Issue - decisions

2018/19 Budget

06/11/2017 - Draft Revenue Budget 2018/19

It was resolved –


·        That a sum of £125k is included in the final budget to fund the Energy Island Team and that this sum is maintained in the budget for as long as the Team is required as set out in paragraph 3.2 of the report.

·        That grants incorporated into the Aggregate External Funding (AEF) and the additional funding for new responsibilities are allocated to the appropriate budgets as allowed for in the standstill budget as per paragraphs 5.4 and 5.5 of the report.

·        To confirm that a contingency budget of £600k to cover any additional pay costs is required (as allowed for in the standstill budget). The value of this contingency to be reviewed prior to determining the final budget proposals (paragraph 6.1 of the report).

·        To consult with the public that an additional 1% increase in Council Tax above the 4% rise set out in the Medium Term Financial Plan is charged and that the funding is set aside to fund additional demand pressures in Social Services as per paragraph 6.5 of the report.

·        To approve the standstill budget for 2018/19 of £132.337m and that this should form the basis of the 2018/19 revenue budget (paragraph 7.1 of the report).

·        That the sum allocated to housing projects by means of the empty homes and second homes premium remains at the 2017/18 level as per paragraph 9.2 of the report.

·        That the Executive should seek to make sufficient savings in 2018/19 to balance the revenue budget without resorting to the use of general reserves and to ensure that the required savings in 2019/20 are achievable (paragraph 9.6 of the report).

·        That the Executive should seek the opinion of the public on the proposed savings and ask for suggestions for income generation.


·        That the Head of Function (Resources) and Section 151 Officer in his formal response to the statement on the provisional revenue funding settlement seek clarification of the Welsh Government with regard to  Anglesey’s allocation of the additional funding of £42m and £62m on an all Wales basis to increase the school and social care elements respectively.


·        That the Leader of the Council write to the Welsh Government to express the Executive’s concern over the lack of transparency in relation to a reduction in some capital grants which have a knock-on effect on the revenue budget e.g. waste and transport as well as the lack of clarity in relation to the stated increase in provision for the school and social care elements as referred to above.