Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Thursday, 9th December, 2010


Meeting of the Isle of Anglesey County Council Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. Thursday 9 December 2010, 2pm.

Please note: due to the nature of these documents, some are not fully accessible for people with visual impairments and cannot be read by 'screen reader'.

The meeting will be opened by a prayer offered by Councillor Eric Jones


1. Minutes

To submit for confirmation and signature, the minutes of the meetings of the County Council held on the following dates:

2. Declaration of interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

3. To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader, members of the Executive or the head of the paid services

4. Questions received pursuant to rule of the Constitution

Councillor G O Parry, MBE, will put the following Question to the Leader of the Council:

“Since May 2010, how many posts, permanent, temporary or agency have been advertised and filled? What has been the advertising cost and the annual cost of these posts?

How many employees have left and how many exit interviews have been held and recorded?”

The Leader of the Council to respond.

5. Presentation of petitions

To receive any petition in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution.

Petitions have been received with regard to Item 6 below, namely the Rhosneigr Library Car Park and the Cemaes Car Park.

(Councillors Bryan Owen and W T Hughes will be given the opportunity of presenting their petitions to the Chair of the County Council).

6. Matter referred to the County Council by the Corporate Scrutiny Committee held on 16th November, 2010

Car Parking Charges

To report that the Corporate Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 16th November, 2010, upon consideration of a call-in with regard to a decision taken by the Portfolio Holders for Finance and for Highways, Transportation and Maritime as published on 2 November, 2010, had resolved as follows:

“ to refer the Portfolio Holder's decision to the County Council meeting to be held on 9th December 2010 for the reasons outlined in Councillor G.O.Parry MBE's proposal viz:

(i)The decision is contrary to the principles of the Constitution;
(ii)Proportionality â€" the cost of providing the service as opposed to the income raised;
(iii)Inadequate consultations;
(iv)In the interest of openness and transparency;
(v)The clarity of objectives and desired outcomes;”

To give consideration to the above.

7. Changes to the Constitution - Joint Planning Policy Committee

(a) To report that the Executive at its meeting on 30th November, 2010 had resolved to recommend to the County Council as follows:

“ (i) To approve the Agreement in Appendix 1 for a Joint Planning Policy Committee and to support the adoption of the necessary constitutional changes by full Council.

(ii) To delegate the power to the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) to make, in conjunction with the Legal Services Manager, any necessary minor amendments to the Agreement in Appendix 1 if required and sign the Agreement with Gwynedd Council.

(iii) To make (or, where applicable, to delegate to the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection), in consultation with the Legal Services Manager, the changes to the Constitution as set out in Appendix 2 so as to implement the above recommendations.

(iv) To withdraw the Ynys Môn LDP pursuant to Section 66 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to delegate authority to the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) to undertake all the necessary actions arising from the withdrawal .

(v) That an update report be submitted to the Executive within 3 months detailing the progress of the Joint Planning Policy Unit.”

(b) To submit for information, the report of the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) as submitted to the Executive on 30th November, 2010.
(Copy previously issued to all Members with the above papers).

8. Political balance

To submit a joint report by the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer and Corporate Director (Finance).
(Enclosure 'C') - to be tabled at the meeting

9. Interim Planning Policy - large sites

(a) To report that the Executive at its meeting on 30th November, 2010, had resolved to recommend to the County Council as follows:

“(i)To approve the Interim Housing Policy Large Sites for adoption as an Interim Policy until the adoption of the LDP.

(ii) That authority be given to the Head of Service (in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s) when appropriate) to undertake minor amendments to it's content following conclusion of ongoing discussions, including those with Enfusion.”

(b) To submit for information, the report of the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) as submitted to the Executive on 30th November, 2010.
(Copy previously issued to all Members with the above papers).

10. Recovery Steering Group

To submit a report by the Vice-Chair of the County Council.
(Enclosure 'CH')

11. Review of Licensing Policy

To submit a report by the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection)
(Enclosure 'D')

12. Acceptance of gifts by Members

To submit a report by Mr Jeff Cotterell, the Chairman of the Standards Committee.
(Enclosure 'DD')

13. Adoption of Members' Development Programme for the period 2010-2012

To submit a report by the Chair of the Member Development Working Group/ Member Development Champion.
(Enclosure 'E')

14. North Wales Police Authority

To receive a verbal report from Councillor P S Rogers, this Council's representative on the North Wales Police Authority on meetings held by that Authority between 1st September, 2010 and 30th November, 2010.

15. North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority

To receive a verbal report from Councillor J V Owen, one of this Council's representatives on the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, on meetings held by that Authority, between 1st September, 2010 and 30th November, 2010.

16. Motions received pursuant to rule of the Constitution

(a)To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillor R G Parry, OBE:

“Anglesey County Council wishes to appeal to the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in the first instance to keep the Alaw Ward in Ysbyty Gwynedd open as a ward for patients who suffer from cancer. Secondly to give serious consideration to re-opening the minor-injuries unit at Penrhos Hospital, Holyhead during the hours of 5:00 to 10:00pm.”

To give consideration to the above.

(b) To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillor G W Roberts,OBE:

“That this Council adopt a policy of paying 2nd class travel allowance only, for Council members and to cease paying 1st class travel allowance.

That this Council freezes members travel allowance between home and council offices in Llangefni when attending the Isle of Anglesey County Council meetings due to the current economic climate.”

To give consideration to the above.

17. Delegations by the Leader

The Interim Managing Director will present for information a report setting out any changes to the scheme of delegation relating to Executive functions made by the Leader Service the last Ordinary Meeting (Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution refers).
(Enclosure 'F')

18. Partnership working and protecting front line services

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy) as was submitted to the Executive meeting on 7th December, 2010.
(Enclosure 'FF')

(The recommendation of the Executive will be confirmed at Council by the Leader)