Issue - decisions

Financial Reserves

18/02/2019 - Use of Reserves and Balances

It was resolved –


           To note the general policy on reserves and balances adopted on 1 March, 2016, as at Appendix A to the report.

           To approve the amendments to the general policy on reserves and balances adopted on 1 March, 2016 at Appendix A.

           To set the minimum level of general balances for 2019/20 as £6.76m in accordance with the Section 151 Officer’s assessment.

           To plan for an increase in general balances over a 3 to 5 year period in order that the actual level of reserves reaches the minimum level. This increase will be achieved by budgeting for planned annual surpluses.

           To confirm the continuation of the existing earmarked reserves.

           To approve the transfer of the Edge of Care reserve from the earmarked reserve to the General Reserves.