the site.  He also noted that the Valley Community Council object to the proposed development at Bryn-y-Môr. It is appreciated that an existing facility already on site but concerns have been raised as to the scale of the development and the increase use of the facilities.  Councillor Dew questioned as whether the Clubhouse will be used outside the hours of rugby games on site.  The scheme affords extra parking facilities on site; residents have expressed that there has been a lack of use of current parking facilities on site at present and cars are parking at the side of the road.


Councillor Gwilym O Jones, a Local Member reiterated the concerns of the local residents as regards to this proposed development.  He appreciated that conditions will be attached to any approval of the application and highlighted that these need to be adhered to. 


The Development Control Manager outlined the principle planning issues in relation to the application.   She said that approval for a rugby pitch at Bryn-y-Môr, Valley was afforded in 1962 and numerous planning approval have been given over the years.  Members will be aware at the site visit that the clubhouse is in a dire state and the new facility will enhance the Rugby Club.  The site is within a designed AONB area and some changes have been made to the scheme so as to conform to the surrounding area.  An acoustic fence is to be erected to mitigate any noise nuisance from the site.  The Highways Authority has raised no concerns to the development as the use of the site as a rugby club already exist.  A Construction Traffic Management Plan and Operational Phase Traffic Management Plan condition will be imposed on any approval of the application.  The Officer’s further referred that the applicant has confirmed that a bar/social area is to be used for usual post-match food and drinks consumption which will be controlled under Licensing Legislation and will close at 10.00 p.m.  The Rugby Club has raised that there is restrictions that the Club is not be used before 10.00 a.m., but the purpose of this condition was to regulate the sale of refreshments and not to restrict the use of the pitch itself as the junior team train early in the morning.  Discussions has been undertaken as regards to the lighting of the site and that they be extinguish at 10.00 p.m.; a mobile floodlighting provision exist at present on the site and an additional condition is required to ensure lighting scheme be submitted as part of any approval of the application. 


Councillor Bryan Owen proposed that the application be approved and Councillor John Griffith seconded the proposal.  


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report and that additional condition be imposed that a lighting scheme be submitted and approved prior to installation on site.


7.4  FPL/2019/31 – Full application for the conversion of an outbuilding into a holiday letting unit together with the installation of a new septic tank at Ty Mawr, Pentraeth


Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the application, the Chair Councillor Nicola Roberts stood down as Chair and left the meeting during discussions and determination thereof.  The Vice-Chair took over as Chair for this item.


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.  At the meeting held on 1st May, 2019, it was resolved that a site visit be undertaken and subsequently the site was visited on 15th May, 2019. 


Councillor Margaret M Roberts, a Local Member highlighted the planning history of the site to the Committee.  She noted that the outbuilding is suitable for conversion to a holiday letting unit.  The owners of a wooden chalet next to the proposal has recently received planning permission for the erection a new dwelling which is to be used as a holiday home.  Councillor Roberts considered that this development would enrich the landscape and no objections has been received to the proposed development. 


The Development Control Manager outlined the principle planning issues in relation to the application as noted within the report.  She said that the scale of the proposal is considered excessive with a large proportion of the outbuilding to be demolished and rebuilt as a two storey section to the front elevation.  The proposal has a volume of approximately 786m3 which is nearly double the existing building.  Whilst it is noted that the increase footprint is small, the two storey proportion of the building adds considerable volume and scale which would be to the detriment of the buildings character and appearance. 


Councillor John Griffith said that the increase in the footprint of the development will be excessive; the development is within an AONB and also in view of the Coastal Path; it is also a distance from the development boundary of Pentraeth.  Councillor John Griffith proposed that the application be refused in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor R O Jones seconded the proposal.


Councillor Eric W Jones said that such a development needs to be supported as tourism is important for the economic benefit of the Island.  Councillor Jones proposed that the application be approved in contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor K P Hughes seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation as it is deemed that the holiday unit conforms with planning policies and will be of an economic benefit.


In accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution, the application was automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow Officers the opportunity to prepare a report on the reasons given for approving the application.


7.5  FPL/2019/51 – Full application for the change of use of land for open storage of stone material ancillary to the primary use of funeral undertakers on land opposite Preswylfa, Valley


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of two Local Members.  At its meeting held on the 1st May, 2019 the Committee resolved to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation. 


The Development Control Manager outlined the principle planning issues in relation to the application as noted within the report.  She said that the application site would become a brownfield site if the application was to be approved.  National Planning Policies are clear that such development should not be approved.  The Flood Risk Assessment submitted by the applicant is inaccurate having referred to the ridge height of the tidal doors and has relied on outdated breach analysis of Tyddyn Cob by utilising data from previous studies and would not withhold a legal challenge.  Natural Resources Wales has submitted clear objections to the application and the application is contrary to Technical Advice Note 15.  The recommendation is of refusal of the application.    


Councillor K P Hughes proposed to reaffirm the decision to approve the application.  Councillor Bryan Owen seconded the proposal.


The Development Control Manager said that if the Committee were mindful in approving the application she ascertained whether conditions needs to be attached to any approval of the application.  She noted that the applicant has submitted landscaping details as part of the application and a Flood Risk Assessment has been also submitted which states that the level of the land be at 2m to avoid flooding but the findings of the Assessment is inaccurate.  The Officer’s advised the Committee to place conditions on any approval of the application on the level of the land to mitigate any effect on neighbouring buildings and that discussion take place with NRW as regards to these conditions.


Councillor Dafydd Roberts said that he considered that as stone materials is to be stored on site he questioned whether porous material could be used to allow for surface water flow. 


The Committee voted as regards whether conditions needs to be place on the approval of the application and on the casting vote of the Chair it was resolved that conditions be attached to the application.


Councillor R O Jones abstained from voting. 


It was RESOLVED to reaffirm the decision to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation subject to additional conditions as regards to landscaping of the site and that porous material be used to allow for surface water flow.


7.6  14C257 – Outline application for the erection of an affordable dwelling together with full details of the vehicular access and drainage with all other matters reserved on land adjacent to Cefn Trefor, Trefor


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee for determination.


Councillor Bob Parry OBE FRAgS, a Local Member said that following discussion at the Joint Planning Policy Committee the applicant now conforms to the criteria ‘local connection’ to the village of Trefor.  He asked the Committee to support the application.


The Development Control Manager outlined the principle planning issues in relation to the application as noted within the report.  She said that at the meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 7th November, 2018 the application was deferred in order to refer the issue of the definition of local person and the rural hinterland of clusters within the meaning of Policy TAI 6 of the Joint Local Development Plan to the Joint Planning Policy Committee.  In light of the request for clarity over the extent of the ‘surrounding rural area’ in relation to Policy TAI 6 it was agreed that it would be beneficial for the emerging Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to provide the required advice for both affordable housing provision under Policies TAI 6 and TAI 4 of the JDLP. On 15th April, 2019 the SPG on Affordable Housing was adopted by the Joint Development Planning Committee and the definition of ‘surrounding rural area’ for applications, Local, Coastal or Rural Village or Clusters was adopted.  The Officer clarified that the ‘surrounding rural area’ definition was that a distance of 6km from the site of the application and the extent of any Community Council area bisected by the 6km distance, but excluding properties within the development boundary of any settlement other than the settlement within the application is located.  She noted that the Local Planning Authority continues to recommend refusal of the application due to the scale of the proposed dwelling as it would create an intrusive feature in the locality. 


The Chair, Councillor Nicola Roberts said that she supported the applicants in respect of this application as she did not consider that the proposed development would intrude into the character of the local community.  Councillor Nicola Roberts proposed to reaffirm the decision to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor Bryan Owen seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to reaffirm the decision to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions within the written report and that a S106 legal agreement be signed as regards to the ‘local connection’ criteria which the applicant conforms to in accordance with the Joint Local Development Plan criteria.



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