Agenda item

Applications Arising


7.1 – FPL/2021/304 - The Lodge, Capel Bach, Rhosybol


7.2 – FPL/2021/302 - Bunwerth, Trearddur Bay, Holyhead



7.1  FPL/2021/304 – Retrospective application for the use of a static caravan for holiday purposes at The Lodge, Capel Bach, Rhosybol


(Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest with regard to the application, Councillor Robin Williams withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and determination thereof).


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.  At its meeting held on 12 January, 2022 the Committee recommended that a virtual site visit be undertaken to the application site.  A virtual site visit subsequently took place on 16 January, 2022.  At its meeting held on 2 February, 2022 the Committee resolved to approve the application contrary to Officer’s recommendation as it was considered that it is part of a current tourism enterprise and is of high quality and it therefore complies with planning polices PCYFF 1 and TWR 3 of the Joint Local Development Plan. 


The Planning Development Manager reported that the application is made for the change of use of an existing static caravan used for incidental purposes into holiday accommodation.  It is acknowledged that the site has Caravan Club Licence for 5 touring caravans and a converted single holiday let on site but these are considered to be alternative holiday accommodation options as opposed to being associated facilities, therefore the proposal fails to comply with the guidance provided within SPG.  The Tourism Facilities and Accommodation SPG states that applications for standalone single caravans, chalets or pods placed in a field or within the curtilage of residential dwellings without any associated facilities are not considered to be high quality development and therefore do not align with Policy TWR 3.  These type of developments do not enhance the type and quality of the tourism offer in the plan area and the cumulative effects of such developments can have a negative impact on the landscape.  The Planning Development Manager further said that permitting the application would create a precedent for other such developments and therefore it is considered that the proposed development does not comply with the relevant planning policies and the recommendation is still of refusal of the application.


Councillor Aled M Jones, a Local Member said that the previous meeting of this Committee approved the application as it was considered that the existing static caravan on site was part of a current tourist enterprise and affords holiday accommodation of the highest quality.  The location of the site is sustainable as it is in the village of Rhosybol and the applicant is local to the area.  Councillor Jones asked the Committee to reaffirm its previous decision to approve the application. 


Councillor Ieuan Williams said that numerous static caravans across the Island are used for holidays contrary to planning conditions.  However, the applicant has formally submitted an application to the planning authority for the use of a static caravan for the purpose of holiday accommodation.   He noted that the site has a holiday let on site together with a Caravan Club Licence for 5 touring caravans.  He further said that he considered that it was a matter of different option whether the static caravan accommodation is of high quality and it was evident on the virtual site visit that the site is of high quality holiday tourist accommodation.  Councillor Ieuan Williams proposed to reaffirm the Committee’s previous decision to approve the application.  Councillor Vaughan Hughes seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to reaffirm the Committee’s previous approval of the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.


7.2  FLP/2021/302 – Full application for the change of use of land from agricultural to accommodate 10 touring caravans at Bunwerth, Trearddur Bay


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of two local members.  At its meeting held on 12 January, 2022 the Committee recommended that a virtual site visit be undertaken to the application site. A virtual site visit subsequently took place on 26 January, 2022.  At the meeting held on 2 February, 2022 the Committee resolved to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation as it was considered that the proposal would  not have an impact on the AONB due to it being a touring site restricted to seasonal use and further screening of the site will be undertaken by the applicant.


The Planning Development Manager reported the existing screening on the site has gaps in the hedgerow is low in height, the north east of the site would be most visible from the highway. The touring caravans would be white and therefore be obtrusive.  A landscaping scheme has been provided with the planning application to reinforce the existing screening, however, it is important to note that it will take 5 – 10 years for the screening to establish to become substantially effective.   The Local Planning Authority does not consider that the existing site is well screened and this would be contrary to Criteria 1 of Planning Policy TWR5 which states that development should be sited in an unobtrusive location, well screened which can be readily assimilated into the landscape in a way that does not significantly harm the visual quality of the landscape.  He further said that Paragraph 5.3.5 of Planning Policy Wales states that the primary objective of designating an AONB is the conservation and enhancement of their natural beauty and that development management decisions should favour conservation of natural beauty.  It is acknowledged that this is a touring caravan site, however, there will be an element of permanent features such as the toilet block, the track and hardstanding under each caravan pitch and these will have an all year effect on the AONB.  The recommendation is still one of refusal of the application.


The Chair read out correspondence in support of the application by Councillor J Arwel Roberts, a Local Member who was having difficulties joining the meeting.


Councillor T Ll Hughes MBE, and a local member, said that he reiterated his previous approval of the application as the proposal will be a seasonal touring caravan site and the site is not visible from the highway.  He further said that there is a large caravan site opposite the site for winter storage. He further referred that a large caravan site in Caergeiliog is visible from the A55 with permanent caravans on site all year round.  Councillor Hughes proposed to reaffirm the Committee’s previous decision to approve the application.  Councillor Eric Jones seconded the proposal of approval.


Councillor John Griffith said that as the site is within an AONB he proposed that the application be refused in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  There was no seconder to the proposal of refusal.


It was RESOLVED to reaffirm the Committee’s previous approval of the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.



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