Agenda item

Social Services Improvement Plan Progress Report

To submit a report by the Director of Social Services and the Interim

Head of Adults’ Services.


The report of the Director of Social Services and the Interim Head of Adults’ Services on progress to date in Social Services was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Chair and Portfolio Member for Social Services reported that the Social Services Improvement Panel has continued to meet regularly over the course of the past six months and continues to receive evidence of developments across both Adults’ Services and Children and Families’ Services. The report provides a synopsis of the projects/initiatives that have been taken forward in the period. It is also encouraging to note that Social Services are currently working within budget with both Adults’ Services and Children and Families’ Services on target to close the financial year in this position.


The Director of Social Services said that despite the daily challenges of Covid-19 and the unprecedented demands on staff, Social Services have managed to continue with their statutory duties as well as progressing developmental and innovative projects across both Adults’ Services and Children and Families’ Services. Young Carers ID Cards have been launched in the period to highlight a young person’s status as a carer and a digital format has also been developed in response to young carers’ stated preference for a digital ID. The Cartrefi Clyd scheme continues to expand with the third Small Group Home now progressing and an offer made on a fourth property to the North of the Island. The Service has secured ICF funding to purchase a detached bungalow in order to offer a better day care provision for children with complex needs and a property has been identified and is in the process of being purchased. The Service has also recognised the need to move quickly to a No Wrong Door approach in responding to the emotional well-being and mental health needs of children and young people that will ensure that children, young people and their families receive the help they need when they ask for it and will not be told that they are knocking on the wrong door and should go elsewhere.


The Interim Head of Adults’ Services updated the Executive on progress within Adult’s Services and acknowledged that the period has been challenging especially for service users and their families, and for carers and the Service’s partners across the sector. What has emerged however is that everyone has pulled together to find creative solutions to ensure that support has continued to be provided for those who need it and as a result, collaboration has been strengthened. In terms of specific work streams, an independent audit of Adults’ Social Care Services has been commissioned the intention being to provide an overview of what is a complex service area and produce clear and agreed recommendations on specific  areas that require focus in order to improve the outcome for service users. Three Community Resource Teams are now in place and are meeting virtually. Elsewhere in Adults’ Social Services, the pandemic has had a delaying effect with aspects of the work on the Adults’ Learning Disability Day Opportunity Strategy currently on hold and the development of the Shared Lives Programme having been significantly impacted – it has been decided that this project will continue but will be opened up to support older people. Although the expansion of the Community Hubs has likewise paused, work has continued virtually for example on developing digital hubs.


Councillor Aled Morris Jones provided feedback from the Corporate Scrutiny Committee meeting on 8 March, 2021 where the report was discussed and updates were provided in response to questions raised. The Committee was satisfied with the improvements made and the pace of progress and recommended the report for the Executive’s approval.


It was resolved to confirm that the Executive is satisfied with the pace of progress and improvements made to date within both Adults’ Services and the Children and Families’ Services.



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