
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

You can visit the Delegated Executive decisions' taken by the Council Leaders

We also list the Planning and Orders Committee Decisions and Executive decisions taken by the Portfolio Holders, Officers and the Council Leader

Decisions published

17/02/2020 - Minutes ref: 1964    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 17/02/2020 - The Executive

Decision published: 17/02/2020

Effective from: 17/02/2020


It was resolved that the minutes of the previous meetings of the Executive held on the following dates be approved as correct –


·      13 January, 2020

·      20 January, 2020

·      27 January, 2020

17/02/2020 - Risk Based Verification Policy - Benefit ref: 1969    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 17/02/2020 - The Executive

Decision published: 17/02/2020

Effective from: 17/02/2020

17/02/2020 - Business Rates Discretionary Relief Policy ref: 1967    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 17/02/2020 - The Executive

Decision published: 17/02/2020

Effective from: 17/02/2020


It was resolved –


·        To adopt a Discretionary Business Rates Relief Framework – Charities and Non-Profit Making Organisations as detailed in Appendix C to the report.

·        That the Discretionary Business Rates Relief Framework will apply for the financial years up to 31 March, 2026.

·        To instruct the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer to ensure that the administrative procedures before 31 March, 2020 advise relevant charities and non-profit making organisations that the policy will apply from 1 April, 2020 and will cease on 31 March, 2026.

17/02/2020 - Housing Rent HRA and Housing Service Charges 2020/21 ref: 1968    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 17/02/2020 - The Executive

Decision published: 17/02/2020

Effective from: 17/02/2020


It was resolved 


           To approve the rent increase in line with the Welsh Government target rent based on collection over 51 weeks.

           That all rents below target of between £0.41 - £4.47 be increased by 2.7% plus an amount up to the maximum of £2.00 per week to bring to target rent towards convergence.

           That all rents below target rent of between £3.87 - £5.01 be increased by 2.7% plus £2.00 per week.

           That the rent for the 3 properties that are above target rent should remain at their current levels.

           That the rent of all garages be increased by 22p per week.

           That the service charges costs as noted within section 3.3 of the report be applied to all tenants who receive the relevant services.

17/02/2020 - Strategic Equality Plan 2020-2024 ref: 1966    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 17/02/2020 - The Executive

Decision published: 17/02/2020

Effective from: 17/02/2020


It was resolved to recommend to the County Council -


·        That the draft Strategic Equality Plan for 2020-2024 be approved and to authorise Officers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to complete and publish the Plan by 31 March, 2020.

·        That arrangements are put in place for the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee to monitor progress on equality on an annual basis as a matter of course.

17/02/2020 - The Executive's Forward Work Programme ref: 1965    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 17/02/2020 - The Executive

Decision published: 17/02/2020

Effective from: 17/02/2020


It was resolved to confirm the Executive’s updated Forward Work Programme for the period March to October, 2020 with the additional changes outlined at the meeting.