Agenda item

Corporate Scorecard - Quarter 3, 2017/18

To submit a report by the Programme, Business Planning & Performance Manager.


The report of the Programme, Business Planning and Performance Manager incorporating the Corporate Scorecard for Quarter 3 2017/18 was presented for the Executive’s approval.


The Portfolio Member for Corporate Services reported that overall, performance has been encouraging in Quarter 3 with the majority of indicators on target and presenting as either Green or Yellow. Five indicators were underperforming as Red against their annual target at this stage, one in relation to Adults’ Services and four in relation to Children’s Services; details of these along with the mitigating actions are provided in sections 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 of the report. Additionally, two performance indicators within the Learning Service have underperformed for the year, the one in relation to the percentage of 15 years olds achieving L2+ in Key Stage 4 and the other in relation to the percentage of pupils achieving the CSI/FPI in the Foundation Phase. On the other hand, the performance against some indicators is very good as with the percentage of food establishments that meet food hygiene standards which stands at 98% against a target of 80% and the percentage of municipal waste collected and prepared for reuse and/or recycled which has shown a steady improvement and currently stands at 73.24% against a target of 67%.


With regard to Customer Service, Social Services’ performance as regards responding to Stage 1 complaints up to the end of Quarter 3 has slipped from that in Quarter 2. However, performance was better for Stage 1 discussions with a discussion being offered to the complainant within timescale for 24 of the 28 complaints to Children’s Services and for 6 of the 10 complaints to Adults’ Services up to the end of Quarter 3.


In terms of Financial Management, a total overspend of £1.624m is projected for the year ending 31 March, 2018. This is being monitored and the Heads of Service of the areas experiencing the most budgetary pressures are aware of the issues and are working to reduce the level of overspending within their control by year-end.


The trend in relation to People Management remains positive with a further improvement showing for sickness rates when compared with the same period for 2016/17 (6.88 as opposed to 7.21 in Q3 2016/17). If the trend continues and barring any negative impact from winter related illnesses, the projected end of year sickness level would equate to 9.81 days per FTE. However, further work needs to be done especially in relation to improving performance in conducting Return to Work interviews where performance remains below target.


Councillor Dylan Rees reported from the Finance Scrutiny Panel. He confirmed that the Panel has been scrutinising overspending on the revenue budget specifically in relation to Children’s Services and the Learning Service where the level of over-expenditure is greatest.The Panel has requested the respective Heads of Service to report back on their strategy for reducing the overspend and managing their budgets and it expects to be updated on progress at its meeting in April, 2018.

The Executive noted the information and noted also that certain PIs are consistently underperforming e.g. in Children’s Services. The Executive is fully aware of the position and expects the mitigating work being undertaken in those services to yield results in the next quarter. The Executive further noted the performance for PI 25 on the scorecard in relation to the average number of calendar days to let lettable units of accommodation (excluding DTLs) as an example of continuous and sustained improvement over a period of time with the number of days taken to let lettable units having reduced from 33.7 days in 2015/16 to 17.7 days at present.


The Chair informed the Executive that it was announced at a meeting of the Welsh Local Government Association the previous week at which performance indicators was one of the topics under discussion, that local authorities will be expected to report on 14 new PIs as from April, 2018 onwards.


It was resolved –


  To accept and to note the Corporate Scorecard Monitoring Report for Quarter 3 2017/18 and to note also the areas which the Senior Leadership Team are managing to secure improvements into the future as summarised in section 1.3.1 of the report.

  To accept and to note the mitigation measures as outlined in the report.

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