Meeting documents

Appointments Committee
Thursday, 30th September, 2010

Please note: due to the nature of some of these documents, many are not fully accessible for people with visual impairments and cannot be read by 'screen reader'.


1. Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest by any Member or Officer in respect of any item discussed.

2. Minutes

To submit, for confirmation, the minutes of the meeting held on 27 July, 2010.
(Enclosure 'A')

3. Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider adopting the following:

“Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during the discussion on the following item as it may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 12 of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Tests.”

4. Senior Management Arrangements - Housing and Social Services Directorate

To submit a joint report by the Acting Corporate Director (Housing and Social Services) and Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer.
(Enclosure 'B'- to follow)

5. Acting Head of Service (Economic Development)

To submit a report by the Corporate Director (Environment and Technical Services) on behalf of the Interim Managing Director on staff changes to the Council's Regeneration Team to accommodate the staffing required for the Energy Island Team
(Enclosure 'C' - to follow)