Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Thursday, 10th May, 2012 10.30 am


Thursday 10th May, 2012 at 10:30am
Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni

Please note: due to the nature of these documents, some are not fully accessible for people with visual impairments and cannot be read by 'screen reader'.



To submit for confirmation and signature, the minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 6th March, 2011.

(Enclosure A)

2. Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

3. To recieve any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council, Board of Commissionersor the
Head of Paid Service.

The Chairperson will address Members on the Foster Carers‟ Forum at therequest of Councillor John Penri Williams.

4. Minutes for Information - Sustainability Board

To submit for information, the minutes of the meeting of the Sustainability Board held on 22nd March, 2012.

(Enclosure B)

5. Presentation of Petitions

To submit a petition by the Chief Executive on behalf of Christian Voice (Anglesey) in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution.

6. Armed Forces Community Covenant

(i) To submit the following resolution of the Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on 23rd April 2012:-


  • To endorse the Community Covenant between the County Council, Armed Forces Community and Medrwn Môn and recommend accordingly to the County Council;
  • To confirm that an Officer in the Chief Executive‟s department will act
  • as single point of contact for Community Covenant information;
  • To endorse the establishment of a Partnership Board to oversee the Covenant and that the Chairman of the Council act as Member Champion.

(ii) To receive a brief presentation by a representative of the RAF.

7. Annual report of the Chair of the Standards Committee

Mr.Michael Wilson, Chair of the Standards Committee will present the annual report.
(Enclosure C)

8. Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2011-12

To submit the report of the Scrutiny Manager
(Enclosure CH)

9. Annual report of the Audit Committee

To submit for information, the annual report of the Chair of the Audit Committee.
(Enclosure D)

10. North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority

To receive a report from Councillor Aled Morris Jones, Vice-Chair of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, on meetings held by that Authority between 6th March, 2012 and 30th April, 2012.
(Enclosure DD)

11. North Wales Police Authority

To receive a report from Councillor P.S.Rogers, this Council's representative on the North Wales Police Authority, on meetings held by that Authority between 6th March and 30th April, 2012.
(Enclosure E)

12. Review of the Authority's Licensing Policy Document

To submit the report of the Chief Trading Standards Officer
(Enclosure F)

13. Joint Local Development Plan Mon a Gwynedd

(a)To report that the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on 19th March 2012 had resolved to recommend to the County Council that it endorses the following:-

“the schedule of key issues detailed at Appendix 2 of the report;

the vision presented in paragraph 1.12 of the report;

the schedule of strategic objectives presented in Appendix 3 of the report;

the housing growth option presented in paragraph 1.14 of the report, i.e. 511 housing units per annum in the Plan area over the Plan period;

the distribution option presented in paragraph 1.16 of the report.”

(b) To submit the report of the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) as submitted to the Board of Commissioners on 19th March 2012.
(Copy previously issued to all Members as part of the Board papers for 19th March, 2012)

14. Changes to the Council Constitution

(Note: The function of approving changes to the Council's Constitution is exercisable by the Commissioners whose approval to these changes will be sought, but the Council is requested to endorse the recommendations referred to at 14.1 - 14.13 below):-

14.1 The Leader and the Executive (Sections 2.7.3, 2.7.4, 2.7.5, 4.1.1 and 4.1.16)

14.2 The Budget (Paras and

14.3 Minutes of meetings (Para

14.4 Democratic Services (Sections 2.12.5, 3.4.12,, and

14.5 Scrutiny Committees (Sections and Paras 3.4.2, 2.6.1,, and 4.1.2 and matrix).

14.6 Audit Committee (Paras, and

14.7 Allocating Committee Chairs and Seats (Section 5.8.2)

14.8 Appointments to Outside Bodies (Section 5.8.4)

14.9 Political Groups (Section 5.8.1)

14.10 “Alliance” Administration (Section 5.8.5)

14.11 Protocol on operation of Executive (Section 5.8.6)

14.12 Delegation to Staff (Section 3.5.3)

14.13 The Constitution itself (Para

(a) To report that the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on 30th April 2012 had resolved to accept the contents of the above reports and the Council is requested to resolve to endorse the recommendations of the Board of Commissioners and to authorise officers to make any consequential amendments to the Constitution.

(b) To submit the report of the Constitution Working Group as submitted to the Board of Commissioners on 30th April, 2012.
(Copies previously issued to all Members as part of the Board papers for 30th April, 2012)

15. Electoral Review

The Chief Executive to provide a verbal update.

16. Anglesey Leader's Annual Report

To submit a verbal report by the Leader of the Council.

17. Pupil Premium

To submit a verbal report by the Chief Executive

18. Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider adoption of the following:-

“Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from meeting during discussion on the following item on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test”

19. Commissioners 4th Quarterly Progress Report

Commissioners Margaret Foster and Gareth Jones will submit a verbal report on the Commissioners 4th Quarterly Progress report.

20. Investigation Panel

To submit for information the minutes of the Investigation Panel meeting held on 18 April 2012.
(Enclosure FF)