Issue - decisions

Growth Bid

16/07/2018 - Growth Vision and Strategy for the Economy of North Wales: Governance Agreement

It was resolved –


·        To note and welcome the progress on the development of a Growth Deal Bid.


·           To approve the first stage Governance Agreement subject to the Full Council’s approval of the non-Executive arrangements i. e. the arrangements for Scrutiny.


·           That Full Council be presented with the final draft Growth Deal Bid for review and consent in September/October 2018 prior to the stage of reaching Heads of Terms with both Governments.


·           To recommend that delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive and the Head of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Leader to finalise the terms of the Governance Agreement substantially in accordance with the draft attached at Appendix 1 to the report.


·           To recommend that Executive arrangements contained within the Governance Agreement be included in the Constitution and that the Council be asked to include the non-Executive arrangements relating to Scrutiny within the Constitution.