Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1  15C224/AD – Lay-by at Hermon

12.2  34C694B – Plas Arthur Leisure Centre, Llangefni

12.3  46C137F – The Old Cricket Ground, Trearddur Bay


12.1  15C224/AD – Application for the siting of a non-illuminated sign to the rear of the lay-by at Hermon


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the community display board was considered to be on land owned by the Council. 


The Planning Development Manager said that it has become apparent that the land is not in the ownership of the Council and the necessary statutory notice will need to be served on the landowner.  She said that if the landowner is in agreement that the display board may be erected on the designated land and not objections have been received following the statutory consultation period the Officer’s may be given power to act to approve the application.


Councillor K.P. Hughes proposed that the application be approved following the statutory notice on the landowner being served and Councillor Eric Jones seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application and to delegate to the Officer’s power to act to approve following the required statutory notice on the landowner being served.


12.2  34C694B – Full application for the creation of an urban sports park on land adjoining Plas Arthur Leisure Centre, Llangefni


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application site is owned by the Council.


Councillor Nicola Roberts stood down as Chair of the Committee for the consideration of this application in order to speak as a Local Member. Councillor R.O. Jones , Vice-Chair took the Chair for the item.


Mr. Peter Davies (in support of the application) said the he was the Director of the Llangefni Social Enterprise and stated that  planning permission was approved in May 2016 for an urban sports park at Plas Arthur, Llangefni and furthermore planning approval was granted for a lighting scheme at the site. The lighting scheme was to discharge one of the conditions of the planning approval granted in May 2016.  An application for grant funding was submitted to the Big Lottery Fund in July 2016 to construct the Urban Sports Park.  In February 2017 confirmation was received that the venture was successful in securing funding of approximately £375k but it is conditional that the work starts on the construction of the facility by 16th August, 2017.  Without planning approval the venture is in danger of losing the grant funding from the Big Lottery Fund.  Since notification of the success of the grant funding application work started to look into the design which was previously approved and to carry out necessary surveys at the site.  A topographical survey revealed a greater slope of the ground to its north east edge than was earlier realised.  This slope created the potential for the gathering of surface water on the site therefore a redesign was required as per the application before this meeting.  Mr. Davies further said that there were anti-social behaviour problems with the original skate park and after advice from North Wales Police it was decided that clear lines of sight across the urban sports park prevented gatherings of people in places where they could hide.  The introduction of CCTV is also part of the attempt to prevent anti-social behaviour which has been of concern to the neighbouring properties.  The lighting scheme now proposed is of lower lux levels than the scheme previously approved.  He also said that a complaints system will be in place to deal with any problems which may occur at the park.


Councillor Dylan Rees, a Local Member declared that he was the Chair of the Urban Sports Park Project and that he would leave the Committee following his address to the meeting.  Councillor Rees said that the project is now in place to begin construction subject to planning approval at this meeting.  All measures have been put in place address the concern of the neighbouring properties.  He asked the Committee to support the application.


Councillor Nicola Roberts, a Local Member also declared her support for the application and said that such a Voluntary Organisation as the group behind the Urban Sports Park needs to be supported.


The Planning Development Manager said that the current application is an amended application with the re-location of a basket hoop with some amendments to the type of equipment on the site.  The lux levels of the lighting system at the site has been reduced considerably since the previous planning application, however a further 2 lighting poles are required in order to distribute the light evenly on the site.  The light spillage from the current application will have less of an impact on the adjoining area than that previously approved.  She said that the new binding Planning Inspector’s report has been published in relation to the Joint Local Development Plan with a new planning policy ISR2 included in the plan which supports such a community supported development within and on the edge of towns. An Environmental Officer has viewed this application as regard to lighting of the site and a condition has been recommended that external lighting shall not be illuminated between 21.30 p.m., and 9.00 a.m. the following day.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed that the application be approved and Councillor John Griffith seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the written report.


12.3  46C137F – Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of 18 dwellings together with the formation of a new vehicular access at The Old Cricket Ground, Lon St. Ffraid, Trearddur Bay


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of Local Members.


Having declared a personal interest in this application Councillor Robin Williams left the meeting during determination or voting thereon.


Mr. Rhys Davies (a supporter of the application) said that the levels of the site have been raised in accord with a previous approval on the site.  He said that the site is not now within the C2 Flood Zone within Natural Resources Wales flood zones reviewed maps.  The site has seen numerous planning applications on site and appeals against decisions.  This application will alleviate local concerns as regard to drainage and flooding issues to neighbouring properties.  The new vehicular access to the site will be relocated as from the previously approved application on this development.  Mr. Davies said that the reason for the Officer’s recommendation to refuse this application is that recent publication of the Planning Inspector’s binding report of the Joint Planning Policy states that the site is located outside the settlement boundary of the plan and is outside the boundaries of Trearddur Bay’s provisions of Policy HP3 of the Stopped Unitary Development Plan. 


The Committee questioned Mr. Davies as to the affordable housing provision on the site and the market value of those properties. Mr. Davies responded that the required 30% affordable provision will be afforded as regard to this application. He referred to the Officer’s report to the Committee which noted that the Housing Service has indicated that there is a high demand for affordable housing in this area and the value of the dwelling will be determined within the S106 agreement that will need to be discussed when a full planning application is submitted.


The Planning Development Manager reported that there are strong objections locally to this application due to flooding issues and overdevelopment. She gave an update on the Officer’s report to the Committee that the applicant’s agent has not presented an Ecological Impact Assessment and the effect on the AONB; neither a Welsh Language Assessment nor confirmation as to rising site levels.  She noted that the applicant was unsuccessful in appeal following the Welsh Government calling-in the application for 34 dwellings in 2006.  The Planning Inspector however deemed the proposal to be in accord with the development plan policies in relation to settlements boundaries, affordable housing and also considered 3 storey dwelling in blocks of 3 to 4 to be acceptable in this coastal setting.  There is outline planning approval already for 17 dwellings on site.


The Planning Development Manager further reported that there is no objection to the proposal by the Highways Authority and the density of the site is acceptable.  Whilst the site in within the Local Plan development boundary it is outside the development boundary in the Stopped Unitary Development Plan under provisions of policy HP3 is not included within the Joint Local Development Plan for development.  The recommendation is one of refusal of the application.


Councillor K.P. Hughes questioned as to whether it was premature to make a decision based on the new Joint Local Development Plan as it has yet to be adopted by the full Council.  He noted that 17 dwellings have already been approved on this site.  The Planning Development Manager responded that

a binding Planning Inspector’s report has been published in relation to the Joint Local Development Plan and the policies within the plan will not change unless the Council refuses to adopt the Plan. 


Councillor Dafydd R. Thomas, a Local Member said there is strong objection by the residents of Trearddur Bay to this application.  The Community Council has also expressed their objection to the development.  He noted that there has been an increase in traffic in the last few months to the popularity of recent new food outlets in the village and he considered that the Highways Authority needed to revisit the area to evaluate the highways issues.  The proposed access to the site is near a busy Post Office with a built up of traffic continuously.  Councillor Thomas said that the main concerns are flooding issues in the area. 


Councillor T.Ll. Hughes MBE reiterated the concerns and objections of the local community to this application.  He said that this area of Trearddur Bay has experience immense flooding issues of the years.  He had concerns as regard to the Inland Sea flooding the area in years to come. The application for an additional 18 dwellings on this site is unacceptable as there is no local need for such houses. 


Councillor Shaun Redmond proposed that the application be refused and Councillor John Griffith seconded the proposal.


Councillor K.P. Hughes abstained from voting as the Joint Local Development Plan had not been approved as yet by the Council.


It was RESOLVED to refuse the application with a revised reason for refusal taking into account receipt of the Inspector’s binding report in relation to the Joint Local Development Plan.


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