Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1  OP/2019/14 – Gelli Aur, Brynsiencyn


12.2  DEM/2019/14 – Llaingoch Primary School, South Stack Road, Holyhead


12.3  FPL/2019/207 – Former Marquis Inn site, Rhosybol


12.1    OP/2019/14 – Outline application for the erection of a dwelling with all matters reserved on land adjacent to Gelli Aur, Brynsiencyn 


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as the land is owned by the Council.


The Development Management Manager reported that the application site is a vacant piece of land between 2 dwellings located on the established estate known as Trefenai, Brynsiencyn. An outline of the scale of the dwelling in terms of upper and lower limits has been provided as part of the application and if approved, a condition will be placed on the permission (condition 08) to restrict the length and width of the property to the sizes shown on the site plan to ensure the development complies with relevant distances from neighbouring properties. The Officer said that consultees are satisfied with the proposal and have given conditional approval and she confirmed that the Drainage Section has since provided standard comments with regard to the site’s drainage system. Although no representations have been received to date, the expiry period for the receipt of the same does not end until the 6th November; therefore subject to no representations being received which raise new matters before the expiry of the publicity period, the recommendation is to approve the application.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed, seconded by Councillor Eric Jones that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions contained therein and subject also to no representations being received which raise new matters before the expiry of the publicity period.


12.2    DEM/2019/14 – Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of the existing school at Ysgol Gynradd Llaingoch, South Stack Road, Holyhead


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it relates to Council owned land.


The Development Management Manager reported that under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, the demolition of buildings does not require planning permission subject to the developer first applying to the Local Planning Authority to confirm whether its prior approval is required for the method of demolition and any restoration of the site. In accordance with this process, the Local Planning Authority was afforded a 28 day period to consider the proposed demolition and it confirmed during that period that prior approval would be required in order to obtain a Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) which details management measures to minimise impacts from the demolition of the building including on residential amenity, and a Demolition Traffic Management Plan (DTEMP) which details management measures to minimise transport impacts in the demolition of the building. These plans have now been received and are being considered. An ecological assessment has been provided as part of the application which provides a method statement and mitigation for the demolition of the building on a precautionary basis in case bats are present. The details presented in the assessment are acceptable to the Planning Authority. The Officer’s recommendation therefore is one of approval subject to the DEMP and the DTEMP being satisfactory.


Councillor Vaughan Hughes proposed, seconded by Councillor Robin Williams, that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved that the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority is granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report and conditions therein and subject also to the details contained in the Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) and the  Demolition Traffic Management Plan (DTEMP) being acceptable to the Local Planning Authority.


12.3    FPL/2019/207 – Full application for the erection of 15 dwellings including 8 affordable dwellings together with the creation of a new access and associated developments at the former site of the Marquis Inn, Rhosybol 


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is submitted on behalf of the Local Authority.


The Development Management Manager reported that under the proposal 8 units (1 affordable) would be located on part of the site that lies within the development boundary of Rhosybol and 7 units (all affordable) would be located on part of the site that lies outside the boundary as an exception site under Policy TAI 16. The Housing Service has confirmed that there is a need for such housing locally and as required by Policy TAI 16, the applicant (as well as the policy section) have provided details to demonstrate that affordable housing cannot be delivered within a reasonable timescale on a market site inside the development boundary. No affordable housing units have been provided within the settlement since 2011 and none were in the housing land bank as at April, 2018. No site has been allocated for housing within Rhosybol and only one property in the area was on sale at a price that could be considered affordable at the time of the survey so the principle of developing the exception site to meet an identified need within the Rhosybol settlement is established. In terms of the character of the area it is the Officer’s view that the proposed dwellings are acceptable as regards their impact on the townscape and that they integrate appropriately into the surrounding area. Neither is it thought that the proposal will unacceptably affect the amenities of any adjacent properties, and in the interests of privacy, a 1.8m high fence is proposed along the development’s northern and southern boundaries. No objections have been raised locally to the proposal.


The Officer reported further that in the event of approval, under Policy ISA 1 the Council’s Lifelong Learning Service would be seeking a contribution of £36,771 towards educational facilities at Ysgol Rhosybol. Also,  Policy ISA 5 requires new housing proposals of 10 or more dwellings to provide suitable provision of open spaces where existing open space cannot meet the needs of the proposed housing development. In this case however because a local group has successfully secured funding to provide a play area in the village as there was none previously a financial contribution of around £1,500 to maintain the facility will be sought in lieu of a direct provision and this will be incorporated within a legal agreement.


The Officer further updated the Committee on changes/ amendments to the report as follows –


           A Construction Traffic Management Plan has now been received which is acceptable to the Highways Section. The plan stipulates the hours of operation meaning that condition (03) can be deleted.

           Condition (08) will need to be re-worded to stipulate that the scheme should be carried out in accordance with the details of the Construction Traffic Management Plan as presented.

           The plans show that a public footpath to the north of the development site is to be diverted through the site. A note will need to be attached to any consent to advise that implementing the diversion is subject to a separate approval process.

           The Highways Section initially objected to the inclusion of pedestrian accesses in front of the site on the basis that this could lead to on-street parking thereby impeding traffic in general. The proposal now includes on-site visitor parking spaces which addresses the objection.

           An additional condition is needed requiring that a programme of archaeological works be completed before any development takes place.


The Officer confirmed that subject to the amendments above, the recommendation is to approve the application.


Councillor Richard Owain Jones proposed, seconded by Councillor Bryan Owen, that the application be approved.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions contained therein and the changes outlined at the meeting, and subject also to a Section 106 agreement in respect of infrastructure contribution, affordable housing and open space requirements.

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