Agenda item

Children's Services Improvement Plan Progress Report

·        To present a progress update from the Children’s Services Improvement Panel


·        To present a progress report by the Statutory Director of Social Services


           A report by the Scrutiny Manager incorporating a progress update on the work of the Children’s Services Improvement Panel was presented for the Committee’s consideration. The report provided a summary of the matters which have received the Panel’s attention over the past two months.


Councillor Richard Griffiths confirmed that all work-streams pertaining to the Service Improvement Plan appear to be on target thus far. However, the Panel wishes to bring the Corporate Scrutiny’s attention to the fact that although good progress has been made on implementing the revised staffing structure, posts remain vacant. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible.


           The report of the Interim Head of Children’s Services setting out the progress to date on implementing the Children’ s Service Improvement Plan was presented for the Committee’s consideration. The report outlined the focus of the work thus far in relation to the following aspects –


           Service Re-structure


           Workforce Strategy Supervision

           Quality Assurance Framework


The Committee considered the information presented with regard to the progress of improvement within the service and, in line with the recommendation made by the Children’s Services Improvement Panel which had highlighted continuing vacant posts as an issue, it sought clarification of the service on its approach to recruitment with particular reference to the following points –


           Whether the service is confident it will be able to fill the posts that are vacant without undue delay

           Whether the Service has considered taking a more proactive approach to recruitment by promoting social work as a career directly with schools and in careers fairs.

           Additionally, whether the service has considered intensifying the recruitment approach by marketing the Council directly to universities as a supportive employer and a positive place to work for new and experienced social workers.

           Given the complexity of Children’s Social Work as an area, the measures the service has taken to provide staff with the necessary support to help them deal with the challenges which the work brings and to develop professionally.

           The balance between experienced and inexperienced social workers within the service.


The Officers said that the service is running an ongoing advertisement for children and families social workers and that in the meantime, agency social workers are providing cover where necessary. Recruiting social workers remains a challenge for local authorities regionally. The work in relation to implementing the Workforce Strategy is continuing regardless and this will help with future recruitment. As well as actively recruiting from external sources, the service is also developing a “grow your own” approach to recruitment with the aim of ensuring a sustainable workforce over time. To this end the service has employed newly qualified staff as well as staff who are expected to qualify imminently. They will initially be working with reduced caseloads to help them settle into the work. Another element of the recruitment plan is to upskill support workers so that they are able to take on more responsibility. The service works closely with Bangor University to provide work experience, and whilst mindful of the need to recruit bilingual social workers in order to provide an appropriate service for families, the Authority has been considering advertising nationally with the aim of drawing back to North Wales, individuals from the area who may be currently employed in England.  


As well as recruitment, the Workforce Strategy places emphasis on creating a supportive culture so that staff will want to remain with the Council. The new service structure coupled with the new Supervision Policy means that managers now have a greater awareness of caseloads including any problematic cases. Practice Leaders are more attuned to the work meaning they can provide advice and, via the formal supervision process, they can regularly review cases and practice. These measures are in addition to the Council’s corporate performance management arrangements. In the event of unusual or exceptional cases, the service has developed a protocol for staff to help them ensure that these are dealt with appropriately and correctly. To support staff further the service is developing a consistent and effective induction programme.


With regard to the mix of experienced and inexperienced social workers, the service currently employs 29 social workers, 22 of whom have been qualified for between 2 and 10 years; 1 has been qualified for a year and 6 have been qualified for less than a year. 


Having considered the information presented both via the written reports and orally by the Officers the Committee resolved –


           To note the progress to date with the work of the Children’s Services Improvement Panel

           To note that all work streams pertaining to the Service Improvement Plan appear to be on target thus far.

           To note and to acknowledge the Panel’s concern with regard to continuing vacant posts within the service.

           That the Committee is satisfied with the steps and pace undertaken by Children’s Services in relation to the progress made in implementing the Service Improvement Plan subject to noting that the issue of continuing vacant posts needs to be addressed.


ADDITIONAL ACTION PROPOSED: The Committee’s suggestions for taking a more direct and proactive approach to recruitment e.g. with schools and universities be incorporated into the Recruitment Strategy

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