Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Tuesday, 6th March, 2012


Tuesday 6 March 2012
Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni.

Please note: due to the nature of these documents, some are not fully accessible for people with visual impairments and cannot be read by 'screen reader'


1. Minutes

To submit for confirmation and signature, the minutes of the meetings of the County
Council held on the following dates :-

- 8th December, 2011 (Extraordinary) (Enclosure 'A')
- 8th December, 2011 (Enclosure 'B')
- 13th December, 2011 (Extraordinary) (Enclosure 'C')
- 13th December, 2011 (Adjourned Items from 8th December) (Enclosure 'CH')
- 17th January, 2012 (Extraordinary) (Enclosure 'D')

2. Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

3. To receive any announcements from the chairperson, leader of the council, board of commissioners or the head of paid services

4. Minutes for Information - Improvement Board

To submit for information, the minutes of the meetings of the Improvement Board held on the following dates:-

- 14th November, 2011 (Enclosure 'DD')

- 26th January, 2012 (Enclosure 'E')

5. Presentation of Petitions

To receive any petition in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution.

6. Annual Improvement Report by The Auditor General For Wales - January 2012

To submit a verbal presentation by a representative of the Wales Audit Office on the Annual Report. (Copy of Annual Report previously forwarded to Members).

(Members will be afforded the opportunity of a question and answer session after the presentation)

7. Medium Term Budget Strategy, Budget, Council Tax, Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators 2012/13

7.1 To submit the Commissioners' Proposals for a medium term revenue budget strategy, interim capital plan and revenue and capital budgets for 2012/13.
(Enclosure 'F')

7.2 To submit a report by the Interim S.151 Officer on the budget.
(Enclosure 'FF')

7.3 To consider the formal resolution as enclosed in the report of the Interim S.151 Officer.
(Enclosure 'G')

7.4. Corporate Plan 2012-15

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy)
(Enclosure 'NG')

7.5 To submit any amendments to the Budget of which notice has been received under Paragraph of the Constitution.

(Note: All of the above papers need to be considered as a single package)

8. Commissioners 3rd quarterly progress report

Commissioner Mick Giannasi will submit the Commissioners 3rd Quarterly progress report.

(Copy previously forwarded to Members and Officers by e-mail)

9. Changes to the Council Constitution

Changes to the following parts of the Constitution:-

Article 12 - Officers
Para 3.2 - Council's responsibility for functions
Para 3.4.9 - Appointments Panel
Para 3.5 - Scheme of Delegation to Officers
Para 4.10 - Officer Employment Procedure Rules
Part 7 - Management Structure

To report that the Board of Commissioners upon consideration of the above at their meeting on 27th February, 2012, had resolved as follows:-

“To recommend to the County Council and to the Welsh Ministers to amend the Council's Constitution as indicated in the report and to authorise officers to make any consequential amendments to the Constitution.”
To submit the report of the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer on the above changes.

(Copy previously issued to all Members as part of the Board papers for 27th February, 2012)

10. Strategic Equality Plan

To report that the Board of Commissioners upon consideration of the above at their meeting on 27th February, 2012, had resolved:-

“to recommend to the County Council that the Council's draft Strategic Equality Plan
2012-16 be approved and to authorise officers, in consultation with the relevant Commissioner, to complete and publish the Plan by 2 April, 2012.”

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy)

(Copy previously issued to all Members as part of the Board papers for 27th February, 2012)

11. Review of Welsh Language Scheme

To report that the Board of Commissioners upon consideration of the above at their meeting on 27th February, 2012, had resolved:-

“to recommend to the County Council that the revised Welsh Language Scheme be approved and to authorise officers, in consultation with the relevant Commissioner, to complete and publish the Scheme.”

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy)

(Copy previously issued to all Members as part of the Board papers for 27th February, 2012)

12. Welsh Government Compact

To report that the Board of Commissioners upon consideration of the above at their meeting on 27th February, 2012, had resolved to recommend to the County Council as follows:-

● ”that it signs up in principle to the Compact in order to reflect the benefits of collaboration at local, sub-regional, regional and national levels;

● to agree to plan an appropriate role in implementing the full range of collaboration areas in the Compact subject to:-

(a) there are demonstrable service improvements for Ynys Mon residents and that service provision will not be adversely affected;

(b) there are resource savings for the Council and the proposed new service model provides a service to residents that is at least as good as the service it proposes to replace;

● that more emphasis needs to be placed within the Implementation Contracts of the Compact to the benefit of collaboration in the Economic Development and Tourism field;

● that quarterly update reports be submitted to the Board of Commissioners on the delivery of the Compact locally.”

To submit the report of the Chief Executive.

(Copy previously issued to all Members as part of the Board papers for 27th February, 2012)

13. Proposal by the Welsh Government to alter the date of Local Government Elections In Wales from May 2016 to May 2017

To submit the report of the Chief Executive on the above consultation.
(Enclosure 'H')

14. Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales - Initial Proposals by the Boundary Commission for Wales

To submit the report of the Chief Executive on the above consultation.
(Enclosure 'I')

15. North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority

To receive a verbal report from Councillor Aled Morris Jones, one of the Council's representatives on the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, of meetings held by that Authority between 1st December, 2011 and 29th February, 2012.

16. North Wales Police Authority

To receive a verbal report from Councillor P.S. Rogers, the Council's representative on the North Wales Police Authority, of meetings held by that Authority between 1st December, 2011 and 29th February, 2012.

17. Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider adoption of the following:-

“Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from meeting during discussion on the following item on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test”.

18. Draft Pay Policy Statement

To submit a report by the Human Resources Service Manager. Following legal advice from the Director of Legal Services this item was dealt with in the public domain.
(Enclosure 'L')