Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Tuesday, 5th May, 2009



Minutes of the meeting held on 5 May 2009 (11:00am)  




Councillor  Aled Morris Jones - Chair

Councillor O Glyn Jones - Vice-Chair


Councillors W.J.Chorlton; E.G.Davies; Lewis Davies;

Barrie Durkin; Jim Evans; C.Ll.Everett; Fflur M.Hughes;R.Ll.Hughes;

T. Ll. Hughes, W.I.Hughes; Eric Jones. H.Eifion Jones;

R.Dylan Jones; T.H.Jones; C.McGregor;Bryan Owen; J.V.Owen; R.L.Owen; R.G.Parry OBE; G.O.Parry MBE; Eric Roberts; G.W.Roberts OBE, Peter S. Rogers, J.Arwel Roberts; E.Schofield; Hefin W.Thomas; Ieuan Williams; J.Penri Williams; Selwyn Williams;






Acting Managing Director;

Corporate Director (Finance);

Corporate Director (Environment & Technical Services);

Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer;

Head of Service (Corporate Services);

Head of Service (Policy),

Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer;

Committee Services Manager;

Communications Officer






Councillors K. Evans; P. M. Fowlie; D. R. Hughes; K. P. Hughes;

G. O. Jones; Rhian Medi.



The meeting was opened with a Prayer by Councillor E. G. Davies.



Submitted - A brief presentation was given by Dr. Will Roberts, Chairman of the Isle of Anglesey Local Health Board on the past, present and future health of the people of Anglesey.


Members were afforded the opportunity of a question and answer session.


On behalf of the Council, the Chair thanked Dr. Roberts for his presentation and for the work he had undertaken as Chair of the Local Health Board over the years.


(The Corporate Director (Finance) declared an interest in the matter and was not present at the meeting during the presentation and ensuing question and answer session).






Councillor J. V. Owen declared an interest in Item 7 of these minutes and was not present at the meeting during any discussion or voting thereon.


Councillor Selwyn Williams declared an interest in Item 2 of these minutes, remained at the meeting but did not take part in any discussion or voting thereon.




Councillor H.W.Thomas declared an interest with regard to any matter of business on the agenda which might relate to the employment of his son within the Authority.




Councillor W.J.Chorlton declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Environmental Services Department.




Councillor C.L.Everett declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Personnel Department.




Councillor Fflur M.Hughes declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of her son in the Education and Leisure Department.




Councillor E.Schofield declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his grandson in the Highways Department.




Councillor B.Owen declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his wife in the Education and Leisure Department.




Councillor G. W. Roberts, OBE declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Environmental Services Department.




Councillor O.Glyn Jones declared an interest in any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his wife and daughter in the Social Services Department.











Reported by the Acting Managing Director - That WAG was in the process of implementing a major reform programme in the NHS aimed at eliminating competition via the creation of a single planning and delivering system and the introduction of a more citizens centred approach.




On 9 April, 2009 the Regional Partnership Board gave consideration to the recent WAG consultation regarding NHS Reforms. Welsh Councils had expressed concerns regarding the loss of engagement at local level and the effect on local partnerships.




It was agreed by the Regional Partnership Board that a report should be forwarded to each North Wales Local Authority to seek approval for the proposals outlined below:





Isle of Anglesey County Council fully endorses the position as stated in the WLGA paper of 1 April, 2009 (attached to this report)



Isle of Anglesey County Council will not support its Corporate Director - Social Services and Housing being part of the final LHB Board.



Isle of Anglesey County Council will not be nominating any Members to be considered for appointment by the Minister to the LHB Board.



Isle of Anglesey believes that efforts should now be made to determine how the new LHB can work effectively with its local partners and determining models that work best for each locality.



Isle of Anglesey County Council agrees that the Chair of the Regional Partnership Board may write to the Minister of Health and Social Services representing the collective views of the North Wales Councils.




The Acting Managing Director referred to the attached briefing paper by the WLGA and that much disquiet had been expressed on a national level amongst the local Councils throughout Wales with regard to the curtailing in the number of elected members on the new Health Board and in doing away with the powers of the Director of Social Services.








The Regional Partnership Board had expressed a number of opinions in this respect, particularly the concern to local democracy and the influence of local democracy upon the new Board. Uncertainty also existed whether the Minister was going to appoint a Director of Social Services to serve on every Board and if so it would be one Director only for every region. That also in the opinion of the WLGA weakened the position on a professional level.




The recommendations briefly by the Regional Partnership Board were to refuse to nominate representatives at the moment and to authorise the Partnership Board and the WLGA to continue to put pressure to bear on the minister to change her mind.  




RESOLVED to endorse the proposals set out by the Regional Partnership Board as detailed in paragraph 2 of the report.  









The Chair extended his congratulations to the Gwynedd and Anglesey Junior Brass Band for taking the first prize and being awarded the British Band Association’s Junior Cup following the excellent performance in a national competition in Manchester on 5 April, 2009.




Happy Birthday wishes were conveyed to Councillor Tom Jones who was 60 today.




Best wishes were extended to pupils from Anglesey who would be competing in the Urdd Eisteddfod in Cardiff Bay during Whitsun week.




The Chair welcomed Mr. Richard Parry Jones to the meeting as Acting Managing Director and wished him well in the duties of the post.




The Chair referred to the indisposition of Councillor P. M. Fowlie who as a result had to relinguish his post of Leader of the Council. The Chair and Leaders of the Political Groups, Councillors G. W. Roberts, OBE, W. J. Chorlton, R. G. Parry, OBE and Clive McGregor each paid their respects to Councillor Fowlie and wished him a full and speedy recovery.




Councillor Bryan Owen, Economic Development and Tourism Portfolio Holder was requested to convey the Council’s thanks to the Tourism Section following their promotion of the Irish / Welsh country music festival at the Anglesey Showground last weekend which had proved to be tremendously successful. It was hoped that a similar event could be arranged next year.




Deepest sympathy was extended to Councillor Ken Hughes upon the death of his mother and also to the family of former Councillor Handel Morgan. Mr. Morgan had represented the Cefni Ward for many years and had served as this Council’s Chairman for the period 1998-1999. He had been Portfolio holder for Education, a member of the Orsedd and had represented the teaching fraternity on the National Union of Teachers.




Condolences were extended to the family, friends and colleagues of Mrs. Sharon Wyn Woolley, a teacher in Llanfachraeth School who died in a tragic accident recently.




The Chair also sympathised with any member or member of staff who had suffered bereavement.




Members and Officers stood in silent tribute as a mark of their respect.




















Submitted and confirmed as a true record, the minutes of the meetings of the County Council held on the following dates:-





5 March, 2009



27 March, 2009 (Extraordinary) (2:00pm)




Councillor W. J. Chorlton referred to the first paragraph of the minutes and again raised the matter of the Chair’s position in the chairing of the meeting. He queried whether the minutes could be accepted as a true record?




The Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer in reply stated that the minutes did actually reflect what had occurred during the course of that meeting. The meeting was either chaired by the Chairman or in his absence by the Vice-Chairman. The meeting was therefore properly chaired and the minutes were a legitimate reflection of what occurred.




Councillor Chorlton stated that he accepted that interpretation but could not agree with it, since he did not believe that the Chairman was the Chair at the time.






Councillor Chorlton then referred members to the fourth paragraph on Page 13 of these minutes. He considered that there was a statement missing from these verbatim minutes in that Councillor G. O. Parry, MBE had made some strong remarks. He proposed that the comments made be included as a correction to the minutes. The proposal was seconded.




Councillor Ff. M. Hughes wished it to be minuted prior to the vote that this was not a criticism pf the officers that were minuting Council meetings. With some of the minutes, one felt that one was actually in attendance. These minutes were very detailed. She was of the opinion that common sense should prevail.




RESOLVED to confirm the minutes as a true record subject to the proviso that Officer’s report back to the next scheduled meeting in September on the exact remarks made at that meeting by Councillor G. O. Parry, MBE.





27 March, 2009 (Extraordinary) (4:45pm)




Councillor C. L. Everett stated that the minute was not a verbatim record and he referred to what Councillor Fflur Hughes had said earlier, in that the Council did not employ stenographers here but people to take minutes. Although, whilst as Chair of the recent Audit Committee, he did ask for a verbatim minute and he congratulated the officer in question for the work done in this respect.




He went on to state that advice had been provided on the day by the Corporate Director (Finance) that he had concerns regarding the financial impact on the Council and that the reasons for the decision taken on the day was that it was based on the Annual Auditor’s letter. That was not quite correct, in that other reasons were given to Council on the day from the Portfolio Holder and that there were specific paragraphs referred to in the Annual Audit Letter. He felt it was important that the record should reflect that. There were a number of issues in the Annual Letter where there were congratulations and positive aspects referred to. The way the minute had been worded made it look as if the Annual Letter was all bad. This was not the case and the minute should be corrected to reflect this.






The Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer in reply stated that she accepted that the minute was not a complete and full account of what was discussed that afternoon but the Council was by now subject to the terms of an enforceable compromise agreement and she would not be happy in any minute being published that went any further than what was before members today.




Councillor C. L. Everett wished it to be noted in the minutes, that as the present Chair of the Audit Committee, he was not happy as to the way the actual minute had been worded in this respect.




Councillor W. J. Chorlton endorsed the comment made by Councillor Everett in that he also wished it to be minuted that the minutes were not correct in the way they had been set down in verbatim form. In his opinion they needed to be corrected for future reference.




The Chair stated that following the legal explanation given by the Monitoring Officer, there was to be no further debate on this matter.   








Submitted - A report by the Corporate Director (Finance) on clarifying the title and responsibilities of the temporary post.




Reported by the Corporate Director (Finance) - That at the second County Council Meeting held on 27 March, 2009 it was resolved, inter alia, -




“that the Corporate Director (Education and Leisure) should be designated as Head of Paid Service on a temporary basis, immediately following the termination, and to be paid an honorarium equal to the difference between the Corporate Director’s substantive salary and the first point of the salary grade of the previous Managing Director (up to August 2006) at current leave).”




In the Constitution the title “Head of the Paid Service” did not include “Managing Director” in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers -, but “Managing Director” did include “Head of the Paid Service” and other powers including some regarding elections which were essential.




It was therefore suggested that the previous resolution be amended as follows:-




“that the Corporate Director (Education and Leisure) should be designated as Managing Director and Head of Paid Service on a temporary basis, immediately following the termination, and to be paid an honorarium equal to the difference between the Corporate Director’s substantive salary and the first point of the salary grade of the previous Managing Director (up to August 2006) at current value.”




RESOLVED to amend the Council’s previous resolution to read as above.




(Mr. Richard Parry Jones declared an interest in the matter and was not present at the meeting during any discussion or voting thereon).










(a) Addition to Social Services’ Delegation Powers




Submitted - The report of the Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer as presented to the Executive on 28th April, 2009.




Reported that the Executive had RESOLVED to recommend to the County Council that it amends the Constitution by adding to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers the following at (xiv):-




“To carry out the Council’s functions and make authorisations under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.”




RESOLVED to endorse the recommendation of the Executive in this respect.




(b) Addition to Environmental Services Delegation Powers




Submitted - The report of the Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer as presented to the Executive on 28th April, 2009.




Reported that the Execuitve had RESOLVED to recommend to the County Council that it amends the Constitution by adding to the Appendix the legislation referred to within the report.




RESOLVED to endorse the recommendation of the Executive in this respect.   








Submitted - The report of the Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer as presented to the Executive on 28th April, 2009.




Reported that the Executive had resolved “RESOLVED to recommend to the County Council:-





That it amends the Constitution by adopting the revised Corporate Complaints and Compliments Procedure as indicated in the documents at enclosures 1.(i) and 1.(ii) of the report.





That the procedure be monitored by the Executive in 6 months time.”




Councillor C. L. Everett stated that he had chaired this particular committee for approximately 5 years and he wished to thank Mr. Meirion Jones for the work he had done on the corporate complaints procedure. He considered that the message needed to go out to members of staff in terms of what the corporate complaints procedure entailed. He enquired whether this would this be possible via the Council’s pay-roll system.




Mr. Meirion Jones (Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer) in reply stated that the intention was to give as much pubilicity to it both internally and externally.




RESOLVED to endorse the recommendation of the Executive in this respect.








Submitted - A joint report by the Corporate Director (Finance) and the Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer.




Reported by the Corporate Director (Finance) and the Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer - That after the election and the County Council meeting on the 9th May 2008 there were changes in the membership of the political groups and the Council at its meeting on 16th of September reviewed its political balance arrangements on the Council’s Committees.












In May 2008 the membership of the Council was 40 and the total number of seats to be allocated was 120. The details were:- Original Independent 20 (60), Plaid Cymru / Party of Wales 8 (24), Labour 5 (15), Anglesey Forward 4 (12), Unaffiliated (Barrie Durkin, J. V. Owen & Peter Rogers).




By 16th of September, 2008 two of the unaffiliated members in May had joined the Original Independent Group and that made the Group a majority group. However the Council made a decision to retain the status quo as follows “the Council resolved with no members voting against to retain the status quo and proceed in accordance with the political balance arrangements as at the 9th of May, 2008 (i.e that Councillor Peter Rogers would retain those 3 seats allocated to him).”




Before the resignation of John Williams the details were 20/8/5/4/3.  It could be suggested that again the status quo be retained until after the by-election, and political balance be reviewed thereafter.  However, that would be unfair to the two of the unaffiliated members, Keith Evans and Robert Ll Jones, who would not have any seats and it would not be fair to expect Peter Rogers to share his seats with them as he only had one third of the seats which were allocated to the unaffiliated at that time. The membership of the Council was currently 39 and the Group Membership was as follows:- Original Independent 19, Plaid Cymru/Party of Wales 8, Labour 5, Anglesey Forward 4, Unaffiliated (Keith Evans, Robert Ll Jones & Peter Rogers) 3.




There seemed to be 3 options available to the Council:-





Leave the allocation as it was and request the 3 unaffiliated members to agree the allocation amongst themselves and request the Original Independent Group to allocate their seats to their members including J V Owen and Barrie Durkin.  If a new member after the by-election on 14 May 2009, did not join the Original Independent Group (i.e. to replace John Williams) then there would have to be another political balance review.





Change the allocation to 8/5/19/4/3 (total 39) and allocate seats in proportion to the membership of 39, and operate as above with regard to the unaffiliated members and the Original Independent Group with the allocation of seats.  There would have to be a political balance review after the by-election.





The second option was less stable in that in order to archive the correct balance in total, it gave an extra seat to Plaid Cymru/Party of Wales on the Development Infrastructure and Resources Committee, against the natural rounding of the allocation on that committee. That extra seat would probably be forfeited in three months once the balance was re-done after the by-election.  This would therefore make the former option the better one.





However, there was a further difference in that the second option based on 39ths changed the allocation of seats on the Pay and Grading Panel, making up the difference on the Standards Committee Appointments Panel. The allocation to the Pay and Grading Panel had been controversial last year when it was suggested by members that all groups ought to be represented on this panel. This suggested a third option which followed the first option in allocating 40ths but arbitrarily followed the allocation of the second option on the last two committees. This allocation was no less ‘balanced’ than option 1.




     Attached were three Tables reflecting political balance arrangements for the three options. Clearly, unless the calculation arrived at whole numbers of total seats and seats on individual committees (almost impossible mathematically, if there were a total of 120 seats to be divided among 39 Councillors) fractions would inevitably result, so that exact compliance would be impossible. It was, however, necessary to achieve the best possible compliance, on the figures, within the principles set out in the Local Government and Housing Act, 1989.










     Each political group on the Council could only allocate the seats it received under the political balance arrangements to its own members and cannot allocate to a Councillor who was not a member of that same political group.









To accept the third option contained within the report.





To note the new political balance arrangements and the number of seats attributable to each of the Groups and the Unaffiliated Members under the Local Government and Housing 1989.





To agree the whole numbers of seats to be allocated to the Unaffiliated Members.





That the Group Leaders be requested to provide the list of the names of their Group Representatives on each Committee to the Committee Services Manager immediately after the afternoon County Council meeting on 5 May 2009 so that arrangements can be made to prepare a definitive list of committee membership prior to meetings to elect Chairpersons and Vice-Chairpersons to Council Committees on the morning of 6 May 2009.





To ask the 3 Unaffiliated Members to determine amongst themselves which Committees they wish to serve upon in accordance with the Political Balance arrangements contained within the Report to this Council and likewise inform the Committee Services Manager immediately after the afternoon County Council meeting on 5 May 2009. Should they be unable to reach agreement in this respect authority be given to the Leader of the Council to determine these allocations and for that information to be given to the Committee Services Manager.








     The following presentation was given by the Deputy Leader:-




     “At the beginning of this address, it is important to remember that the last 12 months have posed several challenges. In common with every other area, the effects of the economic recession have become more apparent and during the last month, jobs have been lost locally. With the economic recession comes uncertainty for many and this can have an impact on some of the Council’s services – the increasing demand for advice services etc. Levels of poverty and deprivation have also become more apparent with some areas suffering more than others. It is important that we plan for the effect this will have on our services and that we do so in collaboration with other agencies. As we live in an area which depends to a large degree on a small number of main employers, the challenge for us as an Authority and other agencies is to safeguard these and to ensure opportunities for young people to secure employment here in the future.  




     Community leadership is one of the Council’s principal responsibilities – offering leadership in a period of recession.  Earlier this year, the County Council arranged a local economic summit in order to promote better collaboration between our partners to deal with the challenge which is facing us all.  This work has been recognised nationally and I would like to thank everyone who was involved with organising the event and for taking action since the first meeting.  It is now important for the area that we maintain the momentum of this work.




     As you all know, safeguarding the Island’s economy is a priority for this Authority.  The future of Anglesey Aluminium and Wylfa is vital to the area.  As an Authority, we have been working hard over the last month to ensure the long term future of Anglesey Aluminium and we have also been lobbying the Government to ensure a new power station in Wylfa.  The Authority will continue to give high priority to this work.  The two main employers offer second to none employment opportunities and it is vital that we acknowledge their contribution to the Island’s economy.




     The contribution of the Royal Air Force base at Valley is also vital to the area.  A number of important improvements and substantial investment to improve facilities there during the next few years have been announced.  The Headquarters of the search and rescue team is now in Valley and the site’s service to the community is acknowledged and appreciated.




     As a rural area, tourism offers many opportunities and is important to the economy.  Visitor numbers to the area are encouraging, with 1.4 million visitors last year – an increase of 400,000 compared to the previous year.  In relation to tourism, the potential of the coastline of Ynys Môn to promote sustainable tourism must be mentioned.  We are fortunate as an area to have received convergence funding and much work remains to be done to ensure that we can realise a number of schemes including the coastal strategy.  Of course, one of the significant developments is for Cruise Ships to visit Holyhead and the resulting spin-offs.




     During the last few months, the Assembly has published local authority population projections.  As we plan our services for the future, it is important that we bear in mind how our population will change of the next years e.g. we will need to ask several important questions such as are we making adequate provision for an ageing population?




     As an authority we are responsible for all age groups and meeting various needs.  The new integrated centre in Llangefni and also Ysgol y Graig offers models for the future.  We should also mention the centre for people with learning difficulties in Mona -  a centre which has been named after the late Byron Williams.  Ysgol y Graig has already received national recognition for the design of the building.




     As we look after the welfare of our population, reference must also be made to our responsibility to implement the aspirations of the Assembly.  One example is the report of the e-coli case published recently and we shall have to plan carefully for the future in light of specific expectations.  




     The next few years are going to pose a challenge in various ways.  The Government’s budget announcement will put further pressure on resources and the Executive Committee will be addressing the work of preparing next year’s budget at an early stage.  When formulating this year’s budget, it was resolved to deal sensitively with the economic crisis by freezing fees e.g. school meals.  Preparation of next year’s budget and the medium term budget will be difficult due to the reduction in resources and a number of decisions will need to be made – some are likely to be difficult.  There will be pressure to make efficiency savings.




     As an Executive Committee we have already started planning for the future and have made a number of significant decisions – the work of the rationalisation of schools and leisure centres.  These are important issues which will need to be addressed soon.




     In my opinion, a number of innovative schemes have been completed and have been given due attention.  Oriel Syr Kyffin has been completed along with  recycling facilities and a power station in Penhesgyn to name but a few.  Much work has been undertaken locally to meet the Assembly’s recycling and composting target.  We are grateful to the residents of Ynys Môn for their


     co-operation.  The Council’s has reached the Assembly’s recycling and composting target a year earlier than the original target.  Having said that, last week, the Assembly announced its recycling strategy for the future and this will pose a further challenge.




     In relation to targets, Maes Awyr Môn has been an outstanding success.  Up to now over 28,000 passengers have used the service which is higher than the original target and a year of the contract remains.  We shall be campaigning fervently to ensure the continuation of the service in the future.  Travelling between Ynys Môn and Cardiff is now more convenient and the direct train service is also a step in that direction.  Having said that, the need to ensure improved links between Anglesey and the mainland remains equally important and we shall continue to press upon the Assembly to improve traffic flow across the Menai Straits.




     Improving quality of life is one of the core objectives of the County Council.   Our strategic partners are to be congratulated for making a difference to the lives of the population we serve.  This applies to every age group.  In mentioning qualify of life, I must also take advantage of this opportunity to refer to the work which is being done in the housing sector and the substantial investment which is being made at the moment to improve the standard of our housing stock to meet WHQS standards by 2012.  The scheme also provides work for a number of local contractors and this is to be welcomed.  The work of the community gang across the Island is also to be commended.




     As everybody is aware, following the publication of the Relationship Manager’s annual letter, the team from the Welsh Audit Office has spent a fortnight here as part of the audit on corporate government.   We await feedback at the end of this week by the audit team and then in June we will receive the final report.  We greatly hope that we as a County Council can move forward in a constructive way to deal with this important report.  It must be acknowledged that the last few months have not been easy but it is now vital that everybody works for the benefit of the County Council’s future.




     Whilst referring to this audit it must be borne in mind that a number of our services will be inspected later on this year including the Education service in the Autumn.  I sincerely hope that these inspections will have positive outcomes.  




     During the last few days public health, particularly swine flu, has received international attention.  We are working closely with government agencies in order to plan locally.  Of course, there will be a need to monitor the situation and respond to any developments.




     Before Christmas, the County Council succeeded in being awarded the Investors in People accreditation and I wish to thank the staff for their commitment.  In facing the future, it is important to acknowledge that the standard of our services is good on the whole and this is what makes a difference to the lives of people locally.”  






     Councillor C. L. Everett referred to a public statement made by the Deputy Leader last weekend on behalf of the Plaid Cymru Group, that they would welcome an intervention by the Welsh Assembly Government with regard to the Corporate Governance inspection. Was that also the case, that the ruling majority, who at the end of the day was supported by the Plaid Cymru Group, were of the same opinion?




     The Deputy Leader in reply stated that it was not his intention to open debate here today prior to Friday’s meeting with the Auditors. What he had referred to in the paper was that there was a need for everyone to work together for the good of the Island.




     Councillor Everett stated that if that was the case, why was he being ousted as Chair of the Audit Committee tomorrow?




     Councillor W. J. Chorlton enquired as to whether or not it would be possible in future for the Leaders of the opposition to be provided with a copy of the address beforehand in order that they be allowed time to prepare a response.




     The Deputy Leader stated that he could see no problem in issuing the address to all members of the County Council at the time of publication of agenda papers.




     Councillor H. E. Jones stated that at the March meeting of the County Council, members received a report on a possible increase in the rates next year of at least 5%. He did not think that this was acceptable to the people of the Island and he asked what the Executive were doing in trying to overcome this problem and reduce the figure considerably?




     The Deputy Leader in reply stated that the Executive would commence next year’s budget preparations shortly, so that the Executive would not need to make quick decisions as had occurred under the previous Executive.  










     The meeting concluded at 12:40pm