Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Tuesday, 15th September, 2009



Minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2009 (2:00pm)  




Councillor O. Glyn Jones - Chair

Councillor Selwyn Williams - Vice-Chair


Councillors W.J.Chorlton; E.G.Davies; Lewis Davies; Barrie Durkin; Jim Evans; Keith Evans;C.Ll. Everett; D.R.Hughes; Fflur M.Hughes;

K. P.Hughes; R.Ll.Hughes; T. Ll. Hughes, W.I.Hughes; William T.Hughes; Eric Jones; Gwilym O.Jones; Raymond Jones; R.Dylan Jones;R.Ll.Jones; T.H.Jones;Aled Morris Jones; C.McGregor; Bryan Owen; J.V.Owen; R.L.Owen; Bob Parry OBE; G.O.Parry MBE; Eric Roberts; G.W.Roberts OBE; J.Arwel Roberts; Peter S.Rogers; E.Schofield; Hefin W.Thomas; Ieuan Williams; J.Penri Williams






Acting Managing Director

Corporate Director (Finance),

Corporate Director (Environment & Technical Services)

Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer,

Head of Service (Policy),

Head of Service (Housing),

Committee Services Manager






Councillors P.M.Fowlie, H.Eifion Jones, Rhian Medi






Mr David Bowles- Interim Managing Director.



The meeting was opened with a Prayer offered by Councillor E.G.Davies




Councillor W.J.Chorlton declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Environmental Services Department.  


Councillor C.L.Everett declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Personnel Department.


Councillor J.Arwel Roberts declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Housing Department.


Councillor E.Schofield declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his grandson in the Highways Department.


Councillor B.Owen declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his wife in the Education and Leisure Department.


Councillor G. W. Roberts, OBE declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Environmental Services Department.




Councillor Aled Morris declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his brother in the Education Department.










Submitted and confirmed as a true record, the minutes of the meetings of the County Council held on the following dates:-





5 May, 2009 (am)




Arising thereon-    




Item 4 - Minutes




Reported by the Acting Managing Director-That the Council at it’s meeting on 5th May, 2009 (am) upon consideration of the minutes of the Council held on 27th March, 2009, had resolved to accept the minutes as a true record, subject to the proviso that officers report back to the next scheduled meeting in September on the exact remarks made at that meeting by Councillor G.O.Parry, MBE in respect of an article that had appeared in the Daily Post.




Councillor Parry in response stated that he had used an inappropriate word in the heat of the debate. He withdrew the word if it proved to be upsetting.




Councillor Chorlton stated that he was not happy with the response,since the minute was not a true record unless the words in question were minuted.




The Acting Managing Director in reply stated that the words expressed at the meeting were as follows:-




“ today’s edition of the Daily Post- a newspaper kept alive by it’s obituary column and you can see why-it is dying on it’s feet because it is carrying a load of bullshit”  




RESOLVED to note the correction to the minutes in this respect.





30 June, 2009




Arising thereon:-




(i) Item 3- Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales- Review of Electoral Arrangements in Anglesey.




Councillor Keith Evans expressed concern that although the Council at this meeting had resolved that it was opposed to multi-member electoral divisions, a letter dated 13th July, 2009, was forwarded as a response to the Boundary Commission which stated that there was a desire to avoid such arrangements. Not withstanding that, the Officer in question had submitted proposals to the Boundary Commission by which all the Holyhead Wards were lumped together as multi member divisions and that the Cadnant Ward and Menai Bridge were lumped together with Llanfairpwll. The concern that Menai Bridge had was that the Ward he represented (800 members) would be swamped by being merged with Llanfairpwll. The Menai Bridge candidate would not therefore stand a chance against 2,400 voters in Llanfairpwll. This would be totally undemocratic, disenfranchising one half of Menai Bridge for that purpose.




He questioned how the officer in question went against the instructions of the Council and the Panel established to oversee the work. In a letter of explanation to County Council members dated 15th July, the officer stated that in the days since the Panel meeting, he had received a number of representations both from individual Members and political groups following wider consultation. The letter went on to state that there was no option at this time but to address this matter of Holyhead and the Llanfairpwll and Menai Bridge areas through the proposal to create multi member divisions. Councillor Evans asked that the observation sent be withdrawn since it conflicted with the decision of the Council.




Numerous Members expressed their concern as to the way the matter had been dealt with and that the Acting Managing Director should undertake an investigation as to why the observations made were contrary to the Council’s wishes.




Other Members considered that the Council would look foolish in writing to the Boundary Commission to inform them that the Council’s decision was different to the views that had been forwarded to them. An opportunity to provide further views would be available this Autumn when the Commission intended to formulate draft proposals and invite representations to WAG and interested persons, before effecting the final decision in preparation for the 2012 Council elections.




To be fair to the officer in question, Councillor.E.Schofield drew the Council’s attention to the decision of the Council in that it stated “that authority be given to the Officer to set up as a matter of urgency, a Panel of Members to assist him in the work of formulating a response to the Boundary Commission”


In other words, having listened to everybody, it would appear that it was to “assist” him in formulating a response.




Councillor Aled Morris Jones proposed that a special meeting of the Council be convened once the recommendations of the Boundary Commission were to hand. The proposal was seconded.




Councillor Keith Evans proposed that Council should re-iterate the fact that the minute was correct but that the Officer acted incorrectly in implementing that decision and that his particular submission be retracted. The proposal was seconded.




The Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer in reply to the proposal by Councillor Keith Evans in relation to a finding against the officer, strongly recommended against making any such finding without following due process.









That a special meeting of the County Council be convened once the recommendations of the Boundary Commission are to hand.





That the Acting Managing Director be requested in the meantime to undertake an investigation as to the background and response given to the Boundary Commission. 





30 June, 2009




Arising thereon:-




(ii) Item 6- Notice of Motion (by Councillor C.Ll.Everett)




Councillor C.Ll.Everett reminded Council that the Notice of Motion he had put forward on the day was to the effect that “ any Instruction/Executive decision given to any officer in the Authority by the Leader/Deputy Leader or any Portfolio Holder has to be given in writing without exception via e-mail or letter head. This will ensure an audit trail for the benefit of the officer and member”




He went on to state that the Council’s decision was to defer consideration of the matter until a further date. He found it ironic that the Notice of Motion was submitted in May, 2009 and that the Corporate Governance report came out after that, and that Para 82 of that report stated that there had been issues with some Executive members trespassing on the remit of other Portfolio Holders and examples of Members involving themselves in operational matters which should properly be the reserve of officers. These was also evidence that some Officers had found this to be intimidating.




What he had said previously had therefore been corroborated by the Corporate Governance report. He therefore asked the Council to re-consider his Notice of Motion.




The Acting Managing Director in reply stated that this matter was still under consideration and would be a matter at the heart of the work that Mr.David Bowles would be undertaking as part of the strategy to respond to the recommendations of the Inspection report.




Councillor C.Ll.Everett requested that Mr Bowles give the matter priority, since what he had raised was happening on a daily basis and should be addressed before next full Council.





5 May, 2009 (pm)



20 July, 2009                 








The Chairman stated that it was a great pleasure for him today to welcome to the Chamber, five athletes from Ynys Mon who won Medals at the 13th bi-annual Island Games held on the Island of Aland, Finland at the end of June this year. He pointed out that six athletes had won medals, but unfortunately one of the sailors was unable to attend.




He also welcomed this afternoon, Officials of the Local Island Games Association, namely:-





David Tommis- Chairman.



Janet Howarth- Secretary.



Rob Lamont- Treasurer.



Emma Rogers- General Manager.




and also the families and friends of the Medal winners, who were sitting in the public gallery.




Whilst the primary function this afternoon was to congratulate and honour the successful Athletes, the occasion did also give the Council the opportunity to express its sincere appreciation of the work of the Ynys Mon Island Games Association.




The small group of Officials give up their time voluntarily to oversee the needs of over 100 athletes, plus the support teams of coaches and medical back up Staff. They arrange transport and accommodation for the week of the competition, and see to all the administration before, during and after the Games. And underpinning that one week of the Games every two years was the never ending challenge of fund raising.




On behalf of the Council and everyone in Ynys Mon he thanked them for this work.




It gave immense pleasure on the Chair to call on the five in turn, to receive a momento in appreciation of their success from the Council:-




1. Siwan Jones (Vault Silver medalist).


2. Shooting Team (Sporting Clay Pigeon) (Team Gold Medalists)


    Edward Jones/ Tom Thomas/ Anthony White.


3. Thomas Thomas (English Sporting Clay Shooting Bronze medalist).


4. Dominic Breen Turner (Laser Standard Silver Medalist).


    Luke Breen Turner (Laser Standard Silver Medalist) was unable to attend.




The Chair also referred to the official opening of Canolfan Byron on 26th June, 2009. The Centre had been named after Mr Byron Williams, former Director of Housing and Social Services in recognition of his good work on behalf of the people of Anglesey.




Congratulations were extended to the staff of Melin Llynnon who celebrated in May 25 years since the re-opening of the Mill.




Congratulations were also extended to all these who were successful at the Anglesey Show, the Royal Show and the National Eisteddfod over the summer months.




The Chair also took the opportunity of sympathising with any Member or member of staff who had suffered bereavement.




The Vice-Chair referred to the death of Mr Hugh Elwyn Jones, Solicitor from Menai Bridge who passed away yesterday. He also on behalf of the Council offered his deepest sympathy to the Chairman of the Council and his family upon the loss of his father-in-law recently.




Members and Officers stood in silent tribute as a mark of their respect.




The Leader took the opportunity of informing the Council of the journeys that the Executive were going to make around the Island which would be an opportunity for members of the public to question Members and also provide their opinion on what was important to them. This was being arranged because the Council had been judged to be weak in the Corporate Governance report as regards the lack of systems in place to gauge the feeling of the public as to the way forward. The series of public meetings (between 7:00-9:00pm) were to be held at the following locations:-





30th September 2009- Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi.



1st  October 2009-Ysgol Syr Thomas Jones, Amlwch.



5th  October 2009- Beaumaris Leisure Centre.



6th  October 2009- Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni.



8th  October 2009- Ysgol David Hughes, Menai Bridge.



13th October 2009- Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern.



14th October 2009- Pritchard Jones Institute, Newborough.




Letters were to be forward to all Councillors and the Town and Community Councils requesting their attendance where possible.




The Chair extended a warm welcome to Mr. David Bowles, Interim Managing Director, who was attending a meeting of this Council for the first time.




Mr.Bowles stated that although he had been on Anglesey only a few days he had taken the opportunity to meet a few Members and officers and had been impressed by the dedication and commitment of everybody, in particular the desire to draw a line under the past and to move the Council forward. It would not be until the middle of next month that he would be here 3-4 days a week. He was keen to work with all Members across the political groups and with all officers in order to try and move the Council forward and restore its reputation as rapidly as possible.




He was aware that the Acting Managing Director would be addressing the Council shortly as to the role of the Recovery Board. However, his personal objective would be to make sure that the Minister was sufficiently confident that the Board be wound up well before the 2 year recovery period. This would be the acid test of confidence in Cardiff and indeed beyond.




The Acting Managing Director stated that he had hoped that the Minister would have announced the names of those who would be serving on the Recovery Board but unfortunately these were not yet to hand. However, he was aware that the announcement was imminent.




This Council had however, received correspondence from the Welsh Assembly outlining the role and responsibility of the Recovery Board. The Minister would be appointing experienced individuals with the relevant skills on the Board which would be in existence until at least August 2011, unless the Minister was satisfied in the meantime that significant progress had been achieved.




The Recovery Board was not a public board as such, nor a legal entity and had no authority to make or ratify decisions made in relation to this Council. Responsibility for any decisions still lay with Councillors and Officers. The Members serve on the Board as individuals and do not represent the bodies that they serve on. Its main purpose was to appraise the Authority’s Improvement Plan as it responded to the recommendations contained within the Corporate Governance Inspection report. However, it would have a major interest in ensuring that progress was sustainable over the long term. It would receive evidence from both Members and Officers alike in the process of measuring progress. It would provide guidelines to this Council on the weaknesses and on the further improvements deemed necessary. It would also advise the Minister in this respect.




The weaknesses identified were the relationship between Members and Officers and between the various political groups on the Council. Also standards of behaviour by Members and the role of the Standards Committee and the overseeing of decisions made and the degree of challenge by the Scrutiny Committee. It would also look at procedures and the effectiveness of management structures within the Council, especially the Management Team. Another weakness identified was the inability to plan strategically and monitor performance effectively across the whole Council and the need to consult with the general public.




The Board would be presenting formal reports to the Minister. The Assembly would be providing via the Civil Service the secretariat and administration for the Board. It was envisaged that the Board would meet every month but if the degree of progress was good then no doubt those meetings would be held on a two-monthly/quarterly basis.




The Board would not meet on the Island but at a Centre to be determined within the North West. Meetings would be private and only the Members of the Board and those who had been requested to provide evidence could attend. The costs of the Board would be met by the Welsh Assembly but there was a possibility that the Board might suggest that specialist advice be provided to this Council and if that was the case then the Council would have to meet those costs.










    (i) The following question was put by Councillor B.Durkin to Councillor Tom


    Jones, Portfolio Holder for Finance:-




As any person interested on application to the Finance Department may inspect, and make copies of the accounts for the year ending 31st March, 2009, including all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts relating thereto during the period laid down by law. Why having made a pre-arranged appointment to do just that, was I then denied my rights and refused access to the aforementioned?”




The Portfolio Holder in response stated “that the Finance Department would assist any person looking to inspect or make copies of the accounts ending March 2009. That right of inspection is granted by the Public Audit Wales Act, 2004. However within that Act, Section 30, Sub-section A, there were exemptions and the information that you requested on this particular occasion was covered by that exemption, so as such access was denied. However, if you wish to discuss this matter further with me, I will be more than happy to meet you at a convenient time in future”




The following supplementary question was put by Councillor B.Durkin:-




It is a pity that the Finance Department felt that what I was enquiring about, solely fell under the category mentioned under the Data Protection Act, because there were a number of issues which I wished to look at. However, under the circumstances, if the Finance Department felt that was the case, then I accept the answer wholeheartedly. I have to inform Council that since then, I have found it necessary to raise an item on the Accounts for 2008/09 with our external auditors. However, I will take you up as regards that meeting”




Councillor W.J.Chorlton enquired as to whether or not the question Councillor B.Durkin was going to raise on the Accounts, would again involve additional expense for the Council bearing in mind the present financial climate? He went on to state that we had already been down that road, in that a sum of £45,000 has been expended on questions by Councillor Durkin.




Councillor B.Durkin in reply enquired as “to how Councillor Chorlton was aware, or not aware, that he had raised items on the accounts in the past? If there was serious fraud taking place within the Council, and you are putting Council money before an Inquiry. I suggest you have a serious re-think”




Councillor W.J.Chorlton went on to state that “this topic had been debated on several occasions and Councillor Durkin has been asked to supply us with the information and accusations in writing he is making. To date that information has not come forward, we are still hearing these accusations in the air, we need them in black and white so that we can investigate them, because nobody in this Authority wants to see any fraud committed. We want to be an open and transparent Authority and that goes for all of us.




     Councillor B.Durkin “ I still want to know how Councillor Chorlton is aware that I may have raised an item on the Accounts that have cost this Authority £45k. I want an answer on that”




     Councillor W.J.Chorlton “because it has been debated several times, in several Chambers in various areas. It is common knowledge.“




     Councillor B.Durkin “that is not an answer. This is a very serious issue. My name has never been attached to any investigation whatsoever. So, I would like to know how Councillor Chorlton is aware that maybe or may not be the case, because it appears to me that there has been a serious breach of privacy here, not only under the Data Protection Act, but under the Freedom of Information Act, and it is a criminal offence I may add, to divulge information under these Acts, which is exempt. I demand a proper answer in the interests of openness and transparency”




     Councillor W.J.Chorlton- “you can demand what you like Councillor Durkin. I don’ t have to reply to that sort of intimidation. Who do you think you are Sir, with the greatest respect. Are you denying that you are the person behind Craigwen, an investigation and all the questions there?




     Councillor B.Durkin- “I demand an inquiry into the comments he made, a full inquiry.Thank you”






      (ii) The following question was put by Councillor P.S. Rogers to the Leader of the                       Council:-




     “You will be aware that the former Leader of this Authority, Councillor Phil Fowley on behalf of the Executive sent a letter dated 18th December 2008 to Mr Alan Morris of the Welsh Audit Office making various serious allegations against Members of the Corporate Management Team who were not supplied with a copy of these allegations until 22nd of April 2009 which was after the departure of the Managing Director, Mr D.Jones.




     A very bulky response to the allegations were sent to you and your Executive, on the 10th of June and in your absence, your Deputy Leader Councillor Bob Parry during a media interview agreed that it would be necessary to apoligise to the Corporate Management Team over these false allegations. When do you intend to apoligise publicly for this tremendous slur on our officers?”




     The Leader of the Council in response stated “As you know, Dr.Brian Gibbons, the Local Government Minister has appointed Mr David Bowles to resolve the Corporate Governance issues within this Authority. The matters raised by you fall within that area. We will therefore follow his direction in that regard”




     The following supplementary question was put by Councillor P.S.Rogers:-




     “my question arises really to the question I have put before the Scrutiny Committee to be heard later this month, who I am asking to scrutinise these allegations. One of the main criticisms of the Audit report was that the Scrutiny and Audit Committees need to be independent of the controlling political bodies. Within two years that will have taken place, i.e open scrutiny of decisions. What I would like from you today is an assurance that when my motion goes before the Scrutiny Committee, that you as the Leader of the majority group on this Council, will give me an understanding that you will not interfere with that process , so that we can question the relevant people who made these allegations so that we can sort it out and make sure we move on”




     The Leader in reply stated “We will await the direction of Mr David Bowles in this matter.”




     Councillor Aled Morris Jones, Chair of the Principal Scrutiny Committee, stated that he took offence to the comments of Councillor Rogers, “in that the Scrutiny Committee was an independent Committee. It was now meeting more regularly than it had ever done. That issue will be discussed at its meeting at the end of the month. All Councillors had their own minds and he requested Councillor Rogers not to insult their intelligence by the arguments he was putting forward, for his cheap electioneering processes.”




     Councillor P.S.Rogers stated that “one of the problems contained within the Auditor’s report was that the Council was controlled by an inner Cabinet, positions were given on a grace and favour basis and that there was not an independent audit. These allegations in question had been completely rebutted by the officers and those officers had a right to receive an apology from these Members.”










     (a) Reported- That the Executive at its meeting on 23rd June, 2009 had resolved to           “approve the Amlwch Central Conservation Area Character Appraisal for submission to the next full Council for adoption as Supplementary Planning Guidance.”




     (b) Submitted for information, the report of the Head of Service (Planning) as                submitted to the Executive on 21st July, 2009.




     RESOLVED to endorse the recommendation of the Executive in this respect.










     (a) Reported- That the Executive at its meeting on 7th September, 2009 had resolved to recommend to the County Council “to amend the Constitution by inserting the changes as shown in the three Appendices A,B and C to the report.”




     (b) Submitted for information, the report of the Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer as             submitted to the Executive on 7th September, 2009.




     RESOLVED to endorse the recommendation of the Executive in this respect.










     Reported by Councillor W.I.Hughes, former Chair of the Principal Scrutiny Committee- That under Article 6 of the Council’s Constitution an Annual Report must be submitted to the Council on the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees. The Annual Report 2008/2009 presented to Council today encompassed the period between the Council’s Annual Meeting on the 9 May 2008 and 5 May 2009.




     Details of the issues considered by those 3 Committees were detailed at Paragraphs 6,7 and 8 of the report.




     RESOLVED to approve the Annual report for 2008/2009 and to note its contents.










     Reported by the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer-That the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill was shortly expected to become law. As a result, WAG would take over responsibility for formulating the political models/political management structures available to all authorities in Wales.




     WAG proposed to carry out a consultation to identify the most appropriate political models and political management structures for the future. The consultation was expected to take place between October 2009 and January 2010.




     WAG would then issue revised models, from which local authorities must select. The revised models were expected to become available approximately 12 months from now, although it was likely that each local authority would have to consult direct with its own citizens over their choice of model, with final proposals being submitted to WAG for approval.      This would be similar to the consultation and approval process which took place in 2001. In addition there may also be new regulations in relation to scrutiny/audit etc, which were likely to form part of the consultation.




     While this consultation would be important for every local authority, in view of the recommendations in the Corporate Governance Inspection Report of July 2009, it was essential that this Council engaged fully with this consultation and submitted its views.




     To facilitate this process it was proposed that the Council establish a new Modernisation Panel for the purpose of responding to the consultation described above. It was suggested that the Panel shall not be politically balanced but, instead, shall consist of all the group leaders, one unaffiliated member (in default of agreement among those members, the appointment to be made by the Managing Director in consultation with the group leaders) and the three statutory officers. In the case of all Panelists, substitutes shall be permitted and the Panel shall have authority to formulate recourse to the full Council. It shall be accepted that the nature and extent of the consultation undertaken shall be a matter for the discretion of the Panel but, at least, shall include all elected members and first and second tier officers. The consultation response shall clearly reflect all the views canvassed and the extent of support for each.




     The Leader stated that he welcomed transparency and openness but he did have a problem with a part of the report in that this Panel was to be exempt from political balance. He proposed that the report be accepted subject to the Panel being politically balanced.




     The Director of Legal Services/ Monitoring Officer in response stated that the reason for suggesting that the Panel should not be politically balanced was because the establishment of another politically balanced Panel might affect political balance across the Committees of the Council. Also, because the Council was not responding to a consultation with a view on behalf of the majority of the Council. What was hoped was to canvass all shades of opinion and to represent those back as the consultation response, but also reflecting how much support there was for each view. There was likely to be a majority view but there would also be other views including canvassing the views of the first and second tier officers as well, and any other parties that the Panel felt should be canvassed.




     It was intended therefore to be a conduit for communication to the Political Groups, rather than just expressing a single majority view. The other benefit of having a non politically balanced Panel was that it did not have to comply with the Access to Information regulations and could therefore meet at short notice but also allow for substitution. Because the period of consultation was relatively short and there might be some concentrated work required it would be significantly easier if there were substitutes.




     Opposition Members expressed concern that the majority Group wanted political balance in order to control this particular Panel. What was that saying to the new Managing Director in the spirit of working together?




     Councillor J.Penri Williams considered that a Panel without political balance would undermine democracy and be a dangerous step to take.




     The Acting Managing Director stated that if the Council today decided that the Panel was to be politically balanced, then it was necessary to determine the number of members that should serve on the Panel. There would also be a knock-on effect on all the other Council Committees and Panels.




     Councillor G.W.Roberts, OBE (Leader of the Anglesey Forward Group) and Councillor W.J.Chorlton (Leader of the Labour Group) stated that under the circumstances they were not prepared to attend meetings of the Panel.       




     RESOLVED to establish a Politically balanced Modernisation Panel, consisting of 9 Members together with the 3 statutory officers, for the exclusive purpose of responding to WAG’s consultation on political models/structures.










     Submitted- A joint report by the Head of Service (Housing) and the Head of Service (Planning).




     Reported -That the Welsh Assembly Government believed that there was a key role for locally prepared Affordable Housing Delivery Statements to ensure an ongoing focus on the provision of affordable housing. This focus would underpin the ‘One Wales’ coalition commitment to increase the supply of affordable homes by 6500 by 2011 and the National Housing Strategy ‘Better Homes for People in Wales’.




     Whilst the Affordable Housing Delivery Statement was seen as an interim measure until the Local Development Plan was adopted, in planning terms, following Council approval, it would be, ‘a material consideration that should be afforded significant weight when determining planning applications for housing and in dealing with such proposals at appeal’.




     Fundamental to the Statement was the identification of affordable housing delivery targets up to 2011. The Affordable Housing Delivery Statement had to be submitted to the Assembly by 30th September 2009.




     Fundamental to achieving these aims was providing direction and support to Partners, who, in terms of direct provision, were Housing Associations for Social Housing Grant supported developments and private developers, through affordable housing requirements contained in Section 106 Agreements.




     The Assembly would require evidence that partnerships were working and that a publicly available annual monitoring report/summary statement was produced, setting out the progress made in achieving the targets identified.




     Production of the Affordable Housing Delivery Statement had been coordinated through the Affordable Housing Panel and had been subject to the required 6 week public consultation in January to March of this year. All the responses received had been considered by the Affordable Housing Panel and the Statement amended where necessary.




     The Portfolio Holder, Councillor W.I.Hughes, referred to the fact that a statement such as this needed to be “live” and that it would require amendment from time to time. He asked the Council to acknowledge this when reaching its decision.




     RESOLVED to approve the Affordable Housing Delivery Statement for immediate implementation and submission to the Welsh Assembly and that Authority be given to Officers (in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders when appropriate) to edit its contents as and when required.










     Submitted- A report by Councillor Peter Rogers, the Council’s representative on the North Wales Police Authority on the work of the Police Authority between 5th May and 31st August, 2009.




     Coucillor Peter Rogers stated that the last few meetings had been very much concerned with the departure of Richard Brunstrom, the Chief Constable and also the resignation of his Deputy Clive Wolfendale, who had secured another posting. The post had been filled last week by Mr Mark Polin, a former Deputy Chief Constable for the Gloucestershire area.




     He referred to the introduction of the Quest Programme, funded by the Home Office, which had made a major transformation in policing, by having a central control room. There was now an appointments system where there were dedicated officers coming on duty the following day, who then visited the person making the complaint and thus created a better relationship with the general public.




     He went on to refer to the collaboration that was taking place with neighbouring police authorities, the upgrading of the force’s police helicopter, neighbourhood policing, the Community Safety Partnership and Road Safety.




     Councillor J.Penri Williams enquired as to whether or not it would be possible for Councillor Rogers to provide a quarterly update of the work of the Police Authority on the Council website?




     Councillor G.O.Parry, asked what the position was as regards ‘manning’ on the Island, especially overnight. He requested that Councillor Rogers take a message back to Headquarters regarding the ‘Bobby’ car. It was an useful tool that was used at various shows, etc, which could be used to encourage young people to become friendly with the Police. That car had cost a lot of money and he enquired as to why it had been allowed to deteriorate and not be available for use at strategic times during the summer, when it would be taking a strong message out to the public. He went on to state that the relationship between the public and the police had deteriorated and he was disappointed that they were failing to make connection with schools and young people where they could make an impression. He contrasted it with the rapid and able activities of the Fire Service who played a leading role in many of these activities. He asked Councillor Rogers to take these points on board.




     Councillor Peter.S.Rogers stated that he would get back to Councillor Parry as regards the ‘Bobby’ car and the ‘manning’ figures. Neighbourhood policing meant that the Police were now attending schools and had a much closer relationship than before. The Police were very conscious of this requirement.




     The Leader requested Councillor Rogers to request the Police Authority, that their contribution from the moneys taken from the speed camera project be channeled back into driver education systems which were run by County Road Safety Departments. He believed that the funding during the last couple of years had not been as equable as it should have been.




     Councillor J.Arwel Roberts referred to the need to ensure that Community Beat Managers stayed in post for longer periods than was presently the case. He questioned the cost of the new police helicopter and the extra cost to ratepayers.




     Councillor Raymond Jones referred to under-age drinking at Holyhead and that there was no response to be had to this problem from the Holyhead Police Station. He requested that the matter be drawn to the attention of the police authority.




     Councillor Rogers in reply stated that the police helicopter was under hire. The contract had now expired and that was why there was an updated one paid for by a consortium of Police Authorities. He would provide Councillor Raymond Jones with a telephone number so as to ensure a faster response to the problems he mentioned.






     Submitted- A report by Councillor Aled Morris Jones, one of this Council’s representatives on the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, on the work of the Authority between 5th May and 31st August, 2009.




     Councillor Aled Morris Jones wished to point out that he was only one of three representatives serving on the Fire Authority, the others being Councillors Lewis Davies and J.V.Owen.




     He referred to the sheer professionalism of the Service and their commitment to engagement with the local community. He mentioned the Phoenix project for seriously disadvantaged young people. This Council contributed financially to convening the project and it was very heartening to see the enjoyment of these young people, that could easily fall out of the system if it were not for such projects.




     He also referred to the joint working that took place with the police authority and various other organisations. A new joint control centre had been opened in St Asaph between the Fire and Police Authorities- the first of its kind in the UK.




     The Fire Service also carried out a number of fire safety checks, with the Service delivering over 3,000 home safety checks last year.




     Work had been done on the fire appliances in that all of them now had rescue pumps and the emergency tender vehicles had been redesigned for heavy rescue. During 2008/09 there had been 18,767 total incidents, 4,859 false alarms and 886 road traffic incidents.




     Councillor W.J.Chorlton expressed concern in that the amount of time being spent on worthwhile causes such as fire safety, attending meetings, visiting schools, was to the detriment of the time spent on training. The Fire Service was a job based on team work and if that team work did not take place then there were serious implications. It was very important in his opinion that an individual be kept fully trained.




     He was also concerned as to the number of new vans that had been purchased and parked up at the Fire Stations, seemingly not in use.




     Councillor Aled Morris Jones stated that he would respond to Councillor Chorlton as regards the training schedule within the next 7 days. On the issue of home safety checks, the authority had  realised that there was a need for additional resources and 5 new Community Safety posts had been created to deal with these issues.




     Councillor Chorlton questioned as to where the 5 new posts were coming from? Were they being taken off the rescue tenders?




     Councillor Aled Morris Jones stated that these additional posts had been created with the air ladder platforms.




     Councillor Chorlton in reply stated that he was right, in that they were moving full time personnel off rescue in order to fulfill fire safety. These vehicles would therefore have to wait for a retained person to turn in, in order to take them out.




     Councillor R.Ll.Hughes enquired where financial cuts were to be made. Would they be in front line services or in partnerships forged with this Council?




     Councillor Aled Morris Jones stated that he would report back on the financial position to the next scheduled meeting of the Council in December.












     (a) The following Notices of Motion were submitted by Councillor G.Winston Roberts,OBE:-




     “(i) That this Council freezes members allowances for the next 3 years, this is due to the economic climate and to assist with the Council’s financial position.”




     “(ii) That this Council freezes members’ travelling allowance between home and Council offices in Llangefni due to the current economic climate and to reduce the carbon footprint.”




     Councillor Roberts went on to state that following the report of the Corporate Director (Finance) on the budget outlook today, it made sense to freeze allowances, as a statement of the Council’s intent.




     Councillor Tom Jones, Portfolio Holder for Finance in reply stated that he agreed to a large extent with what was being said. There was an independent Renumeration Panel set up in Wales to look at this issue. It met earlier in the year and took evidence from numerous Councillors from this Authority. The Executive had thereafter responded to their consultation by stating that in the current economic climate, there should be no increase in costs for the Council generally. There was however, a duty on Councils to consider members allowances on an annual basis. He pointed out the Renumeration Panel had the freedom to reduce the allowances payable to Members. As part of the response by the Executive, the Council was asking for as much flexibility as possible within the system to make it work best for Anglesey.




     Councillor G.W.Roberts, OBE, considered it important that it should be made clear to the ratepayers of Anglesey that the total cost allowances in future should be no more than the figure used for this year. He proposed such course of action.




     As regards the second part of the Motion, Councillor Tom Jones, Portfolio Holder for Finance stated that the Independent Renumeration Panel had decided that travelling allowances would remain as at present with no increase for the year.









to adopt, as a statement of intent by this Council, that the total cost of members’ alowances should not rise over the next three years.





To note that the Independent Renumeration Panel did not propose an increase in mileage rates.




     (b) The following Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor H.W.Thomas:-




     “That this Council adopt a policy of paying second class travelling allowance only for           members, due to the current economic climate.”




     In view of the fact that Councillor H.W.Thomas had been called away from the meeting, the Director of Legal Services /Monitoring Officer reported that it was not possible for another Member to move the motion. The motion therefore fell. However, this issue was debated by Council on 30th June, 2009 and was subject to the 6 month rule, so the Council would have had to suspend Standing Orders in order to debate this matter.










     Submitted- A report by the Acting Managing Director setting out any changes to the scheme of delegation relating to Executive functions made by the Leader since the last Ordinary meeting (Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules - Page 134 of the Constitution referred.




     RESOLVED to note the contents of the report and to also note that under the delegation regarding payments to Voluntary Bodies, the name of Councillor P.M.Fowlie, former Leader, had been inadvertently included in the English version of that decision.


















     The meeting concluded at 4:40pm