Events Calendar
27 September 2021 MONDAY
10.00 am

Virtual Live Streamed Meeting (At present, members of the public are unable to attend), The Executive - Virtual Meeting

28 September 2021 TUESDAY
2.00 pm

CANCELLED, Isle of Anglesey County Council

29 September 2021 WEDNESDAY
2.00 pm

CANCELLED, Democratic Services Committee

6.30 pm

Town and Community Councils Liaison Forum (liaison forum between the county council and town and community councils)

30 September 2021 THURSDAY

1 October 2021 FRIDAY

4 October 2021 MONDAY

5 October 2021 TUESDAY

6 October 2021 WEDNESDAY
1.00 pm

Virtual Live Streamed Meeting (at present members of the public are unable to attend), Planning and Orders Committee - Virtual Live Streamed Meeting (at present members of the public are unable to attend)

7 October 2021 THURSDAY

8 October 2021 FRIDAY

11 October 2021 MONDAY

12 October 2021 TUESDAY
2.00 pm

Virtual Meeting (at present members of the public are unable to attend), Appointments Committee - Virtual Meeting (at present members of the public are unable to attend)

2.00 pm - 4.00 pm

Cancelled - Moved to 9/11/21, Standing Advisory Council on Religion, Values and Ethics (SAC)

13 October 2021 WEDNESDAY

14 October 2021 THURSDAY
1.00 pm

RESCHEDULED TO 18 October, 2021, Corporate Scrutiny Committee - Virtual Meeting

15 October 2021 FRIDAY

18 October 2021 MONDAY
1.00 pm

Virtual Live Streamed Meeting (At present, members of the public are not able to attend), Corporate Scrutiny Committee - Virtual Meeting

19 October 2021 TUESDAY
10.30 am

Virtual Live Streamed Meeting (At present members of the public ar unable to attend), Democratic Services Committee

2.00 pm

Meeting Cancelled, Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee

20 October 2021 WEDNESDAY
10.00 am

Virtual Meeting, Planning Site Visits - Virtual Meeting

2.00 pm

Extraordinary Virtual Live Streamed Meeting (At present, members of the public are not able to attend) - adjourned to 15 November, 2021 at 1:00 pm, Governance and Audit Committee - Virtual Meeting

21 October 2021 THURSDAY
11.30 am - 11.55 am

Virtual Meeting (at present members of the public are unable to attend), Appointments Committee - Virtual Meeting (at present members of the public are unable to attend)

22 October 2021 FRIDAY
10.00 am - 12.30 pm

Virtual Meeting, Joint Planning Policy Committee

2.30 pm

Virtual Meeting, North Wales Economic Ambition Board - Virtual Meeting

25 October 2021 MONDAY
10.00 am

Virtual Live Streamed Meeting (At present, members of the public are unable to attend), The Executive - Virtual Meeting

26 October 2021 TUESDAY
10.30 am

Virtual Extraordinary Live Streamed Meeting (At present, members of the public are unable to attend), Isle of Anglesey County Council

27 October 2021 WEDNESDAY

28 October 2021 THURSDAY

29 October 2021 FRIDAY