Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Thursday, 4th March, 2010



Minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2010




Councillor  O.Glyn Jones - (Chair)

Councillor Selwyn Williams (Vice-Chair)


Councillors W.J.Chorlton; E.G.Davies; Lewis Davies;

Barrie Durkin; Jim Evans; Keith Evans; T.LL.Hughes;;

Fflur M.Hughes; K.P.Hughes; R.Ll.Hughes; W.T.Hughes;

W.I.Hughes; Eric Jones. G.O.Jones; H.Eifion Jones; R.Jones;

R.Dylan Jones; R.Ll.Jones; T.H.Jones; A.Morris Jones; C.McGregor; Rhian Medi; Bryan Owen; J.V.Owen; R.L.Owen; R.G.Parry OBE; G.O.Parry MBE; Eric Roberts; G.W.Roberts OBE; P.S.Rogers;Hefin W.Thomas; Ieuan Williams; J.Penri Williams.






Interim Managing Director;

Corporate Director (Finance,)

Corporate Director (Education & Leisure;)

Corporate Director (Environment & Technical Services;)

Acting Corporate Director (Housing & Social Services;)

Head of Service (Policy),

Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer;

Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer,

Committee Services Manager,

Press Officer






Councillors C.Ll.Everett, P.M.Fowlie, J.Arwel,Roberts, E.Schofield.










            The meeting was opened with a Prayer by Councillor K.P.Hughes





Submitted and confirmed as a true record, the minutes of the meetings of the County      Council held on the following dates:-



10th December, 2009


20th January, 2010 (Extraordinary) (Site Visits)


21st January, 2010 (Extraordinary)


Arising thereon-

Item 3. Planning application No.19C599X/ECON, Tesco Stores, Holyhead.



Councillor Raymond Jones wished it to be noted that he had stated that there had been a reduction over the last four months in the amount of heavy traffic making use of London Road, Holyhead, and not over the ‘last few years’ as had been stated in the minutes.    












There was no declaration of interest by either Member or Officer.










     The Chair extended a warm welcome back to Councillor Peter Rogers following his recent                hospitalisation.




     Congratulations were extended to Councillor J.V.Owen and his wife Beryl who were celebrating           44 years of married life together tomorrow.




     On behalf of the Chair, Councillor G.O.Jones extended the Council’s sympathy to the family of           the late Alan E.Pritchard of Holyhead who was a former Member of this Authority.




     The Chair took the opportunity of sympathising with any member of staff who had suffered a                bereavement. Members and Officers stood in silent tribute as a mark of their respect.








     The Chair announced that Item 18 of today’s agenda (Residential Homes Refurbishment)                had been withdrawn since it was incumbent upon the Executive to receive a report beforehand           on the proposed refurbishment work at Plas Penlan.








     Councillor G.W.Roberts,OBE wished to make the following statement to Council:-




     “I think with what is going on in the County Council at the moment, we are working towards


     improving the Council. It has been drawn to my attention that the Chairman of the Principal                Scrutiny Committee, I don’t have the date, had felt offended by my wording, when I did ask him in      the debate, the use of the letters P.P. and also I had in my possession the magazine Golwg and I      believe that has offended the Chair of Scrutiny on the day. Therefore, I apologise for that.”








     Councillor W.J.Chorlton, wished to make the following statement to Council:-




     “I also understand from the Leader of the Council that in the meeting some 2-3 weeks ago that I           made comments that offended one or two Councillors and I believe that Councillor Richard Owen      was one of them. Can I assure the Authority that there was no intention on my part to offend,           insult or anything else. I was trying to be informative and trying to keep my colleagues in the                know. I have been quoted as using certain words. I refute those words. I did make a comment, I           openly admit it. I apologise to those members I have offended and I do that because I want to           see this Council move forward. I want us to have a better Council, a more open Council, a more           inclusive Council and therefore I have no problem whatsoever in retracting that and assuring this           Authority of my intention to work towards a better Authority and to work in harmony with my                colleagues.”








     The Chair wished to make it clear for future reference that if any member wished to make an           apology via an announcement, could do so with prior notice to the Chair.




     Councillor R.L.Owen wished to state that he accepted the apology of Councillor Chorlton.








     The Leader of the Council wished to make the following announcement:-




“Like most of you, I sat through our Special Council meeting last week when the Minister for Social Justice and Local Government reminded us very forcibly that we were failing the citizens of Anglesey by our behaviour.  It is rather unpalatable for the majority to have to accept such criticism as they are committed to driving the Council forward. At the last election there were 14 new faces elected or returned to the County Council, it is unfair on most of those to have to carry the stigma of repeated bad behaviour amongst elected members. There are however, some amongst us who appear to be wedded to the idea that challenging and obstructive behaviour is how a Councillor should act and that the Welsh Assembly Government have no legal powers to tell us what to do. Make no mistake, if the message has not now been understood by all of us then we don’t deserve to be here.




When I was appointed Leader of the County Council in May 2009, I pledged that I would work with everyone to try and make this Council an inclusive one. Whilst we have had differences along the way, by and large progress has been made but with a couple of notable exceptions. You will be aware that I have sacked two members from my group for what in my opinion was behaviour that was bringing the Council into disrepute. Fellow Group Leaders I have demonstrated by actions that I want to see a functional, transparent Council that is fit for purpose. I am certain that you share my aspirations to make this Council an exemplar Council.




For far too long this Council has been beset with personality issues, indeed they originate back to the days of the old Borough Council. How Councillors operated in those days is so fundamentally different to what is expected of us today. Recent national scandals by our elected representatives in Parliament have given the ordinary man in the street, a very jaundiced view of politicians. Our stock is very low and if we continue to bicker and squabble we will pay the penalty at the next election, but in Anglesey’s case with a Recovery Board sitting over us monitoring our actions, any failure to modify behaviour will lead to all powers being taken from us. We would then have scored a spectacular own goal and have no one else to blame but ourselves. Let’s get real and move this Council forward. If anyone here does not want to do that, then all I say is get out of the Council , have a by-election and the public will decide on its representative. We are here to represent the public both on a ward basis but also on a County basis, we need to be transparent in how we conduct ourselves, working within the Constitution of the County Council and under the spotlight of the press and media.




There have been recent examples where some members appear to have their finger on the self destruct button, for example Councillor Barrie Durkin, having raised legitimate issues with Mr.David Bowles was not satisfied with the course of action that followed the investigation of his complaints distributes to you members a letter which in my opinion was libelous. I could not condone or support such action and removed him from the group. Councillor Schofield at a meeting of the Scrutiny Committee choose to ignore an agreement that I had negotiated with the opposition leaders in relation to the role of chair of Scrutiny. I appreciate that the constitution states that it is for the committee to determine its chair and vice chair and whilst the chair was offered to a member of the opposition  and declined by that member, he proceeded to propose a member of the ruling group despite there being a properly proposed and seconded opposition members name on the table. All this taking place in front of a representative of the WLGA that was here to assist the Authority in developing its scrutiny procedures. There is also evidence available that this course of action was premeditated as approaches had been made to another member of the ruling coalition to accept the chair days before the meeting. After hearing what the Minister had to say, I had no option other than to eject him from the group for undermining my credibility and this Authority.




We have all as group leaders signalled our intention to move this authority forward, let’s do that, heaven only knows that there are significant external issues that should concern us and that good behaviour should be unquestionable.”




Councillor B.Durkin in response stated “I think it is absolutely outrageous to mention Elwyn Schofield whilst he was not here today. He has no chance of answering that back. Having been encouraged and supported and even led down certain paths to take the action that I have taken, in attempting to bring this Council on, I find it quite bewildering to say the least that I have now been excluded from the Ruling Group for doing just that, for doing what the Leader encouraged me to do, for doing what the Leader wanted me to do, as with others. So be it. They don’t want me in the Group and that is fine. It would have been a lot better if the ‘whip’ had not been on, but there we go.




I was very encouraged with what the Minister had to say. He said ‘it is vital that the first step in resolving problems is by acknowledging that they exist.’ It is a pity that these issues have not been acknowledged, because if you ask a question and you get an answer and you know that answer to be right, end of story. There is nothing else to be said. But when you were told something that you know very well is not true, it leaves it open to scrutiny and scrutinise it we should. Our electorate out there would want to know why we weren’t scrutinising things that were not right. So I suggest that we should adhere to that, acknowledge that there is something wrong in the first place and I believe that we would not be discussing this issue here today and there wouldn’t be the acrimony and the problems which we’ve got now, had that taken place a long time ago. I’ll take no lessons or apologise to anybody for doing what is right on behalf of my constituents and the people of Anglesey.




If whoever it is, wishes to continue failing to acknowledge wrong-doings and other things in this Council, we are going nowhere, no matter how much we want to try, no matter how much we try, you will go nowhere, unfortunately.”








Submitted- A presentation by the Relationship Manager, Wales Audit Office on the           Annual Letter for 2008/09.




The Chair extended a warm welcome to Mr.Alan Morris (Relationship Manager) and to Ms. Lynn Hine of Pricewaterhouse Coopers.




Submitted -  a presentation by the Relationship Manager, Wales Audit Office on the Annual Letter for 2008/09 which set out the key messages arising from work undertaken over the last twelve months and which included a summary of audit and inspection work and reported progress against improvement actions. It drew on the published reports of other inspectorates to provide an annual summary of findings and conclusions as regards this Council.




The Annual Letter had been presented to the Audit Committee on 14th January, 2010, the Executive on 19th January and to all members in December, 2009 by the Interim Managing Director.




The Auditor General’s Appointed Auditor had completed the audit of accounts in accordance with the requirements of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 and the Code and had concluded that:-





The Council had complied with financial and performance improvement reporting requirements, but the next 12 months were critical for the Council to improve it’s arrangements to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources.



The Council had appropriate arrangements to administrate and report financial matters but did not have appropriate arrangements to secure value for money in its use of resources in 2008/09.



The Statement of Accounts 2008/09 was prepared in accordance with statutory requirements and presented fairly the financial position and transactions of the Council.



The Council did not have appropriate arrangements in place to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources in 2008-09.



The Council’s Improvement Plan 2009-10 met statutory requirements and provided a balanced view of its performance in 2008-09 but data demonstrated that performance against targets had declined slightly.




The Relationship Manager had concluded that:-





Review of services and corporate arrangements indicated that the Council needed to address any significant weaknesses and had a poor record in responding to the recommendations of external regulators.



The Council’s long history of not being properly run had a corrosive effect on the exercise of its functions and left it poorly placed to meet future challenges.



The Council recognised that there was considerable room for improvement in its asset Management arrangements but progress was beginning to be made.



The Council had made limited progress in implementing many previous recommendations but was strengthening its arrangements for monitoring the response to Wales Audit Office reports.



Reviews undertaken by the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales had identified a number of areas of concern.




The Relationship Manager also drew the Council’s attention to the new framework of the Local Government Measure which changed the context for performance audit and inspection work.




Members were afforded the opportunity of raising questions on the contents of the annual letter.




The Leader thanked the representatives of the Wales Audit Office and PWC for their presence today and he expressed his best wishes to Mr.Alan Morris in his new post and for  his help and guidance to this Authority over the years.














The following question was put by Councillor R.Ll.Jones to the Leader of the Council:-




“I am aware that the lease held by this Council for the Green within the Newry           Conservation Area is due to expire in December, 2025. With all the rich history that this Green has provided for the people of Holyhead, what legal safeguards can be made in order to ensure that it remains an open area and the focus for local events to be enjoyed by all the residents of Holyhead and Ynys Môn?




I would like to request that our Legal Department looks into the terms of the lease and that a report setting out the alternatives be brought before this Council as soon as possible.”




The Leader of the Council in response stated:- “The Green at Newry Beach is leased to the Council from Stena and as indicated in the question expires in 2025. If Stena had a genuine intention to develop the area they may be able to obtain possession under S.30 of the 1954 Act. There is a covenant within the lease that the land be used only for open space and public recreation. The simple answer to the question is that the existing lease if it remains with the Council, with the existing covenants, clearly retains that use. However, I assume that the Councillor is looking to safeguard the Green against any attempt to develop the land for either housing or as part of the marina proposals. The Council in terms of regeneration may wish to encourage such proposals and as such may wish to see the covenants amended or the lease given back to Stena.




The answer to the question could simply say - there already exists the legal safeguard for the use of the land for open space and public recreation within the lease from Stena which has more than 15 years to run. I can see nothing to be gained at present in looking at any issues relating to the lease.”




Councillor R.L.l.Jones in reply stated that “Holyhead Green is similar to Beaumaris Green and what the people of Holyhead would like to see would be that green becoming a Town Green so that in perpetuity it will remain within the scope of the local residents. We need to look at ways of starting some process so that we can ensure that this Green should become part of the heritage of Holyhead for the future.”




The Leader reiterated the conditions of the lease to Councillor Jones.








      No petitions were received in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution.








     Reported - That the Executive at its meeting on 16 February 2010, has resolved to recommend           to the County Council:-





“That the Strategic Priorities contained in the consultation document be accepted, subject to those modifications agreed by the Executive on 16th February, 2010, in response to the consultation.





To take on board the observations received on the Council’s medium term financial strategy and budget proposals for 2010/11 in the context of a separate report to this Committee by the Corporate Director (Finance).”




Submitted- The report of the Interim Managing Director on Council priorities following           discussion at the Executive on 16th February, 2010.




Reported by the Leader - That one of the key areas highlighted in the Corporate Governance Inspection (recommendation 1) was the need for the Council to focus much  more on strategic planning and set its strategic priorities and direction. Allied to this and   highlighted in the report was the need to focus on community engagement.




Subject to the Council’s decision, the report set the overall strategic framework for business plans and the operational needs of the Authority. Work was now in hand to prepare business plans to support these strategic priorities by the end of March 2010,and it would be necessary to report to the Council as soon as practicable after 1st April, 2010 on the Council’s Corporate Improvement Plan for 2010/11.




RESOLVED to adopt the Executive’s recommendations on strategic priorities as set out in the appendix to the report.








     8.1 Submitted by the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Councillor Tom Jones - The Executive’s                Proposals for a medium term revenue budget strategy, interim capital plan and revenue and           capital budgets for 2010/11.




     Reported - That the Executive’s final budget proposals were contained as follows:-





     Enclosure D of this agenda - Medium Term Revenue Budget Strategy 2010-13. This strategy supported strategic priorities and guided service planning. Public and stakeholder consultation on the strategic priorities and medium term financial strategy had fed into development of this strategy. The relationship to the budget framework and other strategies was explained within the body of the report.




     Tabled at the meeting was an amended version of the table at Page 4 of the report.                     This was to ensure consistency with the final proposals of the Executive for 2010-11                     on Council Tax.





Table A - Revenue Budget 2010-11



Table B - Capital Plan and narrative



Table C - Capital Budget 2010-11




The following details were provided within the Portfolio Holder’s report with regard to following the requirements of the Budget Procedure Rules:-





if the Council has adopted a budget strategy, whether the proposed annual budget conformed to that strategy, and details of any departures.



the proposed Council Tax for the year



any proposed transfers to or from financial reserves



a summary of proposed expenditure by service



details of significant changes to service delivery implied by the budget



the extent to which the proposals took account of reports of Committees



the extent to which the proposals took account of any consultation that had been undertaken



details of any other significant differences between the initial and final proposals



the Executive’s proposals for virement provisions during the year



proposals for borrowing



any other statutory matters to be decided by the full Council




     8.2 Submitted-A report by the Corporate Director (Finance) on the budget.




     Reported by the Portfolio Holder - That in order to adopt its budget for the year 2010-11                and to determine the level of Council Tax for the year, the County Council was required to                adopt a formal resolution which dealt in some detail with all connected matters. The Executive           had recommended a proposed Council Tax increase of 4.5% which equated to a Band D                property of £825.03.




     As it considered the Executive’s proposed budget, the Council should also consider and                take account of this report from the Corporate Director-Finance. This dealt with matters                required under the Local Government Act 2003 and the Prudential Code for Capital                     Finance in Local Authorities.




     The report before Council today dealt with the Robustness of Estimates (Para 2), Adequacy of           Reserves (Para 3) and the Prudential Code (Para 4).




     8.3 Reported by the Portfolio Holder for Finance - That the Executive at its meeting on                23rd February, 2010, had resolved as follows with regard to the Treasury Management                Strategy:-





“That responsibility for ensuring effective scrutiny of the treasury management strategy, policies and performance, transfers from the Scrutiny Committee to the Audit Committee;





That the County Council is asked to reaffirm the Revised Treasury Management Policy Statement (Appendix 9 of report) and to adopt the revised CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice 2009 (Appendix 10 of report);





That the County Council is asked to confirm amendments to the approved lending list;





That the County Council is asked to confirm the limits shown at Appendix 4 of the strategy document for the purposes of the Prudential Code and of Section 3.1 of the Local Government Act 2003 from 1 April 2010;





That the County Council is asked to approve the Treasury Management Strategy and the related Minimum Revenue Provision and Investment Strategies for 2010/11.”      




     Submitted- the Treasury Management Strategy for 2010/11 as submitted to the Executive on           23rd February, 2010.




     It was proposed and seconded that the Treasury Management Strategy for 2010-11 be                accepted.




     8.4     Considered - The formal resolution as enclosed in the report of the Corporate Director                (Finance.)




     8.5     The following amendments to the Budget were considered of which notice has been received      under Paragraph of the Constitution.




     Councillor H.Eifion Jones on behalf of the Opposition proposed the following amendments to the      2010-11 Budget (aiming for a 3.5% increase in Council Tax):-




     Amendment A




     To amend the budget proposed by the Executive by-




     1.  amending Table A to Table A1 enclosed;


     2.  amending the budget by reversing the adjustment of £225k for ringfencing of                       smallholdings budgets.


     3.  to halve the proposed cut to the road maintenance budget


     4.  to add a new clause 1(g) as follows:-




     “to adopt a guideline increase of 3% for discretionary fees and charges, confirming that this                becomes part of the budget framework for 2010-11 and requiring the Executive to review its           decision on fees and charges in the light of this guideline.”




     5.  to amend the proposed Band D Council Tax figure to £817.83 and paragraph 7 onwards of           the budget resolution as enclosed.




     Amendment B




     To add clause 1(g) [or 1(ng) if Amendment A] is passed as follows:-




     “that the Executive should seek to use its virement powers to restore the cuts to the Roads                Maintenance budget from any underspending or savings that materialise during the financial           year.”




     Amendment C




     To amend clause 1(dd)(v) of the draft budget resolution by adding at the end:-




     “, and which have been the subject of prior consultation with Group Leaders.”








     Councillor Tom Jones, Portfolio Holder for Finance stated that the Executive were prepared to           accept amendments B and C by the Opposition as referred to above but were opposed to                Amendment A on the grounds that the Executive’s budget had already been consulted upon           extensively.




     A further amendment was proposed by Councillor Tom Jones on behalf of the Executive,                namely:-




     “In order to partially restore the cut to the Highways budget for 2010-11 only, in view of the                damage caused by the recent adverse weather, it is proposed that the Highways budget is      I          ncreased by £67k. It is therefore proposed to amend the budget by:-




     - amending Table A increasing road maintenance by £67k and creating a £67K contribution from      balances;




     - in clause 7 of the Resolution, increase the figure at (a) and the figure at (b) by £67k.”




     Some of the Members in attendance expressed their support for the Executive’s proposals and           expressed their views thereon. Others spoke against and supported the amendment(s) put                forward by the Opposition.




     The Chair put the matter to the vote.




     Amendment A was lost by 26 votes to 10 and it was therefore Resolved to accept the                Executive’s budget for 2010/11(as amended at this meeting),including Amendments B and C as           proposed by the Opposition.








     (a)     Pursuant to the recommendations of the Executive, to adopt the Medium Term Revenue Budget Strategy, as a Budget Strategy within the meaning given by the Constitution, and to affirm that it becomes part of the budget framework with the exception of figures described as current.




     (b)     Pursuant to the recommendations of the Executive to adopt a revenue budget for 2010/11 as shown at Table A.




     (c)     Pursuant to the recommendations of the Executive to adopt a two year interim capital plan as shown at Table B and the associated narrative.




     (ch)     To adopt a capital budget for 2010/11 with commitments into following years as shown at Table C.




     (d)     To delegate to the Corporate Director (Finance) the power to make adjustments between headings in Table A in order to give effect to the Council’s decisions on restructuring the Managing Director’s department.




     (dd)     To delegate to the Executive Committee for the financial year 2010/11 the powers to transfer budgets between headings as follows:-




     (i)     unlimited powers to spend each budget heading in Table A against the name of each service, on the service to which it relates;




     (ii)     a limit of nil on virement between services in Table A;




     (iii)     powers to vire from the General Contingency;




     (iv)     powers to vire from the Performance contingency budget for the purpose of performance improvement, for addressing high risks identified in the improvement plan, for delivering on improvement agreements and for systems to modernise the authority and facilitate performance management;




     (v)     Powers to vire from the Strengthening Capacity budget for proposals, including recurrent commitments, which respond to recommendations of the Corporate Governance Inspection report or which provide resources to implement projects from the Affordable Priorities Programme, and which have been the subject of prior consultation with group leaders.




     (vi)     powers to vire from the Leisure Improvement Reserve in support of proposals which maintain or enhance the leisure service’s assets or develop strategic sporting facilities;




     (vii)     powers to vire from new or increased sources of income.




     (e)     To delegate to the Executive Committee in respect of the period to 31 March 2013,    the following powers:




     (i)     powers to make new commitments from future years’ revenue budgets up to amount identified under New Priorities in the Medium Term Revenue Budget Strategy;




     (ii)     the power and the duty to make plans for achievement of revenue budget savings implied by the Medium Term Revenue Budget Strategy;




     (iii)     the power to reduce service budgets in Table A to the extent that savings from the Affordable Priorities Programme but not reflected in budget plans in March 2010 are achieved during 2010/11.




     (iv)     the power to release a further £0.6m from general balances to finance one-off costs which achieve future savings;




     (v)     powers to transfer budgets between capital projects in Table C and to commit resources in following years within the amounts indicated in the Capital Plan at Table B and consistent with the budget framework.




     (f)     to set the prudential indicators which are estimates for 2010/11 and onwards as shown at Table Ch and to confirm the limits on borrowing and investments identified as items 10,11  and 14 to 17.




     (ff)     To confirm that items 1(b) to (f) become part of the budget framework.




     (g)     That the Executive should seek to use its virements powers to restore the cuts to the Roads Maintenance budget from any underspending or savings that materialise during the financial year.









That responsibility for ensuring effective scrutiny of the treasury management strategy, policies and performance transfers from the Scrutiny Committee to the Audit Committee;





To reaffirm the Revised Treasury Management Policy Statement (Appendix 9) and to adopt the revised CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice 2009 (Appendix 10);





To confirm amendments to the approved lending list;





To approve the Treasury Management Strategy and the related Minimum Revenue Provision and Investment strategies for 2010/11.





RESOLVED to adopt  and affirm for the purposes of the financial year 2010/11 the decision of the County Council on 10 March 1998 to set  the discount level applicable to the prescribed Class A and prescribed Class B of dwellings under Section 12 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (as amended), as described by the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (Wales) Regulations 1998,  as follows:-




          Prescribed Class A      Nil Discount


          Prescribed Class B     Nil Discount





RESOLVED to adopt and affirm for the purposes of the financial year 2010/11 the decision of the County Council on 6 March 2007 to set the discount level applicable to the prescribed Class C of dwellings under Section 12 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (as amended), as described by the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) and Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 as follows:-




Prescribed Class C     Nil Discount





That it be noted that at its meeting on 28 February 1996 the Council resolved not to treat any expenses incurred by the Council in part of its area or in meeting any levy or special levy as special expenses and that the resolutions remain in force until expressly rescinded.





That it be noted that at its meeting on 10 November 2009 the Executive calculated the following amounts for the year 2010/11 in accordance with regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-




a)     29,555.89 being the amount calculated by the Executive, in accordance with regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (Wales) Regulations 1995, as its council tax base for the year.



































































being the amounts calculated by the Executive, in accordance with regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its council tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.







That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2010/11 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36  of the Local Government  Finance Act 1992:-




a)     £175,026,293      being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2)(a) to (d) of the Act.




b)     £  55,238,380        being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates  for the items set out in Section  32(3)(a) and (c) of the Act.






c)     £119,787,913      being the amount by which the aggregate at 7(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 7(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year.










ch)     £  94,559,438      being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the year into its council fund in respect of redistributed non-domestic rates and revenue support grant reduced by any amount calculated in accordance with Section 33(3B) of the Act.




d )     £        853.59     being the amount at 7(c) above less the amount at 7(ch) above, all divided by the amount at 6(a) above, calculated by the Executive, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year.




dd)   £  835,999.45      being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in       Section 34(1) of the Act.




     e)     £         825.30       being the amount at 7(d) above less the result given by dividing                            the amount at 7(dd) above by the amount at 6(a) above,                                 calculated by  the Executive, in accordance with Section 34(2) of                       the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year for                            dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item                                 relates.











































































































being the amount given by adding to the amount at 7(e) above the amounts  of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council's area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 6(b) above, calculated by the Executive, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one of more special items relate.



























































































     being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 7(e) and 7(f) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation band D, calculated by the Executive, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.





That it be noted that for the year 2010/11 the North Wales Police Authority has stated the following amounts in a precept issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-










That, having calculated the aggregate in eac case of the amounts at 7(ff) and 8 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of council tax for the year 2010/11 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-











































































Reported by the Interim Managing Director - That this report set out in more detail the Council’s response to the Corporate Governance Inspection and built on previous reports to the Council.




In addressing the report findings, priority had been given to addressing three fundamental areas for recovery namely:-




Ÿ     Self regulation by Members


Ÿ     Accountability, roles and responsibilities - Members and Officers


Ÿ     The Council’s vision and future direction.




These key areas were seen as the main building blocks for sustained long term recovery and essential for the Council. As a consequence these areas had taken precedence over some of the other tasks and deadlines set in the Inspection report. The report set out in more detail current status and planned action in response to the recommendations.









     To confirm progress to date made by the Council in addressing the Corporate Governance Inspection recommendations as detailed in this report,





     To authorise the Interim Managing Director to report back on progress to the Council at its next meeting.





     That the Council commits fully to the principles set out in the Minister’s speech to this Council and confirms this Council’s commitment to the development of a robust Action Plan to transform the Council.





     That the Leader in consultation with other Group Leaders formally responds to the Minister’s speech, setting out both the steps that the Council has already taken and the steps it has planned.













(a)      Reported - That the Executive at its meeting on 23rd February, 2010, had resolved as follows:-




          (i) To recommend to the County Council that it adopts the following new clause at paragraph of the Constitution:-




          “Neither the Executive nor the Council shall consider any change/s to the                Constitution which would disproportionately prejudice the rights or interests of any           minority group/s without first having received and given due consideration to written           recommendations from the Standards Committee. Any dispute as to whether                proposed change/s will disproportionately prejudice the rights or interests of a           minority group/s shall be decided by the Managing Director.”




          (ii) That the Council is invited, subject to the Direction of the Welsh Ministers, to amend           the Constitution by adopting the new clause suggested in above.”




(b) Submitted for information, the report of the Interim Managing Director as submitted to the Executive on 23rd February, 2010.




RESOLVED to endorse the recommendations of the Executive of 23rd February,      2010 in this respect.








     (a)    Reported- That the Executive at its meeting on 23rd February, 2010, had resolved as                follows:-




          “(i) To recommend to the County Council that paragraphs 3.4.3 and of the                     Constitution be amended so as to read as follows:-




     3.4.3 Planning and Orders Committee




     “14 Members to be politically balanced. No member may sit on the Committee unless and until they have attended the Induction Training provided for by of this Constitution.




     The Committee shall determine all matters relating to town and country planning on behalf of the Council not otherwise delegated to officers. The Committee shall have no right to defer a decision by requesting that the decision be made by the full Council”




     Paragraph to read as follows:    




     “ No member may sit on the Planning and Orders Committee unless and until they have attended Induction Training. The contents of the Induction Training shall from time to time be determined by the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection). Updating training thereafter will be provided at least twice a year to include changes in legislation or procedure.”




     (ii) That the Council is invited, subject to the Direction of the Welsh Ministers, to amend the Constitution by adopting the new amendments referred to above”.




     (b)     Submitted for information, the report of the Interim Managing Director (at the request                     of the Group Leaders) as submitted to the Executive on 23rd February, 2010.




     RESOLVED to endorse the recommendations of the Executive of 23rd February, 2010 in this respect.    


















     (a)      Reported- That the Executive at its meeting on 23rd February, 2010, had resolved as           follows:-




     “To recommend to the full Council that it should accept the changes described in paragraph 1-6 of the report and authorise officers to make the necessary amendments to the remit of the Appointments Committee at paragraph 3.4.9 of the Constitution, and also the necessary consequential amendments to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules at paragraphs 4.10.2 and 4.10.3 of the Constitution.




     That the Council is invited, subject to the Direction of the Welsh Ministers, to approve the changes described above and authorise officers to make the necessary amendments to the remit of the Appointments Committee at paragraph 3.4.9 of the Constitution, and also the necessary consequential amendments to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules at paragraphs 4.10.2 and 4.10.3 of the Constitution”.




     (b)     Submitted for information, the report of the Group Leaders as submitted to the Executive           on 23rd February, 2010.




     RESOLVED to endorse the recommendations of the Executive of 23rd February, 2010 in this respect.








     (a)      To report that the Executive at its meeting on 23rd February, 2010, had resolved                          as follows:-




“To recommend to the Council to adopt the changes indicated below and for the Constitution to be changed at paragraphs 2.6.1 and 2.6.7 to reflect those changes:-




     Paragraph 2.6.1




“The Chairperson of the Principal Scrutiny Committee will, wherever possible, not be a member of any of the groups represented on the Executive.”




     Paragraph 2.6.7




“The Chairperson of each Panel established by the Principal Scrutiny Committee will,      wherever possible, not be a member of any of the groups represented on the                Executive”.




     (b)      Submitted for information, the report of the Interim Managing Director as submitted to the           Executive on 23rd February, 2010.












     Councillor Bryan Owen enquired as to whether under the Constitution, the Principal Scrutiny Committee had done something wrong the last time they had met?




     The Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer in reply stated that nothing untoward had taken place at that meeting and the dispute related to an agreement between Group Leaders and not the conduct of the hearing itself.




     Councillor Bryan Owen queried whether any pre-determination had taken place before the Scrutiny Committee then?




     The Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer in reply stated that there was discussion and agreement yes.




     RESOLVED to endorse the above recommendations of the Executive of 23rd February, 2010 in this respect, together with the following additions proposed by the Leader and accepted by full Council:-





That the County Council will comply with the Minister’s statement of 24th February,           2010 in this respect, namely:-





     “that the Chair of the Principal Scrutiny Committee must go to the Opposition as                should the Chair of Audit. You should allocate the remaining committee Chairs and           Vice-Chairs between Groups in a balanced way. And I accept the same of outside                appointments which this Council makes.”





     That Group Leaders submit proposals to the Annual General Meeting of the Council on   the allocation of Chairs and Vice-Chairs to Council Committees and on Outside Bodies, as recommended by the Minister.





     The Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer prepare a protocol/changes to the Constitution to this effect, following instructions from the Group Leaders meeting.










     Submitted - A report by the Interim Managing Director/ Group Leader/ Members of Standard Committee.




     Reported - That following discussions between the Standards Committee and Group  Leaders,     and further work with officers of the Council, a Work Programme for the Standards Committee,     for the 12 months ahead, had emerged.




     A summary of the Work Programme, including timescales and resources required for its   implementation was shown at Annex A. The proposed priorities in Annex A were designed to support the Council in delivering its Recovery Programme with a strong emphasis on  assisting self regulation through an effective Member Development Plan and to provide advice and guidance to Group Leaders/ Council Chair in resolving disciplinary issues within the Council, wherever appropriate.




     It was important that, as the Standards Committee developed its wider Work Programme, it did so with the benefit of input and advice from the Council to ensure that   the general programme also contributed effectively to member development and to those issues which would be of greatest assistance to the Council in responding to the Corporate Governance Inspection, and in which the Standards Committee had an appropriate remit.




     One of the cornerstones of the Work Programme involved the evolution of the Member   Development Plan, the success of which would require member support, including feedback on the substance, content and delivery of the proposed developmental sessions. Ad hoc meetings between all members of the Standards Committee and all Group Leaders was not considered the best way of achieving this on-going communication. To this end, it was proposed that a Joint Working Group (JWG) be established to assess, monitor and revise the Member Development Plan as it evolved, consisting of three elected members (Group Leaders, or other, or some combination of both including one of whom shall be nominated as the Council’s Member Champion (the relevant Job Description and Person Specification was attached at Annex B), a member of the Standards Committee, the Council’s Training Manager, the Monitoring Officer and a representative of the WLGA.









That the Standards Committee and the County Council agree the high-level Work Programme, for the next 12 months, as set out in Annex A of the report.





That the Standards Committee and County Council agree to establish a Joint Working Group as set out in paragraph 3.2.2 of the report to oversee and take responsibility for the Member Development Plan.





To appoint Councillor J.Penri Williams to serve as the Member Champion on the Joint Working Group and that he and Councillor Ieuan Williams and Councillor(to be nominated by the Opposition) be the 3 elected Members on the Joint Working Group.





That these arrangements be reviewed in May 2011.








          Reported by the Leader of the Council on behalf of the Group Leaders - That the              Council suffered from a lack of accountability and this was reinforced by a confusion of     the roles and responsibilities of officers and members. The organisation needed to be       re-balanced so that members concentrated upon strategic leadership and officers were    empowered, and held to account, for operational performance.




     This report sought the support of the Council to implement a set of guiding principles to 


     move the Authority forward. Detailed within the report were the following matters:-





Executive Control of the Council (Paragraph 2)



Assisting the Executive and Becoming More Strategic (Paragraph 3)



Meeting Cycle and Informal Executive/Corporate Management Team Meetings  


     (Paragraph 4)



Empowering Staff and Holding Them to Account (Paragraph 5)



Management of the “Top Team” (Paragraph 6)


     Corporate Directors should be held to account for personal performance but also for the performance of their Directorates. This should be within a supportive context which provided Corporate Directors with the necessary authority but also with an obligation to ensure that each Directorate was fit for the purpose. Part of the arrangements should be personal development plans. These changes should cascade the arrangements down to every level of the Council.




     As a point of principle, these changes should be implemented as soon as possible. It was the Group Leaders belief that they would help rebalance the Council and provide a clearer framework within which members could provide strategic leadership and officers could be held to account for operational performance.




RESOLVED to support the implementation of the following changes:-





In the absence of exceptional reasons, the Executive shall revert to formal meetings on a monthly basis with a greater emphasis on the Forward Plan/ Forward Work Programme as the means of informing agendas.





To develop and encourage the use of Executive decisions by individual Portfolio Holders within spheres of responsibility.





To abolish the role of members in filling vacant posts, and restructuring within services, subject to the introduction of appropriate corporate services and a programme of Organisation and Management Reviews.





To implement a standardised process of business planning. Plans to be published and tracked by the roll-out of the Ffynnon Performance Management System, to ensure that the Council’s high level priorities are reflected in the work of services. Accountability for delivery shall be measured through staff appraisals.





The appointments process for the selection of future Managing Director and Corporate Directors shall always reflect current best practice and to support an enhancement of the role of the Appointments Committee and a limitation upon the options available to the Council in appointing future Managing Directors.





The Managing Director and Corporate Directors shall be subject to target setting, annual review and appraisal as described in this report.





A consistent and universal staff appraisal system shall be developed to embody these changes.





Quarterly performance reviews be focused and refined to include more robust challenge form within the Managing Director’s Office.  








     Submitted- The report of Group Leaders on a proposed protocol for self-regulation. To minimise           the number of instances of alleged breaches all Group Leaders had committed to:-





A Member Development Plan - to secure the commitment of their group members. All reasonable endeavours would be made to ensure that the Development Plan was tailored to meet the needs of members. A joint working group of members, including  a Member Development Champion, a member of the Standards Committee, officers and a representative of the WLGA would be established to drive the Plan, measure its success and make any changes or adjustments to the Plan as it evolved.





Job Description and Annual Reports - Group Leaders had committed to ensuring that all their group members, agreed to and signed “Job Description” and “Person Specifications”, as a way of reinforcing the principles described in the report and bringing additional clarity to the roles and responsibilities of members.





WLGA Charter - The Council would sign up to the Charter, fully support its objectives, including appointing a Member Development Champion. Group Leaders would secure individual member commitment to training and keep this under review.




Details were also provided in the report as regards the following matters:-





Role of Group Leader in Serious Cases.



Role of Group Leaders and Less Serious Complaints.



Conduct of Unaffiliated Members.



Persistent Breaches by an individual member or members.



Action taken Outside this Protocol.



Investigation of any complaint against a Member.



Standards Committee Supporting/ advisory role to Group Leaders.



Complaints by Officers under the Protocol.




RESOLVED that the Council endorses the protocol for self-regulation and encourages all Members to comply with the protocol and it’s spirit.








     Reported that the Executive that its meeting on 23rd February, 2010 had resolved to                recommend to the County Council as follows:-





“That it notes the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.





That it accepts the revised subsistence allowances recommended by the Panel for overnight stays in London and Cardiff.





That it agrees with the increase proposed by the Panel with the regard to special      responsibility allowance for the Chair of Audit Committee at the current rates payable by this Council.





To discontinue the allowance payable to the Vice-Chairs of the Principal Scrutiny      Committee and the Overview Committees in accordance with the recommendations of the Panel.





Not to proceed at the time being with the payment of co-optees’ allowances.





That the current rates of members allowances be frozen for 2010/11 and to accept the following amounts of allowances for 2010/11:-








                                                                                        1 April 2010




     Basic Allowance                         £12,960


     Council Chairman's Allowance                   £7,170


     Council Vice-Chairman's Allowance                   £5,121




     Special Responsibility Allowances:


     Leader of the Council                                            £27,679


     Deputy Leader of the Council                    £15,223


     Other Executive Committee Members                  £13,839


     Chair of Principal Scrutiny Committee and Policy


     Overview Committee                                £8,304


     Chair of Planning and Orders Committee                £8,304


     Chair of Licensing Committee                     £8,304


     Principal Opposition Group Leader                         £8,304


     Chair of Audit Committee.                                        £8,304




     Care Allowance (if payable)                      £4,836




     Traveling Allowances (per mile)                                   


     Private motor vehicles : up to 10,000 miles                40p


     Private motor vehicles: over 10,000 miles                  25p


     Private motor cycles                                                   24p


        Pedal cycles                                                 20p


     Passenger supplement - per passenger per mile         5p




     Subsistence Allowance:




     Absence overnight (not involving absence overnight from the usual place of                     residence) of more than 4 hours :-


     Day Subsistence                                                       £28


     Absence overnight (24 hours)


     London                                                              £150


     Cardiff                                                                          £120


     Other                                                                       £95


     With friends or relatives                                      £25





That the Constitution be changed to accommodate the recommendation on Care      Allowances by adding at the end of Clause 6.3.2:-




       “All claims must be supported by receipts for expenditure incurred and will be restricted  to   


       reimbursement of that expenditure.”




     Submitted- The report of the Corporate Director (Finance) as submitted to the Executive on 23rd      February 2010.




     Councillor Eric Roberts proposed an amendment to the Executive’s recommendation, that the Council defer any decision on the Remuneration Panel’s proposals to discontinue the allowance payable to Vice-Chairs of the Principal Scrutiny Committee and Overview Committees, in light of the discussions currently being conducted with the WLGA and with other Authorities in Wales. Also in addition, that the Council implements the proposal by the Remuneration Panel for the provision of I.T. Services to Members.




     The proposal was seconded.




     The Corporate Director (Finance) in response to the above amendment(s),stated that both were in his opinion unlawful, but that further discussion would need to take place in order to clarify the position. He was aware that there had been discussions nationally with regard to the decision of the Panel to do away with the allowance for Vice-Chairs. However, in the meantime, the Panel had decided to undertake this course of action. Unless the Panel nationally reversed that decision, Councils did not have the right from 1st April, 2010, to pay an allowance to Vice-Chairs.




     In relation to I.T. what the national Panel had recommended was that a maximum allowance should be paid and provide I.T. for nothing. The officers of the Council were of the opinion that there was no right to provide I.T. for nothing and that what this Council had been doing was cutting the allowance slightly and using that budget to pay and provide the service.




     The only way to follow that recommendation was to increase the allowance, i.e. not to pay £12,960 as recommended but to pay the maximum that had been passed and provide the I.C.T. for nothing. Increasing the basic allowance would cost around £30k above what the Executive was recommending and it would go against the decision of the Council last September and create doubt as to the right to provide ICT as it was received at the present time. The Director therefore had serious reservations whether that was feasible. A report on I.C.T. provision would be submitted for consideration to the Executive in due course.




     Councillor G.W.Roberts, OBE, proposed that the matter should be deferred pending      further           clarification and that the matter be again considered at the extraordinary meeting of the County           Council on 16th March,2010.




     The Leader stated that he was prepared to undertake this course of action.




     Councillor H.E.Jones suggested that the report should also refer to the possibility of      dispensing      with first class travel arrangements for Members/Officers.




     Councillor B.Durkin expressed his dissatisfaction as to the decision of the Panel to dispense with      an allowance for Vice-Chairs, especially for the Planning Committee, in view of the amount of           work that the Vice-Chair had to undertake for that particular Committee.




     Councillor A.Morris Jones welcomed further guidance in this respect including the custom of other Authorities throughout Wales.




RESOLVED to defer consideration of the matter until the extraordinary meeting of           the County Council on 16th March, 2010.








     Reported by the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer that a Parliamentary Election was           required before 3rd June, 2010. There was speculation that this would take place on 6th May,           2010, because there were local elections in parts of England. If it was called for 6th May, then           Parliament would be dissolved on 12th April and a writ would then be received to commence the           election process on 13th April. The Council’s AGM was fixed for 6th May, 2010 and it was                therefore suggested that an alternative date be set aside as a contingency.




     RESOLVED to accept the rescheduling of the May annual meeting to 11th May, 2010, if           needs dictate.  








     Reported- That the Executive at its meeting on 23rd February, 2010, had resolved to                recommend to the County Council as follows:-





“To approve the findings of the Isle of Anglesey County Council’s Individual Options Appraisal (as shown in Appendix 3) and accept the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project Reference Solution, as contained within the Outline Business Case, as the preferred option to treat residual waste in the long term for the Authority.



To approve the Outline Business Case (as shown in Appendix 1) and give the Corporate Director – Environment & Technical Services delegated powers to make amendments to the      document which do not significantly affect its contents, in consultation with the Corporate Director – Finance and the Portfolio Holder for the Environment, Property and Smallholdings.





To approve the Inter Authority Agreement (as shown in Appendix 4) and give the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer delegated powers to make amendments to the draft which do not significantly affect the content of the agreement, in consultation with the Corporate Director – Environment & Technical Services, Corporate Director – Finance and the Portfolio Holder for the Environment, Property and Smallholdings. Following final agreement with all parties, authorise the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer to sign the Inter Authority Agreement on behalf of the Isle of Anglesey County Council.





To approve the submission of the Outline Business Case to WAG based on the cost to the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project for the project period of £650m, net of WAG funding, within a range of £607m to £802m, for the assumed contract period of April 2015 to March 2041, as set out in Section 6 of the Outline Business Case.  Furthermore, the Council confirms its commitment to meet its £87m share of the cost which is estimated to be in the range of £82m to £108m over the proposed contract period.





To authorise the Leader of the Council, Managing Director and Corporate Director - Finance to endorse an appropriate letter(s) to WAG supporting the Outline Business Case, with other partner authorities to support the application for funding and to achieve the timetable detailed in the submitted report.





To approve the draft OJEU Notice as shown in Appendix 5 and give the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer delegated powers to make amendments to the draft which do not significantly affect the content of the Notice, in consultation with Corporate Director – Environment & Technical Services, Corporate Director – Finance and the Portfolio Holder for the Environment, Property and Smallholdings.





To authorise the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project’s Joint Committee, subject to approval of the Outline Business Case and funding provision by WAG, as contained within the agreed OBC, to commence the procurement of the residual waste treatment services.





That the second Inter Authority Agreement should affirm the principle that all costs will be shared between participating authorities in proportion to tonnage.”




     Submitted- The report of the Corporate Director (Environment and Technical Services)                as submitted to the Executive on 23rd February, 2010.




     RESOLVED to endorse the recommendations of the Executive of 23rd February,                2010 in this respect.








     Reported- That the Executive upon consideration of the above SPG had resolved as follows:-




     “ to recommend to the County Council that it adopts the two Design Guides as part of the Urban           and Rural Environment S.P.G.”




      Submitted- The report of the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) as


      submitted to the Executive on 19th January, 2010.




       RESOLVED to endorse the recommendation of the Executive of 19th January, 2010 in              this respect.












     Submitted- A verbal report from Councillor J.V.Owen, one of the Council’s representatives on the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, of meetings held by the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority between 1st December, 2009 and 19th February, 2010.




     Reported- That the Fire Service had recently had a Fire and Safety Inspection and that the results so far were very positive. A full report would be going to their Executive and then to the full Fire Service Committee. The Executive Group over the last few months had been carefully looking at ways of achieving savings, eg. carbon footprint, re-cycling, etc. Over 30,000 Fire Safety Inspections had taken place which was to be commended. Dialogue with the public was also taking place and feedback would be reported back to the relevant Committee.




     RESOLVED to note the information.






                                                   The meeting concluded at 5:40pm.




                                    COUNCILLOR O.GLYN JONES

