Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Thursday, 11th December, 2008

Meeting of the Isle of Anglesey County Council


Minutes of the meeting held on 11th December, 2008 (2:00pm)




Councillor Aled Morris Jones (Chairperson)


Councillor O.Glyn Jones (Vice-Chairperson)


Councillors W. J. Chorlton, E. G. Davies, Lewis Davies,

Barrie Durkin, Jim Evans, P. M. Fowlie, K. P. Hughes,

R. Ll. Hughes, T. Ll. Hughes, H. Eifion Jones, Gwilym O. Jones, Raymond Jones, R. Dylan Jones, R. Ll. Jones, T. H. Jones,

Clive McGregor, Rhian Medi, Bryan Owen, J. V. Owen,

R. L. Owen, Bob Parry, OBE, G. O. Parry, MBE, Eric Roberts,

J. Arwel Roberts, Peter S. Rogers, Elwyn Schofield, J. Williams, John Penri Williams, Ieuan Williams, Selwyn Williams.








Managing Director

Corporate Director (Finance)

Corporate Director (Environment and Technical Services)

Corporate Director (Education & Leisure)

Acting Corporate Director (Housing & Social Services)

Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer

Head of Service (Economic Development)

Head of Service (Policy)

Head of Service (Education)

Legal Services Manager

Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer (RMJ)

Solicitor (RB)

Communications Officer

Committee Services Manager                                                 




Councillors Keith Evans, C. Ll. Everett, D. R. Hughes, Fflur M. Hughes, W.I. Hughes, Eric Jones, G. W. Roberts, OBE,

H. W. Thomas.




The afternoon meeting was opened with a prayer by Councillor R. Ll. Jones





Councillors L. Davies, B. Durkin, P.M. Fowlie, R.Ll. Hughes, R. Dylan Jones, C. McGregor, B. Owen, G.O. Parry MBE, R.G. Parry OBE, E. Schofield and I. Williams declared an interest in Item 5 of these minutes and were not present at the meeting during any discussion or voting thereon.


Councillors P.M. Fowlie, T.H. Jones, A. Morris Jones, R.L. Owen, R.G. Parry OBE, E. Roberts and P.S. Rogers declared an interest in Item 9 of these minutes and were not present at the meeting during any discussion or voting thereon.


Councillor W.J. Chorlton declared an interest with regard to any item on the agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Environmental Services Department.


The Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer declared and interest in Item 5 of these minutes and was not present at the meeting during any discussion or voting thereon.










The Chair on behalf of the members and officers extended Birthday greetings to Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes, who was 60 years old today.




Congratulations were also extended to Ryan Conolly and Leon Newall, pupils at Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni, who had been chosen to represent Wales at the under-16 football tournament known as the ‘Sky Victory Shield Home Nations’.




Thanks were extended to everyone associated with the success of the Council in it being awarded official recognition as an Investor in People. A letter had already been sent to all staff, members and Trade Unions informing them of this. Congratulations and thanks to all staff in achieving this accreditation.




Congratulations also to the 9 members of staff, who had succeeded in the ‘Institute of Leadership Management Course’ at Coleg Menai. Certificates had been awarded to them by the Leader and the Managing Director last Tuesday.




The Chair took the opportunity of referring to the death of Gwilym Williams, Y Wenallt, Penysarn who had worked as the former Borough Council’s Administrative Director between 1974-1980. Before that he had worked for the Twrcelyn Rural District Council. Deepest sympathy was extended to his wife Betty, his son Elfed and the whole family.




On behalf of the Chair, Councillor G. O. Parry,MBE referred to the death of Captain Drakley, former Maritime Officer of the Borough Council.




The Chair also sympathised with any Member or member of staff who had suffered bereavement. Members and officers stood in silent tribute as a mark of their respect.











Submitted and confirmed as a true record, the minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on the following dates:-




(i) Minutes - 16th September, 2008




Arising thereon :-




Item 10. Political Balance




Councillor J. Penri Williams wished it to be noted that he had supported Councillors P. S. Rogers and B. Durkin in their viewpoint as regards the allocation of seats to committees of the Council.




Councillor W. J. Chorlton referred to both sets of minutes before Council today in that he was yet to receive a reply in respect of the Breakwater Country Park (Item 2 of meeting held on 16th September, 2008) and an answer from the Leader with regard to a declaration of interest by the Chair of the County Council.




The Chair in reply stated that he had visited the Country Park with the Head of Service (Planning) and that he would be in further correspondence or discussion with Councillor Chorlton in that respect.




As regards the declaration of interest, the Chair left the Chamber and the meeting was chaired by the Vice-Chair.




The Leader in reply to Councillor Chorlton’s question, stated that he had understood that the Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer had provided Councillor Chorlton with a response as regards the declaration of interest.




Councillor W. J. Chorlton stated that he had received a written reply from the Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer but that he did not feel that the reply was sufficient in that he had not received the information he had requested. He said he had failed to set up a mutually convenient date to discuss this matter with the Leader since the Leader was re-arranging dates agreed upon.




The Leader in reply stated that he had before him a copy of the answers from the Legal Department to the question put. He would arrange a meeting between himself, Councillor Chorlton and the Legal Department. He had no recollection of cancelling any meeting at all.




Councillor Chorlton referred to the fact that two meetings with the Group Leaders had been cancelled since the Leader and Deputy Leader were not available on the dates arranged.




The Leader assured Councillor Chorlton that once there was a gap in their diaries, the meeting would take place.




Councillor Chorlton referred to the urgent decision taken by the Executive with regard to the disposal of Council property at a discount. How could such matters be discussed by members, when the Chair of the Council had agreed to it being dealt with as an urgent matter.




The Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer in reply stated that the Chair of the County Council had agreed to the decision of the Executive last Monday being treated as urgent and not subject to call-in because there was a deadline for exchange of contracts on 19th December, 2008. If call-in were involved, the end period of call-in would take the matter to the 2nd of January which would mean that the transaction could not take place.




Councillor Chorlton could not understand the urgency of the matter and questioned whether the Council was doing away with the scrutiny function?




The Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer in reply stated that the urgency was in accordance with the deadline set for European funding which would be clawed back if not committed by 19th December. Three of the four properties mentioned were actually considered by the Executive on 11th September and were not called-in at that time.




Councillor Chorlton disagreed, in that members should have been given the opportunity of looking at the details of the contract and what it was worth to the Authority.




(ii) Arising thereon - Minutes - 30th October, 2008 (am)




Councillor B. Durkin challenged the accuracy of the minutes with regard to the School Meals issue. (In view of the declaration of interest in this respect, the Vice-Chair again took the Chair).




Councillor B. Durkin stated that he had spoken twice at this meeting and that there was no minute to this effect.




The Vice-Chair agreed to the following addition as a correction to the minutes :-




“Councillor B. Durkin stated that the officer had commented that the group service supplying the school meals service were changing over to an alternative meat source which also showed that as the memo was dated, 15th October, 2008, there was clearly some serious discussions taking place with the Leader and the officer in question to get things changed. In this memo from Eden dated 15th October, they stated that they were switching to a wider range of chilled meats products and that these would have to be ordered a week before delivery as was already done with their frozen meat. The first delivery would be from week commencing 27th October and would need to be ordered from Monday 20th October. The current product minced beef was to be replaced with chilled Red tractor beef mince; diced chuck steak with chilled Red tractor diced chuck steak; diced pork with chilled Red tractor Pork diced shoulder and raw diced chicken meat with chilled Red tractor chicken diced breast and thigh meat. He suggested that this was a major step forward in what the Leader and the officers had achieved in attempting to rectify the meat situation which appeared to be the  predominant problem.”




“Councillor B. Durkin stated in reply to observations made by Councillor P. S. Rogers as regards the praise given by himself and by Councillor Ff. M. Hughes that the Leader had acted in this respect and that the publicity by Councillor Rogers to the matter should not be entertained.




In reply to being named by Councillor Rogers he stated that he had been looking forward to some humility in the Chamber today. Hindsight was a wonderful thing and one could not castigate an attack without giving praise where praise was due. It had been accepted by everyone here that all contracts, in particular major contracts, had teething problems. It appeared that those teething problems were being met head on and hopefully they would be sorted out entirely. Human nature had to be considered and he suggested at future meetings, irrespective of what they were, a good dose of humility would go a long way.”




(iii) Minutes - 30th October, 2008(pm)




Councillor C. McGregor wished to correct the minutes by stating that in his previous employment he had worked on the Data Protection Act and not the Freedom of Information Act as was referred to in the minutes.




The Chair accepted the correction.      









Reported by the Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer - That Under Part III of the Local Government Act 2000 (as amended) the Council must have a Standards Committee consisting of no fewer than five and no more than nine Members and one Member must be a Town or Community Councillor collectively nominated by the Town and Community Councils.




This Council, in revising its original structure, removed County Councillors from the Standards Committee, which now consisted of Independent/Lay Members and one Town/Community Council Member.




Community Councillor Eric Roberts became County Councillor Eric Roberts on 1st May 2008 and therefore was disallowed from being the Town/Community Council member of the Standards Committee and a vacancy was created.




“One Voice Wales” was asked to arrange for all the Town and Community Councils on Anglesey to nominate one collectively agreed Town/Community Councillor to be appointed to the Standards Committee and fill the vacancy created. That nomination was agreed at a meeting which took place on the 16th July 2008, and was Councillor Raymond Evans of Llanfihangel Ysgeifiog Community Council.




The County Council was also asked on 13th December 2007 to consider the merits of allowing the Standards Committee Section Panel to remain in place, to fill any casual vacancies which may arise. The Council resolved - “The Standards Committee Selection Panel shall remain in place, for the purpose of filling any casual vacancies which may arise, until a new Panel is established in 2011 (subject to Election in May 2008).” At the meeting on the 16th July the Town and Community Councils resolved to nominate Councillor Alistar Grant of Beaumaris Town Council as the Town/ Community Councillor to serve on the Selection Panel, in the place of Community Councillor


O. Gwyn Jones who had become indisposed.




The Council’s three representatives on the Standards Committee Selection Panel were Councillors John Chorlton, Phil Fowlie and John Roberts. As John Roberts was no longer a County Councillor it was necessary to appoint another County Councillor to the Panel.















With immediate effect until the 17th of December 2011, that the Council appoints Councillor Raymond Evans, of the Llanfihangfel Ysceifiog Community Council, as the Town / Community Council representative of the Standards Committee, subject to him remaining as a Town / Community Councillor.





That the Council appoints Councillor Alistair Grant of Beaumaris Town Council  as the Town / Community Councillor representative of the Standards Committee Selection Panel, subject to him remaining as a Town / Community Councillor.





That Councillor R. G. Parry, OBE be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Standards Committee Selection Panel.  









Reported by the Legal Services Manager and the Head of Planning Service - That at its extraordinary meeting on 30 October 2008, full Council, whilst approving the pre-deposit publication of the LDP for public consultation, resolved to receive a report and advice with regard to identifying those people who had submitted sites for inclusion in the Candidate Sites Register (the Register).




During the extraordinary meeting the matter was raised as to whether the identity of those people who had submitted sites for inclusion in the Register would be disclosed. There appeared to have been two principal arguments raised in favour of such disclosure:





That possession of the information would allow members to assess whether they had interests to disclose under the Code of Conduct.





The public’s knowledge that members possessed the information would strengthen public confidence in the LDP process. It was unclear as to whether members wanted that information published merely to them or be published publicly.




Officers considered that there were strong if not compelling arguments as to why this information need not be known at all and these were detailed at Page 2 of the report.




The advice given was of significance and the point as regards this information being immaterial to the decisions to be made was suggested to be of exceptions significance to members when they considered whether this was information they should ask for.




As part of the report consideration relating to the Freedom of Information Act / Environmental Information Regulations; Data Protection Act; Local Government Act 1972 and The Common Law were drawn to members attention.




In conclusion, officers were of the opinion that:-





The names and addresses of those proposing sites for the Register was not relevant information in assessing the suitability of the site for inclusion in the LDP. The information was not, therefore, necessary for members to carry out their duties as regards the LDP.





The names and addresses of those individuals proposing sites was personal data under the Data Protection Act and authority for its publication to members or the public was not obtained.





The names and addresses of those proposing sites was exempt information under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and no reason was known as to why the public interest test ought not to conclude that the information remained exempt.




Officers therefore recommended that the names and addresses of the proposers of sites for inclusion in the Candidates Sites Register for the LDP be not open to inspection by members.




Councillor Tom Jones was of the opinion that everyone who offered land to this process, offered it voluntarily and there was no compulsion involved. Proposing land for this process was almost tantamount to offering land up for planning permission and was therefore a totally open process in that land ownership was publicly revealed. He could not see any obstacle at all to this information being in the public domain.




Councillor Rhian Medi agreed wholeheartedly with Councillor Tom Jones that the Council must be seen to be transparent in this respect. It was important to know if a member of the Council owned land. She considered that perhaps members required alternative advice from the Welsh Assembly, to the advice that was being given in the report.




Councillor R. Ll. Jones considered that the information should be available to members but on the basis that the confidentiality of this information be respected. He referred to particular Councils which did allow Councillors to know who the applicants were for various sites. He was all for transparency and that any piece of land included on the register should include the names of the landowners.




Councillors J. Penri Williams and J. V. Owen considered that transparency should be the highest consideration in this respect.




Councillor W. J. Chorlton was of the opinion that Councillors should not be looking to identify the individual, but should rather be making  a judgment as regards land use, based on officer’s recommendations.




Councillor K. P. Hughes disagreed with Councillor Chorlton in this respect in that members needed to know who the owner was so that they could declare an interest if required.




Councillor H. E. Jones considered that members needed to be totally transparent in such matters. He requested a legal opinion as to the interpretation of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 with regard to exempt information. Likewise, he enquired as to whether or not it would be possible for permission to be granted under the Data Protection Act.




The Legal Services Manager in reply to the questions and observations raised, stated that if one made a planning application there was specific legislation which said that the information with regard to the applicant should be placed on a public register. He did not consider it fair to compare that, with what was before Council today. He considered that the thrust of the report was perfectly clear. Should the Council go against officer recommendation, detailed reasons for any decision would need to be given in the minutes in case the matter went before the Information Commissioner.




The Legal Services Manager also felt that it would be impractical to go back to every individual landowner asking them to confirm whether or not they were agreeable to releasing  their names into the public domain. This would no doubt lead to an incomplete register.




He reiterated, that the recommendation was clearly and strongly of the view that there was a risk that publishing such information would breach the Data Protection Act and that members should give clear reasons for any decision against the recommendation. The identity of an individual either on a planning application or as a submitter of a candidate site on the register was immaterial to the decision that needed to be made, as to whether the land ought to be included in the plan.




In response to the question raised by Councillor H. E. Jones he stated that the answer with regard to Schedule 12A was included within his report. As regards the Data Protection Act, if half of the individuals questioned were in favour of publishing and half against, this would leave the Council in a worse position at the end of the day.




Councillor P. S. Rogers proposed that the report be accepted. The proposal was seconded.




Councillor T. Jones proposed an amendment, in that the information should be available to members but that they respect the confidentiality of such information. The amendment was seconded.




Under the provisions of Council Rule 18.5 it was agreed that a recorded vote be taken on the matter.




For the amendment put forward by T. Jones (i.e. that the information should be available to members but they respect the confidentiality of such information).




For: Councillors E. G. Davies, Jim Evans, K. P. Hughes, T. Ll. Hughes, A. M. Jones, G. O. Jones, O. Glyn Jones, Raymond Jones, R. Ll. Jones, T. Jones, Rhian Medi, J. V. Owen, R. L. Owen,


Eric Roberts, J. Penri Williams, J. Williams, S. Williams.


TOTAL = 17        




Against: Councillors W. J. Chorlton, P. S. Rogers.






Abstention: Councillor H. Eifion Jones                          TOTAL = 1






The amendment was therefore carried.




     RESOLVED (contrary to the Officer’s recommendation) that the Candidate Sites Register be made available to members but that they respect the confidentiality of the information contained therein.




     (The reason being transparency, so that every member is in a position to declare an interest in the process).









     Reported by the Corporate Director (Finance) - That attached at Appendix A was his report to the Executive on 17 November and at Appendix B a draft revised Members’ Allowances Scheme for consideration by the full Council.




     The sums recommended by the Remuneration Panel were maxima. As the Executive had made no recommendation on the sums to be adopted, the Corporate Director had drafted Appendix B on the basis of paying the maximum, or the sum outlined in Appendix A, backdated to 1st May 2008. This reflected the Council’s previous practices.




     These new allowances could be paid to non-councillor members of committees who held full voting rights. The Remuneration Panel referred to lay members of standards committees and church and parent governor representatives on education scrutiny committees, and said that there may be others.




     During discussion at the Executive it was suggested that the duties of non-councillor members of the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) warranted such co-optees allowances, and the Executive was of the view that such allowances should be paid.




     The Corporate Director had since consulted with the legal section and WAG officials about this and was advised that SACRE members did not individually have full voting rights, therefore they would not qualify for co-optees allowances.




     Arising from those discussions, there also seemed to be questions as to the eligibility of other non-councillor members for the allowance i.e. more people may be eligible than the Panel thought.




     If the Council adopted co-optees’ allowances, it may not discriminate between different classes of co-optees - i.e. they must be paid at the same rate to the members of the Standards Committee and the church and parent governor representatives on education scrutiny and overview committees, and any other co-optees. The Chair of the Standards Committee would be entitled to the higher co-optees’ allowances.




     The Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer informed members that there was a specific dispensation in the Code of Conduct that allowed members to discuss their own allowances and that there were was no need therefore for anyone to withdraw from the debate.




     Councillor T. Lloyd Hughes stated that he did not agree with what was being recommended and stated that he would be prepared to provide the difference towards a good cause should the Council so decide.




     Councillor John Penri Williams stated whatever decision was taken, he would only be claiming a 1½% rise, since that was the settlement figure provided by the Welsh Assembly this year.




     Discussion took place at this juncture as to the question of providing allowances for co-opted members and Councillor E. G. Davies enquired as to whether or not he should leave the Chamber in view of the fact that he was the Chair of Anglesey SACRE?




     The Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer in reply stated that there was no prejudicial interest and that it was in order for Councillor Davies to remain and take part in the meeting.




     Councillor P. S. Rogers considered that the country was going through a difficult time at present and that the Welsh Assembly had only provided this Council a settlement of 1½%. He proposed that members should not increase their own earnings for this year and particularly not back-date any increase to last May. This Council should lead by example. The situation could be re-evaluated once conditions improved.




     Councillor B. Durkin considered that there was a need to encourage the younger element on the Island to come forward and take part in the running of the Council. Members had the option at the end of the day whether they wanted to accept this increase or not.




     Councillor W. J. Chorlton proposed that the report be accepted but that it was up to the individual whether they were prepared to accept that increase or not.




     Councillor Tom Jones proposed an amendment to Councillor Chorlton’s proposal that the report be accepted but that it be not back-dated to 1st May, 2008 and that it should become effective from 1st January, 2009.




     The Corporate Director (Finance) enquired as to whether or not, the Council were prepared to accept a co-optees allowance?




     Members were of the opinion that no allowance should be made in this respect.









Not to adopt a co-optees allowance (clause 6.5 of Appendix B refers).





To adopt the remainder of Appendix B (revised Members Allowances Scheme) as from 1st January, 2009.









     Reported by the Corporate Director (Finance) - That according to the Council’s Constitution and other statutory and professional requirements, certain aspects relating to the Council’s borrowing and lending arrangements must be decided by the County Council. This included the approved lending list.




     As a result of the lack of liquidity in financial markets and the failure of certain financial institutions it became clear that even greater emphasis was required on security and liquidity over yield. As a result the Corporate Director had reviewed the approved lending list.




     This was a list of categories of financial and other institutions which were approved for the purpose of investment of the Council’s surplus funds and were based on credit ratings. This list was reviewed periodically and endorsed annually as part of the Treasury Strategy report.




     Whilst the current list was adequate in normal circumstances, with banks and building societies disappearing from the list, it was time to ensure sufficient secure counterparties on the list.


     Some local authorities had decided to limit their investment to government institutions, accepting very low interest rates on those investments. The Corporate Director was not recommending that action. Interest on investments contributed a significant sum to the County Council’s budget: approximately £2m this year alone. He recommended ensuring that a higher proportion of investments which could be with the government or in bonds with the possibility of increasing to 100% of investments if necessary. This could be achieved by:





deleting the maximum limit of investments in government institutions such as the deposit accounts in the Debt Management Office. The current maximum was £10m.





add AAA rated money market funds to the list and using those funds investing in governments bonds and similar instruments.




     The advantage of direct investment in government institutions was security but yield was very low. These accounts had not been used until now because of that but it would be a useful tool if the market were to deteriorate further.




     It was possible to invest direct in glits and similar instruments but that was not very convenient and did not achieve the liquidity aim as we would hold to maturity or on an opportunistic basis until a profit was realised. Money market funds were a way of investing in glits and other bonds without those disadvantages and at higher yield - about 5% at present.









To approve the deletion of the maximum limit for deposits with the UK Government.





To add AAA rated money market funds to the approved lending list.        









     (a) Reported by the Head of Service (Planning) - That both SPG’s had been subject to a period of formal consultation.




     The comments and proposed changes had been considered and appropriate alterations had been made to both documents, which were attached to this report.




     A substantial amount of responses had been received, especially in regards to the AONB SPG.




     Following the public consultation several internal discussions had taken place in regards to further changes to the documents. The proposed changes that were agreed upon were also highlighted in the attached documents.




     (b) Reported - That the Executive upon consideration of the above at its meeting on 28th November, 2008, resolved “to approve the submission of both SPG’s to the full Council for adoption as Supplementary Planning Guidance.”.




     RESOLVED to approve both SPG’s as Supplementary Planning Guidance.

















     (The Chairman vacated the Chair for this item and the meeting was Chaired by the Vice-Chairman)




     The Vice-Chair stated that although the agenda papers stated that there would be a report to follow, the Leader of the Council would be submitting a verbal update to members as to the latest position.




     Councillor H. E. Jones expressed concern that there was no report before Council today since at the last meeting of the Council the Portfolio Holder had promised such report for discussion.




     The Leader stated that upon receipt of the agenda he had spoken to the Portfolio Holder and to the Director of Education in that he considered it was premature for such report until the full term from September to December had run its course.




     However, he drew members attention to certain developments since the last meeting. Hybu Cig Cymru had received an invitation from the Council to come in to assist Eden as the school meals provider. All the meat was now local produce and the bread was also local to the Island. He assured the Council that there would be more local produce on school menus. The numbers taking school meals had increased following changes to the menu. He proposed that the Council support his proposal for Eden to submit a presentation in the New Year to the members of the Council at the next Education Overview Committee with an invitation to all Members of the Council to be in attendance. The proposal was seconded.




     The final report for that school term would be presented and would be open to discussion at that meeting. He thanked members for their input at the last Council meeting and assured them that things were improving.




     Councillor W. J. Chorlton also expressed concern that the Leader and the Corporate Director had promised a report to this Council meeting. The Council was the all powerful body, not the Executive or the Overview Committee. Questions had been asked and were not being answered.




     The Leader in reply stated that there were no excuses, it was just a matter of common sense. A full term would come to an end next Friday and there would be a detailed report to the Overview Committee with an invitation to all members to attend.




     Councillor H. Eifion Jones welcomed the fact that an opportunity would be given to all members at the Overview Committee to express an opinion on the report and to listen to a presentation by Eden. However, he was disappointed that a full report was not before Council today as had been requested. A reply was awaited as to the reduction in the number of pupils having meals and how much the agreement was costing the Council if Eden required more money because standards had been raised. He also sought information as to what was being done to increase the number of pupils partaking of school meals.




     The Leader in response stated that once a full-term had passed a full report would be presented to the Overview Committee. Following their presentation, Eden would leave the meeting and members would then have the opportunity to discuss the report of the Corporate Director.




     Councillor P. S. Rogers considered that urgent action needed to be taken in that headteachers, canteen staff and parents were very worried about the performance of the canteens. Without doubt, the food had got better. It was a terrific educational change to have good healthy eating. He felt the Council were not promoting this to the parents or to the children. Some schools had increased their school meal numbers, since they had been able to sell the idea to both parents and  children. This needed to happen across the Island and the matter needed to be addressed as a matter of urgency.




     The Leader in reply stated that the Executive had acted upon this matter since last July. He assured the Council that these issues were being addressed in a professional manner and that the details would be presented to the Overview Committee in January. It was proposed and seconded to follow the course of action put forward by the Leader.




     Councillor W. J. Chorlton asked for a written reply from the Monitoring Officer as to what part of the Constitution had been used today in order to guillotine any debate. This seemed to be a pattern throughout the Council. The Chairman was using his powers to rush things through and debate had been stifled today.




     The Monitoring Officer in reply stated that under Council procedure rules there was provision for Notices of Motion, procedural motions to be raised from the floor during the course of debate and one of those included referring a matter up for discussion to a different body by a majority decision of the Council and that was the provision being used today. She was prepared to confirm this in writing to Councillor Chorlton.




     Councillor Chorlton said this was not strictly true in that the Chair had said at the beginning of the meeting that there was to be no debate and that it would be going straight to a vote. He had never seen this stated in any Constitution or rules of debate.




     The Monitoring Officer in reply stated that by raising the procedural motion to defer it, that became the substantive motion to be debated. It if had not been passed then a full debate could have taken place. It was a legitimate provision and she would provide Councillor Chorlton with a copy of the Constitution in this respect.




     Councillor Chorlton thanked the Monitoring Officer for her response but he again reiterated that was not what the Chair and the Leader had said at the commencement of the meeting.




     RESOLVED to agree to Eden submitting a presentation in the New Year to the meeting of the Education Overview Committee and that an invitation be extended to all members of the Council to be in attendance.    




     (Councillors P. M. Fowlie, T. Jones, R. L. Owen, R. G. Parry, OBE, E. Roberts, P. S. Rogers, and H. W. Thomas declared an interest in the matter by virtue of their agricultural businesses).









     Submitted for information - A report by the Managing Director setting out any changes to the scheme of delegation relating to Executive functions made by the Leader since the last Ordinary meeting (Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules - Page 134 of the Constitution referred).




     RESOLVED to note the information.




     The Chair in closing the meeting wished members and officers a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.




     He read out the following englyn provided by Mr. R. Meirion Jones, Solicitor which summed up what Christmas was meant to be everyone:-




     “Celyn a thelyn a thân - ar aelwyd


     A charoli diddan;


     A’r hen fyd i gyd yn gân


     O achos y Mab Bychan.”


                     (Robert Owen, Llanllyfni)








     The meeting concluded at 3:45 pm