Meeting documents

Licensing Committee
Tuesday, 10th May, 2005



minutes of the meeting HELD ON 10 MAY, 2005



Councillor J.Arthur Jones (Chairperson)

Councillor D.Hadley (Vice-Chairperson)


Councillors John Byast, W.J.Chorlton, C.L.Everett, J.Arwel Edwards, O.Glyn Jones, R.L.Owen, G.O.Parry, MBE, J.Arwel Roberts, W.T.Roberts, John Williams.



In Attendance:

Head of Service (Environmental Services)

Legal Services Manager (RJ)

Principal Trading Standards Officer (DR)

Senior Trading Standards Officer (DO)

Committee Officer (ATH)




Councillor H.Noel Thomas








Councillor J.Arthur Jones was elected Chairperson of the Licensing Committee.





Councillor Denis Hadley was elected Vice-Chairperson of the Licensing Committee.





No declaration of interest was received.





The minutes of the previous meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 5 April, 2005 were submitted and confirmed as correct. (Page 66 in the County Council Minutes Volume for 3 May, 2005)





Submitted for the Committee's consideration - The draft Licensing Committee Hearing Procedures.


Members made the following observations on the draft procedures:




In respect of paragraph 2.3, wherein it was stated that the quorum of the Licensing Sub-Committee is three members and all three members must be present throughout the hearing, it was noted that in the event of one of the three members having to withdraw for whatever reason e.g. indisposition etc. during the course of the proceedings, then it would be helpful if provision could be made within the procedures to allow the remaining two members to continue with the hearing subject to the agreement of all the relevant parties present.




The Senior Trading Standards Officer noted that he did not see why a hearing once commenced, should not be allowed to continue with two members if all parties were amenable to that course of action.However, a member who withdraws from a hearing during the course of the proceedings cannot then return at a later point in the proceedings.





In respect of paragraph 2.4, it was proposed that the words " to the members" be added to the final sentence of this paragraph so that it reads, "The officers are present to provide advice to the members and are not parties to the hearing."



In respect of paragraph 5.1, in relation to right of attendance and representation, it was suggested that a definition of the term "party" be given so as to clarify to whom the term applies in the context of attendance and representation at a hearing.It was further suggested and agreed that the wording "All parties to include..." be added to Paragraph 1.3 of the Procedures (Introduction and Application).



In respect of paragraph 5.4, it was proposed that the word "relevant" be replaced with the word "accepted" so that the first sentence reads, "Representations or requests for review will only be accepted if they relate to one or more of the four licensing objectives."



In respect of paragraph 6.3, it was proposed that the word "problems" be replaced with the word "questions" in the final sentence of the paragraph so that it reads, "The Sub-Committee may be accompanied by the Committee Officer and the Legal Advisor who will be available to assist the Sub-Committee with any legal questions, but will not participate in any decision making of the Sub-Committee."



In respect of paragraph 8.14, it was proposed that the word "may" in the second sentence be replaced with the word, "will" so as to read, "The Sub-Committee will withdraw to a private room to do this" [determine the matter under consideration] thereby ensuring consistency of meaning with following paragraph 8.15.



In respect of paragraph 8.15 it was proposed that the word "informed" in the second sentence be replaced with the word "assisted" so that the sentence reads, "The Chairperson will ask the Legal Advisor to inform the parties of any legal advice given during the Sub-Committee's private discussion that has assisted their decision."



In respect of paragraph 12.1 it was proposed to delete the word "affecting" from the paragraph so that it reads, "No member of the Licensing Committee shall serve on the Sub-Committee hearing an application in the ward which they represent or in which they live."



In respect of paragraph 12.2 in relation to the rights of Ward Members to make representations, a query was raised regarding the stipulation that a ward member acting in a representative capacity on behalf of a resident or business in the vicinity of the premises must clearly identify who they are representing on the basis that some individuals wishing to make representations in relation to an application might wish to retain their anonymity - it was asked whether it was feasible to include a provision in the procedures to the effect that a ward member may disclose the identity of the person(s) he/she is representing in confidence to an officer.




The Legal Services Manager noted that there was no provision within the system to guarantee the anonymity of those raising objections to an application - the applicant must know who is objecting in order to be able to respond to the objection.





In respect of Paragraph 16.1 which provides for the Licensing Subcommittee to waive, vary or modify any part of the procedures in relation to a particular case in the interests of fairness to the parties or proper consideration of the application in question, some members objected to the inclusion of this provision firstly on the grounds that any modification of the procedures should be agreed by the full Licensing Committee, and secondly on the grounds that allowing the Subcommittee to vary the procedure undermined consistency in that the procedure could change from hearing to hearing dependent on the views of those members serving on the Subcommittee at any given time.




The Chair noted that there has to be an element of discretion in dealing with individual hearings and the subcommittee must be given the right to waive, vary or modify the procedure if ensuring a fair and proper hearing in particular cases so demands.
















The Legal Services Manager observed that circumstances might arise wherein the Subcommittee might need to vary the procedure - the provision stipulates that the Subcommittee must give reasons for any decision to do so, and these will be recorded.The procedure as presented provides a general framework for conducting hearings within which there is discretion to vary the arrangements in particular cases.




It was resolved to approve the Draft Licensing Procedures subject to implementing the amendments outlined in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.8 above.






Councillor J.Arthur Jones

