Agenda item

Update on the ALN and Inclusion Strategy

To receive a verbal update on the position with regard to implementing the Gwynedd and Anglesey ALN and Inclusion Strategy.




The Project Manager reported on the issues arising from the previous meeting of the Joint-Committee in September with regard to implementing the new Joint ALN and Inclusion Strategy as follows:


           That the Governance Model will be part of the formal agreement between the Joint-Committee and the Heads of Education of the two authorities. A memorandum of understanding which is a legal document is being drafted to accompany the changes taking place and the governance model will be reviewed.

           Discussions with schools and governing bodies are ongoing and they are being kept up to date on developments via the co-ordinators. Further work will be undertaken with Head Teachers and Governors.

           The transition to the new model will be facilitated by the Memorandum of Understanding.

           The production of an Annual Report on the services encompassed by the new ALN and Inclusion Strategy can be incorporated within the final formal agreement.

           Safeguarding Welsh medium training has been discussed and measures are planned by the Welsh Government to address this issue and to fund Welsh medium training courses for educational psychologist and specialist teachers.

           Provision for 16 to 25 year olds has been recognised in the new ALN and Inclusion Strategy as a second phase. Greater clarity from Welsh Government around who is financially responsible for the provision for this age group is awaited.

           Consultation on the restructuring process has been ongoing since 5 October and all affected staff members within the Joint-Committee and within the two authorities have been given an opportunity to present their views in one to one meetings with Personnel representatives. Additionally, every service has had an opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have and to give feedback on the proposed structure which is now being fine-tuned. A meeting for all staff members is to be held on 6 December, 2016 at which the Heads of Education of both Gwynedd and Anglesey Councils will present the final staffing structure. 


The Joint-Committee noted the information and sought clarification of the implementation timeline and consequently, the schedule for the discontinuation of the Joint-Committee both as an entity and as a forum given that the Joint-Committee’s next and possibly final meeting is scheduled for 17 March, 2017.


The Joint-Committee was informed that the Joint-Committee will cease to be the employer on 31 August, 2017; it is intended that the staff changes to be implemented as part of the Strategy will take effect on 1 September, 2017 at which point Gwynedd Council will become the employer as the lead authority for the Joint ALN and Inclusion Strategy. It is planned that the partnership agreement between the two authorities will be in place by the 31 March, 2017 and every effort will be made to formalise the governance arrangements by March, so that the governance model can be presented to the Joint-Committee at its March meeting. However, it is possible that a meeting(s) of the Joint-Committee will be required after March, 2017 in order to formally close the accounts before the end of September in accordance with statutory requirement.


It was resolved to accept and to note the information.


ACTION ENSUING: Officers to confirm the meetings requirements and the schedule for bringing the Joint-Committee to an end.