Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1  FPL/2019/300 – 15/16 Coedwig Terrace, Penmon


12.2  DEM/2019/17 – Ysgol Parch. Thomas Ellis, Maes Hyfryd Road, Holyhead


12.3  DEM/2019/18 – Holyhead Library, Newry Street, Holyhead


12.4  DEM/2019/19 –  Y Parc School, Maes yr Haf, Holyhead


12.5  22C197E/VAR – Tan y Coed, Beaumaris


12.6  FPL/2019/258 – Beaumaris Social Club, Steeple Lane, Beaumaris


12.7  FPL/2019/299 – Ysgol Y Tywyn, Ffordd Minffordd, Caergeiliog


12.1    FPL/2019/300 – Full application for alterations and extensions together with the creation of new parking area at 15/16 Coedwig Terrace, Penmon 


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Council’s Housing Service and is on Council owned land.


The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal is for the demolition of the single storey extensions to the rear of 15 and 16 Coedwig Terrace together with the erection of two storey extensions in lieu to the rear of both properties. The site is located within the Anglesey Coastal Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The interior layout of both properties will be amended to make better use of the space and to provide a two bedroom dwelling in each case. Under the scheme all aspects of the external finishes will be renewed and replaced with modern equivalents meaning the proposed development will better reflect and integrate with the appearance of the street most of which has already been upgraded to modern materials. It is not considered that the scheme will result in any unacceptable impact on the amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties. The Highways Service has since confirmed that it is satisfied with the proposal subject to standard conditions additional to those set out in the report.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed, seconded by Councillor Dafydd Roberts that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions contained therein and additional standard conditions in relation to highways.


12.2    DEM/2019/17 – Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of the former Ysgol Parch.Thomas Ellis, Maes Hyfryd Road, Holyhead


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it submitted by the County Council and is on Council owned land.


The Development Management Manager reported that under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, the demolition of buildings does not require planning permission subject to the developer first applying to the Local Planning Authority to confirm whether its prior approval is required for the method of demolition and any restoration of the site. Two of the Local Members have confirmed they have no objections to the proposal; neither has the Town Council any objections provided that the playing field is retained for community use and the site considered for future use as a new medical centre. However, as under the provisions of the Order only the method of demolition and restoration of the site are to be considered, the retention of the site and its future use are not considerations in determining the application. In accordance with this process, the Local Planning Authority was afforded a 28 day period to consider the proposed demolition and it confirmed during that period that prior approval would be required in order to obtain a Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) which details management measures to minimise impacts from the demolition of the building including on residential amenity, and a Demolition Traffic Management Plan (DTEMP) which details management measures to minimise transport impacts in the demolition of the building. Those plans are awaited and subject to the details within those plans being satisfactory, the proposed method of demolition and subsequent restoration of the site are considered acceptable and the recommendation is to approve the application.


Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes asked that the demolition process be expedited in order to prevent vandalism and anti-social behaviour on the former school site.


Councillor Bryan Owen proposed, seconded by Councillor Robin Williams, that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved that the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority is granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the  conditions therein and subject also to the receipt of an acceptable  Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) and a Demolition Traffic Management Plan (DTEMP).


12.3    DEM/2019/18 – Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of the former Holyhead Library, Newry Street, Holyhead


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is submitted by the County Council and is on Council owned land.


The Development Management Manager reported that as with the previous application the demolition of buildings is considered permitted development subject to the developer first applying to the Local Planning Authority to confirm whether its prior approval is required for the method of demolition and any restoration of the site. Under this process  the Local Planning Authority was afforded a 28 day period to consider the proposed demolition and it confirmed during that period that prior approval would be required in order to obtain a Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) which details management measures to minimise impacts from the demolition of the building including on residential amenity, and a Demolition Traffic Management Plan (DTEMP) which details management measures to minimise transport impacts in the demolition of the building. Those plans are awaited and their acceptability will be assessed by the Local Planning Authority when they are received. An ecological assessment has been provided and is acceptable to the Local Planning Authority. In addition, as the application site is located in proximity to the Holyhead conservation area, the restoration proposals for the site following demolition of the building are currently under discussion with the Council’s Heritage Advisor. The implications of the demolition for trees present on the car park adjacent to the Library which are within the conservation area are also being considered at the time of the report’s writing. Subject to the receipt of an acceptable DEMP and DTEMP, confirmation of restoration proposals and preservation of the trees adjacent to the site as part of the demolition process, the proposed method of demolition is considered acceptable. The recommendation is therefore to approve the application.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed, seconded by Councillor Bryan Owen that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved that the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority is granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions therein and subject also to the receipt of an acceptable Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) and a Demolition Traffic Management Plan (DTEMP), confirmation of the restoration proposals and preservation of the trees adjacent to the site.


12.4    DEM/2019/19 – Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of the former Ysgol Y Parc, Maes yr Haf, Holyhead


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is submitted by the County Council and is on Council owned land.


The Development Management Manager reported that as with applications 12.2 and 12.3 the demolition of buildings is considered permitted development subject to the developer first applying to the Local Planning Authority to confirm whether its prior approval is required for the method of demolition and any restoration of the site. Under this process  the Local Planning Authority was afforded a 28 day period to consider the proposed demolition and it confirmed during that period that prior approval would be required in order to obtain a Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) which details management measures to minimise impacts from the demolition of the building including on residential amenity, and a Demolition Traffic Management Plan (DTEMP) which details management measures to minimise transport impacts in the demolition of the building. An ecological assessment has been provided as part of the application and is acceptable to the Local Planning Authority. As the application site is located in proximity to the Holyhead conservation area, the restoration proposals for the site following the demolition of the building are currently being discussed with the Council’s Heritage Adviser. Subject to the receipt of an acceptable DEMP and DTEMP and the confirmation of restoration proposals the proposed method of demolition is considered acceptable. The recommendation is therefore to approve the application.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed, seconded by Councillor Eric Jones that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved that the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority is granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the  conditions therein and subject also to the receipt of an acceptable Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) and a Demolition Traffic Management Plan (DTEMP) and confirmation of the restoration proposals.


12.5    22C197E/VAR – Application under Section 73 for the variation of condition (01) so as to extend the time limit to commence work together with the submission of details to discharge conditions (05) (proposed materials), (07) (landscaping scheme), (09) (slab levels), (10) (archaeology), (12) (drainage scheme), (14) (boundary treatment), (15) (hard surfaces), and (17) (external lighting) of planning permission reference 22C197B (Erection of 21 log cabins for holiday use) at Tan y Coed, Beaumaris


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it has been called in for the Committee’s determination by a Local Member.


Public Speaker


Mr Jamie Bradshaw spoke in support of the application explaining that this was not a new application for 21 log cabins but instead an application to discharge conditions on a previous approval and also to allow time to commence work on site. The site already has a lawful use certificate for 14 permanent holiday caravans and there was also a touring caravan camping club site allowed for 5 caravans and 10 tents through the Caravan Camping Club. Both these uses would be extinguished through a section 106 agreement which is a key consideration that weighs in favour of the scheme. Referring to local concerns, Mr Bradshaw said that these are dealt with in the Officer’s report. The matter of highway safety has been addressed through a travel plan and traffic statement prepared by traffic and engineering consultants SCP. This was an issue raised in appeal and the planning inspector felt there was no case to answer in this regard. Neither has the Council’s Highway Authority any objection to the scheme. The Council’s Landscape Adviser has expressed no objections to the scheme following detailed appraisal of the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and detailed landscaping scheme that have been submitted as part of the application. Furthermore, no objections have been raised by officers nor external consultees in relation to ecology, public footpaths, archaeology, heritage, planning policy, drainage or flood risk. The Officer’s report makes it clear that what is being proposed is more favourable in landscape and impact terms than what is already allowed on the site and would provide a more high quality development than the lawful use development. The development has already been through the appeal process where there was no objections to the principle of what is a high quality proposal.  Mr Bradshaw asked the Committee to support the application in line with the Officer’s advice.

The Committee sought clarification of Mr Bradshaw as to why following approval of the original application for 21 log cabins in 2013, work on the development had not commenced within the 5 year timeframe. Mr Bradshaw clarified that it had been a matter of securing finance for the development and he confirmed that the application as presented had been made before the expiry of the permission and that there had been extensive consultation with officers to ensure that the scheme was presented in its final form to provide the Committee with the information it needs to move forward with the application.


The Development Management Manager clarified that the proposal as presented is located over 2.5 hectares comprising of two fields (not three as in the plans shown on the agenda) and said that there have been a number of objections to the scheme locally as summarised in the Officer’s report. She referred to the planning history of the site and specifically to planning application 22C197 which was originally for 38 units over an area of 9 hectares. In the course of determining the application this was reduced to 21 units over a lesser area of 4.9 hectares. The application was refused by the Local Planning Authority on the grounds of sustainability, landscape and highway network. An appeal of this decision was only refused on landscape grounds by the Planning Inspectorate. A further application for 21 units on an area reduced from 4.9 hectares to 2.5 hectares was subsequently submitted and approved by the Local Authority. An application to discharge conditions 11 and 16 was submitted and approved but several conditions remained outstanding. The planning permission which the applicant now seeks to renew was subject to a legal agreement ensuring that the extant lawful use certificate is relinquished and that no touring caravans are sited on the land in connection with the Camping and Caravan Club. In effect, the proposal amounts to an increase of 7 units on the lawful use development of 14 permanent caravans. The Inspector was of the view that the proposal with the increase of 7 units, by relinquishing the lawful use application was not a large scale project in terms of its sustainability credentials, nor was it likely to lead to a significant increase in traffic especially as improvements in the form of additional passing paces are afforded as part of the development.

In considering extending the time limits to commence work on a development, consideration needs also to be given to any material changes since the original decision was taken – in this case changes in policy with the implementation of the JLDP - and in light of the fact that the current application was submitted the day before application 22C197B was due to expire, the application is assessed upon its merits with no fall-back position being in place. However, the extant permission for 14 permanent caravans does provide a fall-back position which has to be given consideration.

Policy TWR3 of the JLDP states that proposals for the development of new static caravans, holiday chalets or permanent alternative camping accommodation will be refused within the Anglesey Coast AONB and the Special Landscape Area. However, weight should be given to the Inspector’s decision and the lawful use of the site. It is also considered that the proposed development including the highway improvements, landscaping scheme and ecology enhancements that form part of the proposal represent an improvement on the lawful use development. The details submitted to discharge the requirements of the conditions have been assessed and are considered acceptable. An archaeology scheme has been submitted and the comments of Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Services thereon are awaited. Subject to the receipt  of those comments and subject  to conditions and a legal agreement ensuring that the extant lawful use certificate is relinquished and that no touring caravans are sited in connection with the Camping and Caravan Club, the proposal is considered acceptable on balance and the recommendation is therefore one of approval.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes in proposing that the application be approved proposed also that to ensure the safety of both pedestrians and motorists alike, an additional condition be attached to consent requiring that the six additional passing places to be created as part of the development be put in place prior to the commencement of the development. Councillor Hughes, referring to an application in his electoral ward which was approved conditional upon the creation of passing places said that the passing places did not materialise for years afterwards.


Councillor Bryan Owen seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions contained therein and an additional condition with regard to passing places, a section 106 agreement, and subject also to the receipt of comments by Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Services in respect of the Archaeology Scheme.


12.6    FPL/2019/258 – Full application for the demolition of the existing building together with the erection of six one bedroom flats in lieu at Beaumaris Social Club, Steeple Lane, Beaumaris


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is submitted on behalf of the County Council.


The Development Management Manager reported that the application site will be served from the existing access from Margaret Street. The proposed building will be three storey in height and will be located predominantly on the footprint of the existing structure. Parking spaces together with a communal amenity space and refuse area are proposed to the rear. The site is located within the development boundary of Beaumaris and lies within the Beaumaris Conservation Area and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The site is also within the setting of the World Heritage Site and adjoins two listed buildings.

In the Joint Local Development Plan, Beaumaris is identified as a Local Service Centre under Policy TAI 5 under which there is an expectation that new residential units will be made available to the local housing market and that there should be a contribution towards affordable housing. Since the Local Authority is the applicant in this case, conditions will be attached to any permission to ensure that the proposed units comply with the requirements of JLDP in this respect.


The Local Highways Authority has assessed the application and confirmed that the situation in relation to the private access drive to the rear of the application site where the parking facilities are located is not ideal. However, having considered the existing permitted use of the site and the associated potential traffic that could be generated along with the existing vehicular and pedestrian traffic to the garages and the existing dwellings along this route, the Local Highways Authority has concluded that subject to appropriate conditions the proposal will not result in a significant increase in traffic such as to detrimentally impact on highway safety. At the time of writing the report, six letters of representation had been received raising the issues as summarised in the report. With regard to effects upon the amenities of neighbouring properties, there is a distance of approximately 5 metres between the proposed development and properties opposite Steeple Lane; the proposed parking area that will serve the occupiers of the development borders the curtilages of neighbouring properties and the subject building is also attached to a commercial and residential property. Given the existing use of the land as a social club it is not considered that the proposed residential use would be worse upon the amenities of the neighbouring properties in comparison with the extant permission. In addition, the subject building is in a derelict condition and is an eyesore in what is a Conservation Area. Consultees including CADW have confirmed that the proposal will not have an impact on the Beaumaris Conservation Area, the AONB, and the World Heritage site nor on the Scheduled Ancient Monuments. It is considered that the proposal offers a significant improvement on the area’s visual amenities as well as providing a beneficial use for a building that has been standing empty for many years. The recommendation is therefore to approve the application.


Councillor Vaughan Hughes proposed, seconded by Councillor Dafydd Roberts that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions contained therein.


12.7    FPL/2019/299 – Full application for the erection of a mobile classroom which includes the creation of a car park and play area at Ysgol Y Tywyn, Ffordd Minffordd, Caergeiliog


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is submitted by the County Council and is on Council owned land.


The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal consists of the erection of a mobile classroom on part of the existing school ground which is to the Eastern side of the school along with a parking area to the rear of the classroom and a new soft play area in front. Following concerns raised by the Ecological Adviser about the removal of a small hedgerow amended plans have been submitted which detail a new planting scheme to make up the loss of the existing hedgerow. The proposed development fits in with the surrounding area and will not impact on any neighbouring properties and as such, is considered acceptable. As the local sewerage system to which the proposal will connect is a private system a notice has been served on the Ministry of Defence and, at the time of writing the report, the Ministry’s comments were awaited. Subject to the receipt of those comments the recommendation is to approve the proposal.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed, seconded by Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions contained therein and subject also to receipt of comments by the Ministry of Defence.

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