Agenda item

Applications Arising

7.1  15C215C – Tyddyn Bwrtais, Llangadwaladr

7.2  44C102A – Hazelbank, Rhosybol

7.3  45C84M/ENF – Pendref, Penlon, Newborough


7.1          15C215C – Full application for the erection of a dwelling together with the installation of a septic tank on land adjacent to Tyddyn Bwrtais, Llangadwaladr


(Having declared an interest in the application, Councillor T. Victor Hughes was not present during the consideration and determination thereof).


Councillor Ann Griffith stood down as Chair of the Committee for this

application in order to address the matter as a Local Member. The Vice-Chair chaired the item.


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.  At the meeting held on 5 October, 2016 the Committee resolved that a site visit should take place and this was subsequently carried out on 19 October, 2016.


Councillor Ann Griffith, a Local Member said that there are no objections to the application locally.  She noted that the application site is located within the periphery of the village of Llangadwaladr.  Llangadwaladr is a listed settlement under Policy 50 of the Ynys Môn Local Plan and under HP5 of the Stopped Unitary Development Plan.  She believed that approving this application would not have an adverse effect on the landscape and that it is an appropriate landfill.  Councillor Griffith referred to the reference within the Officer’s report to the effect of such a development on the AONB; she was of the opinion that a dwelling in this location would not have a negative effect on the AONB.


Councillor Peter Rogers, a Local Member said that the applicant cares for his elderly mother who lives at Tyddyn Bwrtais.  The dwelling has been in the family for over a century.  At present the applicant lives in a caravan on the site.  Councillor Rogers said that a condition could be enforced on any approval of the application to restrict any further development of the land.


The Planning Development Manager stated that due to the distances between the proposed dwelling and the developed part of the hamlet, the proposal is not considered as an acceptable infill application and would leave a gap between the village and the dwelling.  The application site is located within an AONB area.  The recommendation was to refuse the application.


Councillor K.P. Hughes said that Llangadwaladr is a listed settlement where single plots can be approved; a pattern of such dwellings already exist in the village of Llangadwaladr.  He proposed that the application be approved.  Councillor Jeff Evans seconded the proposal. 


Councillor Lewis Davies said that such a development can have an adverse effect on the landscape and the AONB.  He proposed that the application be refused in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor John Griffith seconded the proposal.


Following the subsequent vote it was RESOLVED to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation as it was considered that the application conforms with Policy 50.


(In accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution, the application was automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow Officers the opportunity to prepare a report in respect of the reasons given for approving the application).


7.2  44C102A – Outline application for the erection of a dwelling with all matters reserved on land to the rear of Hazelbank, Rhosybol

The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.  At its meeting held on 7th September, 2016 the Committee recommended that a site visit should take place and subsequently it was carried out on the 21st September, 2016.  At the Planning and Orders Committee held on 5th October, 2016 the application was deferred in order to give the applicant an opportunity to serve notice on the neighbouring property.  The required notice has now been served on the neighbour. 


Ms. Roma Rerrie, the applicant spoke in favour of the proposal.  She said that the application site is behind her dwelling known as Hazelbank.  Her eldest daughter is severely disabled and has complex needs.  Her current home Hazelbank no longer meets her needs.  The proposed dwelling is primarily purpose build with an annex for her daughter and her carers. She requires one to one support and approval of the application would allow her to have constant support and access to community support on a more frequent basis.  This would give her more quality of life but still would have closeness to her family.  Ms. Rerrie further stated that selling her house, Hazelbank, will allow her financial sustainability which will allow her to build a purpose built dwelling for family and disabled daughter.   Ms. Rerrie said that she appreciated the comments of the Officer’s report to the Committee which notes refusal of the application due to tandem development; the proposed dwelling lies between a settlement boundary of the village of Rhosybol.  She noted that the dwelling would have an alternative access in the event if it is needed.  The land around Hazelbank is generous enough to allow for privacy measures from the new dwelling. 


The Committee questioned Ms. Rerrie as to whether she had considered utilizing the numerous outbuildings into a dwelling or demolishing them and building on the footprint of the outbuilding; this would alleviate having to encroach into the countryside.   Ms. Rerrie clarified that there is an issue of privacy for both Hazelbank and the proposed new dwelling; this is why she had chosen to identify the site in question.  The Committee further questioned as to why the applicant did not consider extending her current property Hazelbank for the purpose of her disabled daughter.  Ms. Rerrie responded that it would be very costly both for her and the local authority to renovate an old dwelling.  The reason for a new build was that it would be cost effectively for the family in the future.


Councillor W.T. Hughes, spoke as a Local Member and said that the family have lived in the village of Rhosybol for over 25 years.  Ms. Rerrie wishes to provide for her disabled daughter for the future.  The Highways Authority has not objected to the access to the development site. 


The Planning Development Manager said that the application was deferred at the last meeting so as to allow the applicant to serve notice on her neighbouring property.  Her neighbour has refused to reduce the height of the wall between the two properties at present. This will be a matter for the applicant to resolve if the Committee decided to approve the application.  The Officer said that Rhosybol is identified as a Listed Settlement under Policy 50 of the Ynys Môn Local Plan which allows for single plots applications within or on the edge of a village.  He stated that the access to the site is unacceptable due to the development constituting a tandem development i.e. one house behind each other which share the same access.    The Planning Development Manager said that if the Committee were minded to approve the application a ‘Grampian’ condition would state that no development can take place without agreement between both parties that the height of the wall between both properties is reduced.  The recommendation is to refuse the application.


Councillor Jeff Evans said that providing support and facilities for a disabled child is commendable.  Following his attendance at the site visit he did not consider that there is an issue not to support the application as it does not intrude or affect any AONB area; he considered that there would be no tandem development issues. Councillor Evans proposed that the application be approved.  Councillor W.T. Hughes seconded the proposal.


Councillor Lewis Davies said that whilst he sympathised with the applicant wishing to provide a purpose built home for her disabled daughter, he considered that the access to the site was dangerous.  He considered that the applicant should reapply for planning permission once the issue of reducing the height of the wall between neighbouring properties is resolved.  Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the application be refuse in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor T.V. Hughes seconded the proposal. 


Following the subsequent vote it was RESOLVED to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation but subject to a Grampian condition relating to the access as it was considered that the application will not create a tandem development.


(In accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution, the application was automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow Officers the opportunity to prepare a report in respect of the reasons given for approving the application).


7.3      45C84M/ENF – Retrospective application for the change of use of land into a    playing field together with the construction of a new access at Pendref, Penlon, Newborough


Councillor Ann Griffith stood down as Chair of the Committee for this

application in order to address the matter as a Local Member. The Vice-Chair chaired the item.


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


Mr. John Ifan Jones, a public speaker and an objector to the proposal said that he was representing the local residents.  He said that the land at Pendref, Penlon has been agricultural land and has been long standing as grazing land.  Planning Policy D7 – the retention of agricultural use in category 1, 2 and 3 applies; this application falls into category 3.  The land verges on an AONB area and a Special Conservation Area.  Policy 33 of the Local Plan refers that conservation of such areas is paramount.  Policy D9 - prohibits development in sensitive areas nor allows for the character of the land to be affected.  He said that there is already a playfield located at the local primary school together with an enclosed playing field created recently at a substantial cost to the Council.  There is noise pollution from the use of the application site.  It is contrary to Policy CH1 and NCT21 – in rural areas facilities should be installed in a village location.  The Rhosyr Community Council has expressed their objection to the application due to the site being too far from the main housing cluster to be a valuable asset to the community.  He further expressed that the access to the playing field is far more dangerous than the previous application for car parking facility for a restaurant which was refused last December.  A new access is on a 60 mph road with an increase of pedestrian using the nearby coastal path.  He considered that the flood risks have not been addressed fully. 


The Committee questioned Mr. Jones with regard to who uses the playing field as the local football team no longer exist in the village and what is the intention of the application for the use of the land.  Mr. Jones responded that it has been obvious that children and youths have been using the field as residents have been subjected to noise and swearing coming from there. He said that the applicant was refused planning permission for a car park on the land but he considered that this application is much worst as the field will have a car park and more people using the land for sporting activities. 


Mr. Liam Barrie, the applicant spoke in favour of the proposal.  He said that they are offering a playing field for community use.  Originally the field in question was part of their business set up with a local farmer leasing the land for grazing purposes.  The local football team at the time approached them to ask if they could use the field.  He said that his business could justify loss of earning by allowing community use of the field and his customers at the local restaurant.  They have agreed to plant over a thousand trees around the field adjacent over the last 12 months as screening.  A designated parking area has been created.  Children’s training sessions have been arranged together with archery and croquet sessions. 


The Committee questioned Mr. Barrie as regard to the intended use of the field for the community together with local concerns with regard to safety issues with children walking from the village on a busy road.  Mr. Barrie responded that the proposed application is not a designated football pitch; this is for children and the community to use for recreational purposes.  He said that there is a footpath from the village to the site. 


Councillor Peter Rogers, a Local Member expressed his support for the application.  He noted that he made available a field for the local football team some years ago and planning permission was not sought.  He stressed that the children and young people of the village of Newborough need such a facility, this is a deprived area.  It is intended to close the local primary school in the future and there will be no facility in the area.   Local businesses such as this who are willing to support the community need to be supported. 


Councillor Ann Griffith, a Local Member said that she has called the application to the Planning and Orders Committee for determination due to concerns and support for the application within the local community.  The Community Council has expressed objection to the application.  Councillor Griffith said that a 21st Century School is to be developed in the village of Newborough in the near future which will incorporate all the facilities for the children.


The Planning Development Manager updated the report to the Committee and confirmed that 94 letters of support and a petition with 50 signatures in objection to the application had been received; but no addresses had been afforded with the petition.  A letter of objection has been received by CPRW.  The change of use of land to a playing field together with the construction of a new access is considered to be acceptable and it would not have a detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the area.


Councillor Jeff Evans said that he welcomed such a development for the use of the local community.  He stated that this is not a designated football pitch; it is a recreational area for the community. 


Councillor Nicola Roberts also supported the application and welcomed such a development as a community gain for the village of Newborough.  Councillor Nicola Roberts proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor Jeff Evans seconded the proposal.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the application be refused and Councillor John Griffith seconded the proposal of refusal.


Following the subsequent vote it was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to conditions set out in the written report.


(Councillors T.V. Hughes and Raymond Jones abstained from voting).


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