Agenda item

Extra Care Housing - Seiriol Area

To present the report of the Head of Adults’ Services.


The report of the Head of Adults’ Services setting out a proposal to engage with the community of Seiriol on the development of extra care housing in the area was presented for the Committee’s consideration.


The Portfolio Member for Social Services reported that a key element of the Transformation Programme for Adults is reconfiguring accommodation provision and moving away from the traditional residential care setting towards an Extra Care housing model. In October, 2015, a commitment was made to give consideration to appropriate site options within the South of Anglesey for the development of extra care housing, and the Seiriol area was identified as the preferred location should sites be available within that vicinity. During 2016 a survey of possible sites was commissioned through the Council’s Property Services which considered the factors listed in the report. Those factors have influenced the site selection process the report on which is attached at Appendix A. The report identified the preferred option as being to develop Extra Care Housing on the site of the current primary school either to be co-located with the school thereby ensuring the effective use of land, or alternatively to be the sole tenant. Two locations within the site were assessed, the one being the location of the now vacant day centre and the other to the rear of the school. The latter provides for better use of the area potentially supporting the maintenance of a build design consistent with the listed status of the school and potentially allows for sharing catering facilities with the school.


Councillor Lewis Davies speaking as a Local Member said that the site would be better suited to social housing which is in short supply in Beaumaris. The proposed development of an Extra Care facility on this site serves to increase the older people demographic of Beaumaris and together with the possible closure of the primary school, reinforces the impression of the town as primarily a place for older people. Councillor Davies emphasised the importance of having a corporate plan for the area to address this and other considerations relevant to the area’s future and its economic prosperity and viability.


The Chair clarified that opportunities to comment on the proposals in detail will arise during the engagement period. He requested that the outcome of the engagement with the local area be reported back to this Committee ahead of the presentation of the feedback to the Executive.


It was resolved that the Committee supports holding a period of engagement locally within the Seiriol area during November, 2017 with regard to the following matters:


           Developing Extra Care housing provision in the Seiriol area to provide a minimum of 39 self-contained flats in accordance with nationally approved models of provision

           That the preferred site for this development is the site of the current Ysgol Beaumaris either co-located with an adapted school or as the prime use for this land

           That the Council pursues options to fund the development through the Housing revenue Account so that the development becomes additional council housing stock within the county providing vital accommodation for older people.


ADDITIONAL ACTION PROPOSED: Head of Adults’ Services to present a summary of the feedback from the engagement process to this Committee prior to its consideration by the Executive.

Supporting documents: