Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Thursday, 9th June, 2011


Thursday 9 June 2011.
Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni.

Please note: due to the nature of these documents, some are not fully accessible for people with visual impairments and cannot be read by 'screen reader'.

The meeting will be opened by a prayer offered by Councillor K P Hughes


1. Declaration of interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

2. To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council, Board of Commissioners or the Head of Paid Service

3. Indemnities for members and officers

(a) To report that the County Council at its meeting on 12th May, 2011, had resolved

“to agree in principle at this stage that the Council wishes to adopt the power to grant indemnities as provided for by the Order, and that a further report on the matter be submitted to Council in due course.”

(b) To submit the report of the Legal Services Manager.
(Enclosure A)

4. Report by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

(a) To consider a public interest report issued on 25th March, 2011 by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales following an investigation of a complaint of maladministration against the Council. (Ombudsman's Case Reference 200901501).
(Enclosure B)

(b) To submit the report of the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer.
(Enclosure C)

5. Review of the electoral arrangements of the Isle of Anglesey

(a) Reported - That the following Notice of Motion had been submitted by Councillors K.P.Hughes, Aled Morris Jones, Bryan Owen, G O Parry, MBE and Eric Roberts to the County Council meeting on 12th May, 2011:

“We the undersigned request that the Interim Managing Director calls an extraordinary meeting of the Isle of Anglesey County Council to discuss the direction of the Minister of Social Justice and Local Government dated the 28th March, 2011 to further review the electoral arrangements of the Isle of Anglesey.

It is intended that the final report is to be submitted to the Minister by 30th September, 2011.

This timescale will not allow an initial period of consultation with the communities of Ynys Môn at the start of the review.”

(b) Reported that the County Council upon consideration of the above had resolved “to defer consideration and that arrangements be made to convene an extraordinary meeting of the County Council to discuss the matter in detail within the next fortnight / three weeks.”

(c) To submit the report of the Interim Chief Executive.
(Enclosure CH)