Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Tuesday, 8th March, 2011


Tuesday, 8 March 2011, 10am. Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni.

Please note: due to the nature of these documents, some are not fully accessible for people with visual impairments and cannot be read by 'screen reader'.

The meeting will be opened by a prayer offered by Councillor Tom Jones.


1. Minutes

To submit for confirmation and signature, the minutes of the meetings of the County Council held on the following dates:

2. Declaration of interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

3. To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader, Members of the Executive or the Head of the Paid Services

4. Annual Report of the Standards Committee

Ms Sue Morris, Vice-Chair of the Standards Committee will present the annual report of the Standards Committee.
(Enclosure 'C')

5. Presentation of petitions

To receive any petition in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution.

6. Medium term budget strategy, budget, council tax, treasury management and prudential indicators 2011/12

6.1 To submit the Executive's Proposals for a medium term revenue budget strategy, interim capital plan and revenue and capital budgets for 2011/12.
(Enclosure 'CH')

6.2 To submit a report by the Corporate Director (Finance) on the budget.
(Enclosure 'D')

6.3 To consider the formal resolution as enclosed in the report of the Corporate Director (Finance).
(Enclosure 'DD')

6.4 To submit any amendments to the Budget of which notice has been received under Paragraph of the Constitution.

(All of the above papers need to be considered as a single package)

7. Recovery Steering Group

To submit a report by the Vice-Chair of the County Council.
(Enclosure 'E')

8. Political Management Protocols

To report that the Executive at its meeting on 15th February, 2011 had resolved to recommend to the County Council as follows:

“That the Chairperson of the County Council should be involved at 2.1.6 and/or 4.1.6 of the protocols;

To adopt the protocols as drafted in Attachment A into the Council's Constitution at 5.8;

To authorise Officers to make all necessary and consequential amendments to the Council's Constitution including the insertion of the protocols at 5.8”

To submit the report of the Interim Managing Director.
(Enclosure 'F')

9. Changes to the Constitution

(a) Review of the Planning Matters Procedure Rules

To report that the Executive at its meeting on 23rd February, 2011,upon consideration of the above, had resolved to recommend to the County Council as follows:

“That the Council endorses the proposed changes to Section 4.6 of the Constitution as set out in Table 2.3 of the annex to the report.”
To submit a joint report by the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection), Legal Services Manager and the Deputy Monitoring Officer and Senior Solicitor (Planning).

(Copy previously issued to all Members as part of the Executive papers for 23rd February, 2011)

(b) Member Information Protocol

To report that the Executive at its meeting on 23rd February, 2011, upon consideration of the above had resolved to recommend to the County Council as follows:

“That Council approves the draft Member Information Protocol and amends the Constitution at Sections 5.3.6 and 5.3.8 accordingly.”

To submit the report of the Corporate Information Officer.
(Enclosure 'FF')

10. Local Authority Criminal Records Bureau Policy

To submit a report by the Senior Solicitor (Children's Services).
(Enclosure 'G')

11. Anglesey's Health, Social Care & Well-Being Strategy 2011-2014

To submit a report by the Corporate Director (Housing and Social Services).
(Enclosure 'NG')

12. North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority

To receive a verbal report from Councillor J V  Owen, one of the Council's representatives on the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, of meetings held by that Authority between 1st December, 2010 and 28th February, 2011.

13. North Wales Police Authority

To receive a verbal report from Councillor P S Rogers, the Council's representative on the North Wales Police Authority, of meetings held by that Authority between 1st December, 2010 and 28th February, 2011.

14. Motions received pursuant to Rule of the Constitution

(a) To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillor P S Rogers:

“That the Council sets aside the Order and does not seek to recover costs of £4,750.00 following the Judicial Review application in May 2010 by the Bodffordd Community Action Group.”

To give consideration to the above.

(b) To submit the following Notices of Motion by Councillor Aled Morris Jones:

(i) “Council resolves that the Managing Director should immediately commence the advance planning and preparation for the holding of the 2012 Armed Forces Day. This will follow-on from the successful Armed Forces Day held in 2009 and 2010. These events serve to demonstrate the commitment of the Isle of Anglesey County Council to honouring the important role played by our armed forces.”

(ii) “Council resolves that the Managing Director should commence the process of consultation, with the relevant parties, on the granting of the Freedom of the County of Anglesey to the Royal Welsh Regiment. This is in recognition of their service to the nation.”

To give consideration to the above.

15. Delegations by the Leader

The Interim Managing Director will present for information a report setting out any changes to the scheme of delegation relating to Executive functions made by the Leader since the last Ordinary Meeting (Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution refers).
(Enclosure 'H') - awaiting document.