Agenda item

Public Services Board - Governance Arrangements

To submit a report by the Programme Manager, Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Services Board.


Submitted – a report by the Programme Manager, Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Services Board.


The Leader of the Council said that the Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Services Board was established in 2016 in line with the Well-being of the Future Generations Act 2015.  The aim of the Well-being of the Future Generations Act 2015 is to improve economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.  In order to determine the priorities for the Public Services Board a well-being assessment was carried out across well-being areas in Gwynedd and Anglesey which resulted in a series of engagement and consultation sessions.  The Public Services Board has agreed on priority areas to achieve the objectives as noted within the report.  The following Sub-Groups have also been established under Objective 1 – Communities which thrive and are prosperous in the long-term:-


·           Welsh Language Sub-Group – The sub-group has decided to focus primarily on a specific project ‘Arfer’ which looks at behavioural changes within the workplace and can lead to greater use of the Welsh language by those individuals who do not feel confident to use the language.  The ‘Arfer’ project is scheduled to run for 12 months in the first instance;

·           Climate Change Sub-Group – The sub-group has focused on understanding the data and evidence available from the group membership’s organisations so that it can be used to shape future projections and models of climate change.  This sub-group will also focus on communities and assets most at risk of flooding in Gwynedd and Anglesey.  The sub-group has also used ‘Fairbourne’ as a case of good practice and in order to learn lessons on aspects such as engagement and better collaboration for the well-being of communities;

·           Homes for local people – Gwynedd and Anglesey Councils are at present planning to develop innovative housing.  The sub-group is proposing to bring together the plans of public bodies and to put in place arrangements to work together to consider smaller number of innovative models.  A Project Management Officer, on a part-time basis, has been appointed to drive the work forward;

·           Poverty – Poverty remains a priority for the Board but there is no sub-group leading on the work at present.  It has been agreed that there was an opportunity through the Board to address the work already underway within both authorities before considering options for the Board to work in a more integrated and cohesive way.


The Leader of the Council further said that within Objective 2 a Health and Social Care Group for the West has been established.  The sub-group keeps an overview and ensures that the developments and changes that is required are introduced.  The sub-group also provides the leadership and governance required for the sub-groups associated with the work namely children, adults, mental health’ learning disability and community transformation.  She noted that the Board has received funding from the ‘Healthier Wales’ transformation budget. The Leader of the Council also referred to work undertaken, as a result of the funding, within a Ward in Ysbyty Gwynedd to identify the problems and challenges that exist within the Hospital.  The Board is also in the process of establishing Integrated Teams to work within the communities of both authorities.


It was reported that the Public Services Board is subject to scrutiny by both Gwynedd and Anglesey’s Scrutiny Committees and during the establishment of the Board it was agreed that a joint scrutiny panel should be considered to undertake the work.  Scrutiny Officers from both Authorities have evaluated both options of continuing with the existing local authority scrutiny arrangements or establishing a joint scrutiny panel but it has been concluded that the current arrangements of reporting to both authorities scrutiny committees is considered a better arrangement and to focus on aligning timetables and consistency of scrutiny arrangements across both counties. 


With reference to the Board’s resources it was reported that the Public Services Board has agreed to co-fund a resource for supporting the work of one of the sub-groups and it is anticipated that the need for resources will continue as the sub-groups mature and develop. 


The Board also manages risks in relation to projects and the work of the sub-groups to ensure that they operate in accordance with the well-being plan and proposed timetable.  A draft risk register will be submitted to the Board for approval in December 2019. 


The Leader of the Council said that a review of the Public Services Boards was undertaken on behalf of the 19 Public Services Boards in Wales in October 2019 by the Wales Audit Office to examine how the Boards operate.  A paper outlining a summary of the main recommendations and proposals on how the Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Services Board could respond to them, has been prepared and will be submitted to the Board at its next meeting in December 2019.  The paper will be shared with the Scrutiny Committees of both Councils thereafter.


The Committee considered the report and the scrutiny questions within the report and raised the following matters:-


·           Clarification was sought as to whether the Public Services Board has an agreed terms of reference.  The Programme Manager, Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Services Board responded that the Board has a terms of reference and it is a standing item on the Board’s agenda and will be on the Public Services Board website (;

·           Reference was made that the Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board has a joint Scrutiny Panel to scrutinise the work of the Public Services Board.   The Leader of the Council responded that during the establishment of the Public Services Boards across Wales it was an option that the local authorities could establish a joint working Board or to collaborate the work between the authorities; Gwynedd and Anglesey agreed to collaborate the work of the Board.  The Programme Manager, Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Services Board said that whilst the current scrutiny model is working well at present it is the intention of the Board to revisit the model of working in the future;

·           Reference was made that there is no sub-group at present dealing with poverty.  Members suggested that more focus needs to be given to poverty before the matter escalates and especially as Universal Credit has been implemented on the Island.  The Programme Manager, Gwynedd and Anglesey responded that the Board did have a Poverty Sub-Group and that the sub-group had not agreed on work streams that could add value to the work already undertaken by the Board’s partners with reference to poverty.  There was also the added risk that the sub-group did not have a member of the Board leading the work at present.  She said that the Board has agreed to keep an overview of the progress made by local authorities as regards to addressing poverty and thereafter the Board will agree where to focus its resource to add value to the work undertaken by the local authorities;

·           Questions were raised whether there are lessons to be learnt from the review undertaken as regards to Public Services Board held recently.  The Programme Manager, Gwynedd and Anglesey responded that due consideration has been given to the recommendations within the review of the Public Services Board.  She said that one of the recommendations is that the Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Services Board needs to be publish the Board’s papers and update the Board’s website and to ensure that residents of both Counties are engaged and involved in the work of the Board.  The Programme Manager further said that every five years the Board will need to review and update its wellbeing assessments;

·           Clarification was sought as to what assurances are given that the Public Services Board will deliver key milestones in a timely manner.  The Programme Manager, Gwynedd and Anglesey responded that each sub-group has identified key milestones within the work of the sub-groups and it is an intention that the Public Services Board challenges the focus of the sub-groups.  The Sub-Groups will continue to submit progress reports to the Board and to assure that progress is made;

·           Reference was made to the ‘Homes for Local People’ scheme and that a draft project plan has been developed for publication in July 2020.  Questions were raised whether there would be an impact on the scheme due to this Authority having its own housing stock and Gwynedd Council having transferred it housing stock to Adra (Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd).  It was further raised whether the ‘Homes for Local People’ scheme would comply with polices within the Joint Local Development Plan.  The Leader of the Council responded that housing needs within both authorities are similar.  She noted that other housing associations are members of the ‘Homes for Local People’ Sub-Group; discussions are undertaken also with the Health Board with regard to land availability for such housing schemes.  She said that the Joint Planning Policy Unit will be working closely as regards to this scheme.  The Chief Executive said that the ‘Homes for Local People’ scheme needs to add value to the dire need for homes for young local people.  


It was RESOLVED to note the progress of the work of the joint Public Services Board.


ACTION : As noted above.


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