
Monday, 25 July 2011.
Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni.

This meeting is open to the public.

Please note: due to the nature of these documents, some are not fully accessible for people with visual impairments and cannot be read by 'screen reader'.


Alex Aldridge
Byron Davies
Margaret Foster
Mick Giannasi
Gareth Jones

Copy for information:

To the Members of the County Council.
A non-Executive member will be invited to the meeting and may speak (but not vote) during the meeting, if he/she has requested the item to be placed on the agenda under the Executive Procedure Rules. Requests by non-Executive members to speak on other matters may be considered at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners


1. Declaration of interest

To receive any declarations of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

2. Urgent matters certified by the Interim Chief Executive or his appointed officer tender procedure related to proposed works to Holyhead Cenotaph

To submit a report by the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) in relation to the above.
(Enclosure E)

3. Budget Monitoring Report 2011-12 June 2011

To submit the report of the Corporate Director (Finance)
(Enclosure A)

4. July Budget Prospects Report

To submit the report of the Corporate Director (Finance)
(Enclosure B)

5. Revenue Budget 2010-11 Out-turn Report

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Finance)
(Enclosure C)

6. Capital Budget 2010-11 Out-turn Report

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Finance)
(Enclosure CH)

7. Corporate Plan 2012-15

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy)
(Enclosure D)

8. Building and maintaining capacity - Anglesey 2010-2025 community planning

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy)
(Enclosure DD)


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    Email: legalpolicy@anglesey.gov.uk