Meeting documents

Licensing Committee
Monday, 8th March, 2010



Minutes of the meeting held on  8th March 2010




Councillor J.V.Owen (Chairman);


Councillors T.Ll.Hughes; W.I.Hughes; G.O.Jones; R.LL.Jones; Eric Roberts;






Principal Trading Standards Officer (Licensing) (DMJ);

Committee Officer (JMA);






Councillors John Chorlton; Lewis Davies; Kenneth Hughes; R.Dylan Jones; R.L.Owen; G.O.Parry MBE;










Declaration by Councillor J.V.Owen with regard to any item dealing with the licensing of ice cream vans (Street Trading Licences) and by Councillor Eric Roberts regarding Horse Riding establishments.





Minutes of the meeting held on 27 August 2009 were confirmed and signed as correct.






The Chairman reported that he is in liaison with the Principal Trading Standards Officer (Licensing) on a monthly basis so as to be updated on any matters of concern. He thanked the Officer for his support and assured Members that he would have no hesitation in calling an emergency meeting of the Committee should it be necessary. He invited the Officer to address the meeting.


The Principal Trading Standards Officer( Licensing) reported that the Department currently have responsibility for the following Licences:-


530 Licensed premises;

619 Personal licenses issued for the sale of alcohol;

110 Temporary Event Licences;

150 Taxi;

250 Taxi Drivers;


130 Small Lotteries;


250 Gaming Machines in Clubs and Pubs;


    8 Betting Shops;


    2 Arcades;




In addition, the department has responsibility for licences such as petroleum, fireworks, operators, hypnotists, bingo halls etc. The department works closely with the Responsible Authorities (i.e. police, fire authority, trading standards, environmental health etc.). The Licensing Section is also


heavily involved in the day to day running of Markets and Car Boot Sales.




The Officer reported on possible review of licences at public houses which are currently under scrutiny following complaints from the public.




An update was provided regarding Under Age “Off” Sales. Members noted that current guidelines dictate that premises would need to be guilty on three occasions of under age sales in any three month period prior to any action being taken against them. Changes to Licensing Legislation have been implemented on 29th January 2010 which state that two separate sales of alcohol to underage persons within a three month period could lead to a review and/or prosecution or the closure of the premises for 48 hours in lieu of proceedings.




An exercise held in February 2010 resulted in three premises out of ten selling alcohol to under age persons. The Police had also conducted two separate “on sales” exercises where seven out of ten premises sold alcohol. Unfortunately the correct code of practice was not followed and the Licence Holders were therefore issued only with a warning regarding their future conduct. Trading Standards had also carried out tests on the strength of spirits sold at licensed premises resulting in two cases appearing in court with heavy fines being imposed and the personal licence of one landlord being revoked by the Court.




Members provided examples of concerns within their areas regarding the sale of alcohol to under age persons and of under age drinking causing anti social behaviour. The Chair urged Members to contact the Officer to voice any concerns they have so as that the appropriate action could be takenas the new Licensing Act now provides the power for any elected members within any Authority being able to request a review of any premises within that Authority. The Act also includes three mandatory conditions to a Premises Licence, to be effective from 1st April with further conditions coming into force on 1st October 2010.




The Officer confirmed that his department work in close liaison with North Wales Police in an effort to address problems arising from the sale of alcohol to under age persons.






The Officer reported that a review of the Gambling Act has been carried out and a review of the Licensing Act will take place towards the autumn of 2010, as required under the Act, when it may be prudent for this Committee to discuss the Policy so as to input its views.  In addition, training issues were noted in that an in house training day will be arranged for Members in the near future.




The Chair thanked the Members for their attendance and the Officer for his report.