Agenda item

Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers

11.1 28C186C – Ty Newydd, Llanfaelog


11.2 45C83E – Tre Wen, Pen Lôn, Newborough


11.1    28C186C – Full application for change of use of existing outbuildings into three dwellings at Ty Newydd, Llanfaelog


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is related to a relevant officer as defined by paragraph of the Council’s Constitution. The application has been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under the said paragraph.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the proposed conversion of the existing outbuildings into three dwellings is supported by policy and planning permission has already been granted for the proposal in 2009 but has now lapsed. There have been no material changes in the local and national policies governing this type of development in the intervening period and it is the Officer’s opinion that the design of the proposal respects the character and appearance of the existing building and will not have a detrimental impact on the amenities of the neighbouring properties, surrounding area or highway safety.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the application be approved and the proposal was seconded by Councillor Kenneth Hughes.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report. (Councillor Ann Griffith abstained from voting)


11.2    45C83E – Full application for conversion of the existing workshop into three dwellings at Tre Wen, Pen Lôn, Newborough


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is related to a relevant officer. The application has been scrutinised by the Council’s Monitoring Officer.


Mr Gwyndaf Rowlands, a Public Speaker addressed the Committee in opposition to the application and cited impacts on the character of the area which is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; the setting of a new precedent for this area; overdevelopment and access issues as grounds for objection.


Mr Richard Owen spoke on behalf of his parents, the applicants in favour of the proposal and he said that the proposal complies with policy and that every effort will be made to ensure it blends in with its surroundings by making as few changes as possible to the appearance of the existing building. There are no objections by the Landscape Section and there will be no amenity impacts as regards existing housing. In response to a question by the Committee as regards whom the three proposed dwellings would cater for, Mr Owen clarified that whilst they would enable future generations of the family to remain within the community, they could also in the meantime be utilised as holiday lets.

The Planning Development Manager reported that no written objections to the proposal had been received apart from an unspecified objection by the Community Council. In terms of the principle of development this type of development is supported by policy which does not place any restriction on usage. The scheme retains the character and form of the existing building and it is not considered it will lead to any unacceptable impact on the designated landscape of the AONB; neither is it considered it will result in any amenity impacts. There are no technical or highway issues arising and the recommendation is therefore one of approval.


The Highways Officer said that the car parking condition suggested by the Highways Department relates to the need for the site to comply with parking standards; the Officer confirmed that the plan sets out the spaces available and the condition serves to ensure that the parking arrangements are in line with the details submitted as part of the application.


The Committee noted that as Rhosyr Community Council had not made explicit its objection to the proposal it was difficult to give weight to it.


Councillor Ann Griffith speaking as a Local Member said that she had not received any representations either way regarding the proposal but was disappointed that the Community Council had not put forward a planning reason for objecting to it. She referred to the number of newly built properties in the village which become holiday homes and are empty for most of the year and said that Newborough is fast becoming a form of Rhosneigr by the sea. These are properties which are beyond the financial reach of local people and she saw no local need for this further development which she believed to be overdevelopment in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. She proposed that the application be refused. There was no seconder to the proposal.

Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be approved and the proposal was seconded by Councillor Kenneth Hughes.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report. (Councillors Nicola Roberts and Victor Hughes abstained from voting)

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