Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Friday, 9th May, 2008

Annual and Ordinary Meeting of the Isle of Anglesey County Council


Minutes of the meeting held on 9th May, 2008  




Councillors W. J. Chorlton, E. G. Davies, Lewis Davies,

Barrie Durkin, Jim Evans, K. Evans, C. LI. Everett, P. M. Fowlie, D. R. Hughes, Fflur M. Hughes, K. P. Hughes, R. LI. Hughes,

W. I. Hughes, Eric Jones, Gwilym 0. Jones, H. Eifion Jones,

0. Glyn Jones, Raymond Jones, R. Dylan Jones, R. LI. Jones,

T. H. Jones, Aled Morris Jones, Clive McGregor, Rhian Medi, Bryan Owen, J. V. Owen, R. L. Owen, Bob Parry, OBE,

G. 0. Parry, MBE, Eric Roberts, G. W. Roberts, OBE,

J. Arwel Roberts, Peter S. Rogers, Elwyn Schofield,

H. W. Thomas, leuan Williams, John Williams,

John Penri Williams, Selwyn Williams.






Managing Director

Corporate Director (Finance)

Corporate Director (Housing & Social Services)

Corporate Director (Planning & Environment)

Corporate Director (Education & Leisure)

Director of Legal and Committee Services/Monitoring Officer

Head of Service (Policy)

Head of Service (Economic Development) (Item 19)

Head of Service (Property) (Item 19)

Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer (RMJ)

Head of Development Control (EGJ) (Item 19)

Communications Officer

Committee Services Manager






Councillor T. Lloyd Hughes



The meeting was opened with a prayer by Councillor John Williams





RESOLVED that Councillor Aled Morris Jones be elected Chairperson of the Isle of Anglesey County Council for 2008/09.


In accepting the honour of being appointed he promised the Council that he would carry out the duties involved to the best of his abilities. Councillor Jones also took the opportunity of paying tribute to the retiring Chairperson, Councillor W. J. Williams, MBE for his commitment in representing the County Council throughout his term of office.


Councillor W. J. Williams, MBE, the retiring Chairperson, thanked all the members and officers of the Council for their support and co-operation during his term of office. He also gave a synopsis of his duties as Chairperson which involved representing the County Council at various functions throughout the year. He expressed his best wishes to Councillor Jones and to his wife Olwen and hoped that they would also enjoy a happy and successful term of office.





RESOLVED that Councillor 0. Glyn Jones be elected Vice-Chairperson of the Isle of Anglesey County Council for 2008/09.


Councillor Jones thanked the members for their confidence in him and thanked members for their very kind words. He expressed his intention to co-operate with and support the newly elected Chairperson.








The Chairperson paid tribute to the following Councillors who had declared their intention to retire as Councillors prior to the Council elections:-




Councillor P. J. Dunning


Councillor Peter Dunning represented the Trearddur Bay Ward from 2004. Councillor Dunning assisted the Highways Section with the plans to strengthen the sea defences in Trearddur Bay, bearing in mind that the process began with public consultation back in 2004. We understand that Peter will be spending a great deal of his time in Portugal in the future and we wish him and his family well.




Councillor J. Arwel Edwards


Councillor John Arwel Edwards, as a member of the Plaid Cymru group, represented the Gwyngyll ward from 2001. He was Vice-chairman of the Planning Committee and during this time, he was very supportive of the policies and the staff in the Planning Committee. He was also an active and valued Vice-chairman of the Pay and Grading Panel.




Councillor G. Allan Roberts


Unfortunately, Councillor Allan Roberts could not be present today to receive this gift and the Council’s gratitude for his service. He represented the Parc and Mynydd Ward from 1998. He was a member of the Standards Committee between September 1998 and December 2003. He was elected by members of the County Council as a member who would represent them impartially on the Committee. This was a very busy time for the Standards Committee and we thank him for his valued contribution.




Councillor John Rowlands


His interest in local government began in 1961 when he was elected Community Councillor for


Llanddona. He was a member of Gwynedd Council between 1984-1996 and then he came to the


Isle of Anglesey County Council in 2000. He was a member of the Executive Committee for two


years and Chairman of the County Council in 2006-07.




Councillor Keith Thomas


Councillor Keith Thomas represented the London Road Ward from 1999. He was the Portfolio


Holder for Highways and assisted in the establishment of a pilot scheme to set up the first


Community Gang in the northwest of the island. The pilot scheme was a success and now there


are five gangs, i.e. covering every part of the island.




Councillor W. J. Williams, MBE


Councillor W. J. Williams represented the Llanddyfnan ward from 1960. All his contributions to local government are too numerous to mention. A former Mayor of the Borough Council and former Leader of the County Council, he stood down today as Chairman. He had made a substantial contribution as Chairman of TAITH and also as the Wales representative on the Committee of the Regions and had been an excellent ambassador for the Council in Europe.




The Chair thanked all six members for their valued contribution and wished them well for the future.




The Chair on behalf of the County Council presented the members in question with crystal glass plagues engraved with the Council logo as a memento of their service to Local Government.




The Leaders of the four Political Groups paid their own particular tributes to Mr. W.J.Williams and to his much valued contribution to the deliberations of both the Borough and County Council over the years.




It was RESOLVED to record the Council’s appreciation to all 6 Councillors for their valued services to Local Government and to their respective communities over the years.









Councillor E.Schofield declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his grandson who is employed in the Highways and Transportation Department.




Councillor G.O. Parry MBE declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughters within the Finance Department.




Councillor 0. Glyn Jones declared an interest with regard to any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his wife and daughter within the Housing and Social Services Department.




Councillor R.LI. Hughes declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his son in the Highways Department.




Councillor Eric Jones declared an interest in any matter that might arise with regard to the Council’s residential homes.




Councillor R. LI. Jones declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Education Authority.




Councillor Fflur. M. Hughes declared an interest with regard to any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of her son within the Education Department.




Councillor C. LI. Everett declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Human Resources Department.




Councillor A.M. Jones declared an interest with regard to any item of business which might relate to the employment of his brother in the Education and Leisure Department.




Councillors W. J. Chorlton, E. G. Davies, P. M. Fowlie, A. Morris Jones, 0. Glyn Jones and R. L. Owen declared an interest in respect of item 16 of these minutes and were not present at the meeting during any discussion or voting thereon (Councillor T. Jones took the Chair for this item).




Following legal advice on the day. Councillors W. J. Choriton and R. L. Owen (being this Council’s representatives on the North Wales Sea Fisheries Committee) remained at the meeting for Item 19 of these minutes, were allowed to partake in discussions but did not vote thereon.









Submitted and confirmed as a true record, the minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 4th March, 2008.









The Chair extended a warm welcome to the newly elected members of the County Council.




Congratulations were extended to Councillor Peter Rogers on his appointment as High Sheriff of


Gwynedd and he was wished well for his year in post. Also to Mrs. Sian Arwel Davies, wife of


Councillor E. G. Davies upon being appointed President to the Baptist movement in Wales.




Councillor P. S. Rogers thanked the Chair for his kind words and took the opportunity of paying tribute to the democratic process, in that 14 new Members had been appointed to the Authority. He wished them every success in their work.




The Chair reported that the Planning Service had decided to present an award in memory of Sion Hardy, a student who worked in the Department and who was killed in Liverpool at the end of last year. The award was presented to Linda Lee for gaining the highest marks in her postgraduate planning examinations. The course was sponsored by the Council.




Today, was also the first anniversary of the opening of the Anglesey Airport. Mr leuan Wyn Jones, AM unveiled a plaque to mark the event. Over 14,000 people had used the service so far - the


planes ran at 80% capacity (a higher percentage than any other similar service). It was hoped that the service would be expanded in the future. Best wishes were extended to them.




The Ryder Cup Wales Welsh Open Young Professional PGA Championship was hosted at Anglesey’s Bull Bay Golf Club last month. The event supported by the Isle of Anglesey County Council and The North West Wales Events Commission attracted a record number of entries from professionals throughout Britain with 132 competitors taking part. Congratulations were extended to all those who took part and thank you to all staff involved with the preparations for the event.




Best wishes were extended to all those competing in the Anglesey Eisteddfod (Eisteddfod Llandegfan) tonight and in the Young Farmers Rally.




Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery were extended to Councillor T. Lloyd Hughes, following his recent hospitalisation.




Reference was made to the death of Alderman Thomas Dryhurst-Roberts recently. He was a


member of the old Anglesey County Council and a member of the Isle of Anglesey Borough


Council between 1976 and 1987. He was elected Mayor in 1983-84. He was also a member of


Gwynedd County Council. The Council’s sympathy was extended to his son John and all the family.




Sympathy was also extended to the family of Mr Raymond Williams who passed away recently. He had worked in the Transportation Section of the Environmental and Technical Services


Department since 1996 up to his retirement in 2004 and he returned to work as a consultant for a day a week until he became ill in October 2007. Previously, since 1988, he had worked for


Gwynedd Council.




The Chair also sympathised with any Member of the Council or a member of staff who had lost a relative.




Members and Officers stood in silent tribute as a mark of their respect.









Resolved that Councillor P. M. Fowlie be elected Leader of the Isle of Anglesey County Council.




(Pursuant to Para 4.1.1 .2.6 and in particular Para 2.7.3 of the Council Constitution).




Councillor Fowlie thanked the Council upon the honour of being appointed Leader of the Council.









Resolved that Councillor R. G. Parry, OBE be elected Deputy Leader of the Isle of Anglesey County Council.




(Pursuant to Para and in particular Para 2.7.3 of the Council Constitution).




Councillor R. G. Parry, OBE, thanked the Council upon the honour of being appointed Deputy Leader of the Council.















In accordance with Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules, the Leader of the Council named the following as the members he had chosen to serve on the Executive, together with their Portfolio responsibilities:-




The Leader reported that he would be naming 8 of the 9 Portfolio Holders today and that over the course of the next few weeks, he intended to clarify their portfolio responsibilities.




Councillor R. LI. Hughes      - Portfolio Holder for Housing and Social Services


Councillor Bryan Owen      - Portfolio Holder for Economic Development


Councillor E. G. Davies      - Portfolio Holder for Education and Leisure


Councillor G. 0. Parry,MBE      - Portfolio Holder for Finance


Councillor R. LI. Jones      - Portfolio Holder for Planning


Councillor C. McGregor      - Portfolio Holder for Highways


Councillor R. G. Parry,OBE      - Portfolio Holder for Environment


Councillor Ieuan Williams      - Portfolio Holder for Personnel and Performance









The Chairperson confirmed the re-appointment of the current Committee structure as referred to under Section 3.4 of the Council Constitution.









The Chairperson confirmed such part of the Scheme of Delegation as set out in Paragraph 3.2 of


the Council Constitution.









RESOLVED to approve the following programme of ordinary meetings of the Council for the ensuing year:-




16th September, 2008          - 2:00pm


11th December, 2008          - 2:00pm


5th March, 2009               - 2:00pm


5th May, 2009 (Annual Meeting)     - 2:00pm









Submitted - A table setting out the political balance of Council Committees in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government and Housing Act, 1989.




The table showed the 4 Political Groups 20,8,5 and 4 Members respectively with 3 separate Unaffiliated Members. The total number of seats to be allocated was now 120.




The figures had been prepared so as to ensure political balance was respected on a “by-committee” basis as well as in total based on the legislative provisions. A theoretical allocation of a total of 120 seats showed an allocation of 12 seats to Anglesey Forward, 24 seats to Plaid Cymru, 60 seats to the Original Independents, 15 seats to the Labour Group and 9 seats to the Unaffiliated Members.




Each political group on the Council could only allocate the seats it received under the political balance arrangements to its own members and cannot allocate to a Councillor who was not a member of that same political group.




(Councillor W. J. Chorlton wished it to be minuted that the Labour Group were unhappy with the fact that his group were not represented on the Pay and Grading Panel).











That the number of seats on the Pay & Grading Panel be reduced from 6 to 5.





To note that the new political balance arrangements and the number of seats attributable to each of the Groups and the Unaffiliated Members under the Local Government and Housing Act, 1989.





To agree the whole number of seats to be allocated to the Unaffiliated Members.





That the Group Leaders be requested to provide the list of names of their Group representatives on each Committee to the Committee Services Manager as soon as possible and preferably immediately after this meeting of the County Council.





That the 3 Unaffiliated Members be requested to determine amongst themselves which Committees they wish to serve upon in accordance with the political balance arrangements contained within the report to this Council. Should they be unable to reach agreement in this respect, authority be given to the Leader of the Council to determine these allocations.









Reported - That the Executive upon consideration of the above report at its meeting on 25th March, 2008, had resolved as follows:-




“To accept the resolution of the Audit Committee on 13th February, 2008 that the Outline


Complaints Procedure Flow Chart be forwarded to the County Council on 9th May, 2008, for adoption as Constitutional change.”




Submitted for information - Background information arising from the Customer Focus Sub-Committee held on 5th February, 2008, together with a copy of the Management Team’s response.




Councillor C. L. Everett stated that the complaints procedure would be unable to proceed unless a Customer Care Officer was appointed by the Executive. He felt that the matters which the Management Team had identified should be referred back to the Customer Focus Sub-Committee or the Executive for consideration. He further proposed that the Council should adopt the flow chart as a way to deal with complaints in the meantime.









To adopt the Complaints Procedure flow chart





That the Executive be asked to give urgent consideration to the appointment of a Customer Care Officer, or whether the Management Team can identify an existing member of staff to undertake the duties.





That the Customer Focus Sub-Committee or the Executive be requested to look at the issues raised by the Management Team.









Reported - That the Executive upon consideration of the above at its meeting on 14th April, 2008, had RESOLVED to recommend:-





That the Council adopts, the draft Model Code with effect from 9th May, 2008.







That the Council adopts the draft Model Code in the form exhibited in Appendix I to this report.





That the Council confirms the financial limit for the registration of gifts and hospitality at £20.00 (twenty pounds).




Submitted for information, the report of the Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer as submitted to the Executive on 14th April, 2008.




RESOLVED to endorse the recommendation of the Executive in this respect.









     (a) Submitted - A report by the Head of Service (Planning) on investigations undertaken into


     Highway and Planning matters following a meeting between the Ombudsman’s office, the Council


     Leader, Leaders of the Political Groups and relevant officers.




     (b) Submitted for information - A copy of the report by the Head of Service (Planning) in consultation with the Managing Director and the Monitoring Officer, as submitted to the County Council meeting on 4th March, 2008.




     (c) Submitted - The recommendation of the Public Service Ombudsman’s for Wales following a finding of maladministration in respect of a planning matter (Ombudsman’s case reference






     RESOLVED that the matter be referred for decision to the next scheduled meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee (16th May, 2008).




     (Councillor Eric Jones wished it to be minuted that he was opposed to the decision and he was of the opinion that the Council should today accept and implement the recommendation in accordance with the Ombudsman’s report).








     Submitted - A report by the Managing Director setting out any changes to the scheme of delegation relating to Executive functions made by the Leader since the last Ordinary Meeting (Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules - Page 134 of the Constitution refers).




     RESOLVED to note the information.












     “Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public were excluded from the meeting during discussion on the following item as it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 16 of Schedule 12A of the said Act.”








     Submitted - The report by the Head of Service (Property) on the decision of the High Court in this respect, the confirmation of the actions of officers to date and on establishing decisions in relation to this matter.




     It was proposed and seconded that the matter be referred to the next meeting of the Executive for determination and that an invitation be extended to any members of the Council to be present to speak on the matter.








     The Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer stated that the recommendation contained within the report that the final decision on whether or not to appeal should be delegated to the Executive, was because of issues of time. If there was a decision to proceed to appeal, then papers had to be lodged with the High Court in London by no later than Friday 23rd May, 2008.




     (Councillors W. J. Chorlton, R. L. Owen and Rhian Medi wished it to be minuted that they had abstained from voting on this matter).









To delegate to the Executive the final decision on whether or not to appeal in light of the forthcoming Legal advice being sought, including any necessary authorisation of expenditure.





That an invitation be extended to any interested members of the County Council to attend and speak at the meeting.












     The meeting concluded at 4:25pm