Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Friday, 27th March, 2009



Minutes of the meeting held on 27 March 2009




Councillor  Aled Morris Jones - Chair


Councillors W.J.Chorlton; E.G.Davies; Lewis Davies;

Barrie Durkin; Jim Evans; Keith Evans; C.Ll.Everett; P.M.Fowlie;

D.R.Hughes; Fflur M.Hughes; K.P.Hughes; R.Ll.Hughes;

W.I.Hughes; Eric Jones. G.O.Jones; H.Eifion Jones;

O.Glyn Jones; R.Dylan Jones; T.H.Jones; C.McGregor;

Rhian Medi; Bryan Owen; J.V.Owen; R.L.Owen;

R.G.Parry OBE; G.O.Parry MBE; Eric Robers; G.W.Roberts OBE

J.Arwel Roberts; E.Schofield; Hefin W.Thomas; Ieuan Williams;

J.Penri Williams; Selwyn Williams;






Corporate Director Finance,

Monitoring Officer;

Head of Service (Corporate Services);

Head of Service (Policy),

Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer;

Committee Officer (JMA).






T.Ll.Hughes; Peter S.Rogers;










The meeting was opened with a Prayer by Councillor Eurfryn Davies.






There was no declaration of interest by either Member or Officer.






There were no announcements from the chair, Leader, Members of the Executive or the Head of Paid Services.






     In accordance with Para of the Council Constitution (Page 94) the Chairman had called


     an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council following a requisition for that purpose signed by 5


     Members of the Council.




     The requisition read :-




     “Under Paragraph of the Constitution we ask that the Chairperson of the Council call an


     Extraordinary Meeting of the Council to deal with the following items of business:-




     1.   To approve the terms of an agreement;


     2.   To make such interim arrangements a may be necessary;




     Signed :-  Councillors Ieuan Williams, R.G.Parry; C.McGregor; R.Ll.Hughes; P.Fowlie;


     Dated :-   20 March 2009.










The following was adopted:-




Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public were excluded from the meeting during discussion on the following items as  they involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12 and 13  of Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test.”








The Chairman invited the Corporate Director of Finance to address the meeting. The Corporate            Director confirmed he had reported to the Executive on the 26th March 2009 and that a discussion       had ensued at that meeting as to the possibility of terminating the Managing Director’s                       contract early, by mutual consent.




The Authority had appointed an advisor from the Local Government Employers as its                             representative and the Managing Director had his own advisor. Following negotiations between the       representatives, a proposed agreement had been drafted.




The Corporate Director of Finance detailed the main terms of the agreement including pension             rights, press statement, reference and other minor costs. The cost of funding such an agreement          was detailed by the Corporate Director. He emphasised however that no date had been agreed and      that currently no agreement had been signed. The Corporate Director of Finance also emphasised       that it was imperative for the Executive to give their reasons for their decision to recommend the           adoption of the proposed package and in agreeing, by mutual consent, the termination of the                 Managing Director’s contract of employment.




Members were provided with a copy of the resolutions of  the Executive Meeting and the Audit              Committee both of which were held on 26th March 2009.




Following a frank exchange between Members,  the Portfolio Holder proposed that the                           recommendations made by the Executive at their meeting on 26th March 2009  be adopted.


The Chairman indicated that all voting would be by Recorded Vote and that each proposal would


be voted on individually.




The County Council RESOLVED to adhere to the Executive Committee’s recommendations        dated 26th March 2009 as per the following voting:-




Recommendation (i) -  to adopt the proposed package and to agree by mutual consent the


termination of the Managing Director’s contract of employment, as outlined in the Corporate


Director of Finance’s report.




Recommendation (ii) - that the reasons for this decision will be shared with the full County Council at its meeting on 27 March, 2009.










Recommendation (iii) - that the Corporate Director (Education and Leisure) should be designated as Head of Paid Service on a temporary basis, immediately following the termination, and to be paid an honorarium equal to the difference between the Corporate Director’s substantive salary and the first point of the salary grade of the previous Managing Director (up to August, 2006) at current value.




Recommendation (iv) - that the process of recruiting a successor should be referred to the Appointments Committee to consider further, and to make  recommendations to the Council.




Recommendation (v) - to delegate to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council, the authority to agree any minor changes required to the terms of agreement and to agree all related documentation referred to in the Corporate Director (Finance) report.




An amendment to the recommendation was proposed by Councillor Hefin Thomas and seconded         by Councillor H. Eifion Jones viz:-




    (a)    Not to accept the Executive’s recommendation to reach an agreement with the                              Managing Director that he leave the Authority, until such time as the Auditor General                   has completed his work and reported fully on his findings to the County Council;




     (b)   that the situation  with regard to the Managing Director’s employment be reconsidered               following the outcome of the  Auditor General’s report.






     The Voting was as follows :-




     For the Amendment :-




     Councillors John Chorlton; C.L.Everett; Keith Evans; D.Rees Hughes; Fflur M.Hughes;


     H.Eifion Jones; R.Dylan Jones; Hefin W.Thomas; Gareth W.Roberts OBE;


                                                     TOTAL  -  9


    Against the Amendment :-




     Councillors Eurfryn Davies; Lewis Davies; Barrie Durkin; Jim Evans; P.Fowlie; Ken Hughes;


     R.Ll.Hughes; William I.Hughes; Eric Jones; Gwilym O.Jones; O.Glyn Jones; T.H.Jones;


     Aled Morris Jones; C.McGregor; Rhian Medi; Bryan Owen; J.V.Owen; R.L.Owen;


     R.G.Parry OBE; G.O.Parry MBE; Eric Roberts; Elwyn Schofield; Ieuan Williams; J.Penri Williams;


     Selwyn Williams.


                                                  TOTAL  - 25




     Recommendation (i) was proposed by Councillor Ieuan Williams and Seconded by


     Councillor Lewis Davies.




     For the Proposal  :-




     Councillors Eurfryn Davies; Lewis Davies; Barrie Durkin; Jim Evans; P.Fowlie; Ken Hughes;


     R.Ll.Hughes; William I.Hughes; Eric Jones; Gwilym O.Jones; O.Glyn Jones; T.H.Jones;


     Aled Morris Jones; C.McGregor; Rhian Medi; Bryan Owen; J.V.Owen; R.L.Owen;


     R.G.Parry OBE; G.O.Parry MBE; Eric Roberts; Elwyn Schofield; Ieuan Williams; J.Penri Williams;


     Selwyn Williams.


                                                  TOTAL  - 25














Councillors John Chorlton; C.L.Everett; Keith Evans; D.Rees Hughes; Fflur M.Hughes;


H.Eifion Jones; R.Dylan Jones; Hefin W.Thomas; Gareth W.Roberts OBE;


                                                     TOTAL  -  9




     RESOLVED to adopt the proposed package and to agree by mutual consent the termination


     of the Managing Director’s contract of employment as outlined in the Corporate Director


     (Finance) report;




Recommendation (ii) including the fact that the reason for the decision was on the basis of the              Auditor General’s Annual Letter  was proposed by Councillor Ieuan Williams and Seconded by


Councillor Lewis Davies.




     For the Proposal  :-




     Councillors Eurfryn Davies; Lewis Davies; Barrie Durkin; Jim Evans; P.Fowlie; Ken Hughes;


     R.Ll.Hughes; William I.Hughes; Eric Jones; Gwilym O.Jones; O.Glyn Jones; T.H.Jones;


     Aled Morris Jones; C.McGregor; Rhian Medi; Bryan Owen; J.V.Owen; R.L.Owen;


     R.G.Parry OBE; G.O.Parry MBE; Eric Roberts; Elwyn Schofield; Ieuan Williams; J.Penri Williams;


     Selwyn Williams.


                                                  TOTAL  - 25








     Councillors John Chorlton; C.L.Everett; Keith Evans; D.Rees Hughes; Fflur M.Hughes;


     H.Eifion Jones; R.Dylan Jones; Hefin W.Thomas; Gareth W.Roberts OBE;


                                                     TOTAL  -  9






     RESOLVED that the reason for the decision be on the basis of the Auditor General’s


     Annual Letter;




      Recommendation (iii) was proposed by Councillor Ieuan Williams and Seconded by


     Councillor Lewis Davies.




     For the Proposal  :-




Councillors Eurfryn Davies; Lewis Davies; Barrie Durkin; Jim Evans; K.Evans; P.Fowlie;


Ken Hughes; Derlwyn R.Hughes; R.Ll.Hughes; William I.Hughes; Eric Jones; Gwilym O.Jones;                  O.Glyn Jones; T.H.Jones; Aled Morris Jones; C.McGregor;; Bryan Owen; J.V.Owen; R.L.Owen;


R.G.Parry OBE; G.O.Parry MBE; Eric Roberts; Elwyn Schofield; Ieuan Williams; J.Penri Williams;


Selwyn Williams.


                                                  TOTAL  - 26








     Councillors John Chorlton; C.L.Everett;  Fflur M.Hughes; Rhian Medi


     H.Eifion Jones; R.Dylan Jones; Hefin W.Thomas; Gareth W.Roberts OBE;


                                                     TOTAL  -  8












RESOLVED that the Corporate Director (Education and Leisure) should be designated


as Head of Paid Service on a temporary basis, immediately following the termination, and


to be paid an honorarium equal to the difference between the Corporate Director’s


substantive salary and the first point of the salary grade of the previous Managing Director


(up to August 2006) at current value.




     Recommendation (iv)  was proposed by Councillor Ieuan Williams and Seconded by


     Councillor Lewis Davies.




     For the Proposal  :-




     Councillors Eurfryn Davies; Lewis Davies; Barrie Durkin; Jim Evans; P.Fowlie; Ken Hughes;


     R.Ll.Hughes; William I.Hughes; Eric Jones; Gwilym O.Jones; O.Glyn Jones; T.H.Jones;


     Aled Morris Jones; C.McGregor; Rhian Medi; Bryan Owen; J.V.Owen; R.L.Owen;


     R.G.Parry OBE; G.O.Parry MBE; Eric Roberts; Elwyn Schofield; Ieuan Williams; J.Penri Williams;


     Selwyn Williams.


                                                  TOTAL  - 25








     Councillors John Chorlton; C.L.Everett; Keith Evans; D.Rees Hughes; Fflur M.Hughes;


     H.Eifion Jones; R.Dylan Jones; Hefin W.Thomas; Gareth W.Roberts OBE;


                                                     TOTAL  -  9




     RESOLVED that the process of recruiting a successor should be referred to the


     Appointments Committee to consider further and to make recommendations to the






     Recommendation (v)  was proposed by Councillor Ieuan Williams and Seconded by


     Councillor Lewis Davies.




     For the Proposal  :-




     Councillors Eurfryn Davies; Lewis Davies; Barrie Durkin; Jim Evans; P.Fowlie; Ken Hughes;


     R.Ll.Hughes; William I.Hughes; Eric Jones; Gwilym O.Jones; O.Glyn Jones; T.H.Jones;


     Aled Morris Jones; C.McGregor; Rhian Medi; Bryan Owen; J.V.Owen; R.L.Owen;


     R.G.Parry OBE; G.O.Parry MBE; Eric Roberts; Elwyn Schofield; Ieuan Williams; J.Penri Williams;


     Selwyn Williams.


                                                  TOTAL  - 25








     Councillors John Chorlton; C.L.Everett; Keith Evans; D.Rees Hughes; Fflur M.Hughes;


     H.Eifion Jones; R.Dylan Jones; Hefin W.Thomas; Gareth W.Roberts OBE;


                                                     TOTAL  -  9




RESOLVED to delegate to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council, the authority to agree


any minor changes required to the terms of agreement and to agree all related                              documentation referred to in the Corporate Director of  Finance’s report.