Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Tuesday, 8th February, 2011


Tuesday, 8 February 2011, 2pm. Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni.

Please note: due to the nature of these documents, some are not fully accessible for people with visual impairments and cannot be read by 'screen reader'.

The meeting will be opened by a prayer offered by Councillor R Ll Jones.


1. Declaration of interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any member or officer in respect of any item of business.

2. To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader, members of the Executive or the head of the paid services

3. Horizon Nuclear Power-Wylfa new build project update

To submit a presentation by Mr Alan Raymont, Chief Operating Officer, Horizon Nuclear Power.
Members will also have an opportunity for a question and answer session following the presentation.

4. Annual Improvement Report by the Auditor General for Wales - January 2011

To receive a presentation by Mr Huw Lloyd Jones, Improvement Assessment Lead Officer, Wales Audit Office on the Annual report.
(Enclosure 'A')

An opportunity for a question and answer session will be provided.

(Deferred Items from 9th December, 2010 meeting.)

5. Interim Planning Policy - large sites

(a) To report that the Executive at its meeting on 30th November, 2010, had resolved to recommend to the County Council as follows:

“(i) To approve the Interim Housing Policy Large Sites for adoption as an Interim Policy until the adoption of the LDP, subject to the amendments tabled at the meeting on 9th December, 2010, and attached hereto.
(Enclosure 'B').

(ii) That authority be given to the Head of Service (in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s) when appropriate) to undertake minor amendments that do not change the substance of any policy or interpretation of such policies following conclusion of ongoing discussions, including those with Enfusion.”

(b) To submit for information, the report of the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) as submitted to the Executive on 30th November, 2010.

(Copy previously issued to all Members with the Executive papers for 30th November, 2010).

6. Recovery Steering Group

To submit a report by the Vice-chair of the County Council.
(Enclosure 'C') - awaiting documents.

7. Review of Licensing Policy

To submit a report by the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection)

(Copy previously issued to all Members with the Council papers for 9th December, 2010 as Enclosure 'D').

8. Adoption of Members' Development Programme for the period 2010-2012

To submit a report by the Chair of the Member Development Working Group/Member Development Champion.

(Copy previously issued to all Members with the Council papers for 9th December, 2010 as Enclosure 'E').

9. North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority

To receive a verbal report from Councillor J V Owen, one of this council's representatives on the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, on meetings held by that authority, between 1st September, 2010 and 30th November, 2010.

10. Delegations by the Leader

The Interim Managing Director will present for information a report setting out any changes to the scheme of delegation relating to Executive functions made by the Leader since the last ordinary meeting (Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution refers).

(Copy previously issued to all members with the council papers for 9th December, 2010 as Enclosure 'F').

11. Motions received pursuant to rule of the constitution

(a) To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillor R G Parry, OBE:

“Anglesey County Council wishes to appeal to the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in the first instance to keep the Alaw Ward in Ysbyty Gwynedd open as a ward for patients who suffer from cancer.  Secondly to give serious consideration to re-opening the minor-injuries unit at Penrhos Hospital, Holyhead during the hours of 5:00 to 10:00pm.”

To give consideration to the above.

(b) To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillor G W Roberts,OBE:

“That this Council adopt a policy of paying 2nd class travel allowance only, for Council members and to cease paying 1st class travel allowance.

That this Council freezes members travel allowance between home and council offices in Llangefni when attending the Isle of Anglesey County Council meetings due to the current economic climate.”

To give consideration to the above.

(New Items)

12. Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report - December 2010

To submit the report of the Corporate Director (Finance).
(Enclosure 'CH')

13. Political balance

To submit a joint report by the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer and the Corporate Director (Finance) following the political group changes that occurred in January.
(Enclosure 'D')

14. Question received pursuant to rule of the constitution

Councillor T Ll Hughes will put the following question to the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transportation and Maritime:-

“In view of the recent bad weather conditions, will the Highways Department of the Ynys Môn County Council be reviewing the winter gritting policy of the Council for the future?”

Portfolio holder to respond.

15. Intervention

To submit a verbal update by the Interim Managing Director on the current status of intervention at the Isle of Anglesey County Council.