Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Thursday, 12th May, 2011


Thursday, 12 May 2011, 10am.
Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni.

Please note: due to the nature of these documents, some are not fully accessible for people with visual impairments and cannot be read by 'screen reader'.

The meeting will be opened by a prayer offered by Councillor G O Jones


1. Minutes

To submit for confirmation and signature, the minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 8th March, 2011.
(Enclosure 'A')

2. Declaration of interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

3. To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Board of Commissioners or the Head of Paid Service

4. Questions received pursuant to Rule

None received.

5. Presentation of petitions

To receive any petition in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution.

6. Changes to the Council Constitution

(Note: The function of approving changes to the Council's Constitution is exercisable by the Welsh Ministers whose approval to these changes will be sought but the Council is requested to endorse the recommendations referred to at 6.1 - 6.4 below).

6.1 Gifts and hospitality

(a) To report that the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on 26th April, 2011 had resolved as follows:

“To recommend to the County Council and the Welsh Ministers, approval of the protocol in Attachment 2 and the Declaration Form in Attachment 3 and to approve their addition to the Council's Constitution at 5.9 and to authorise Officers to make any consequential amendments to the Constitution;

That the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer be requested to write to the WLGA requesting them to formulate an unilateral gifts and hospitality policy for Wales.”

(b) To submit the report of the Director of Legal Services/ Monitoring Officer as submitted to the Board of Commissioners on 26th April, 2011.

(Enclosure 'B')

6.2 Review of the Planning Matters Procedure Rules

(a) To report that the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on 26th April, 2011 had resolved to recommend to the County Council and to the Welsh Ministers to amend the Council's Constitution for a 12 month trial period for:

“Changes to clarify the rules on Member/Officer applications and those of their relatives and close friends which should be reported to the Planning Committee for decision;

Changes to the rules that Members on the Planning Committee should not be allowed to make or second a recommendation or vote on an application which is located in their ward, and;

Changes to rules that other than speaking as local Councillor, Members of the Planning Committee should not be allowed to participate on an application at Committee if they have not been present when that application was previously substantively considered by the Committee. This includes any official site visit that has occurred.

To note that all the changes to the Rules to implement the above are set out in the schedule to this report and that other minor changes to the Rules are set out in the appendix to this report.”

(b) To submit a joint report by the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) and the Legal Services Manager as submitted to the Board of Commissioners on 26th April, 2011.

(Enclosure 'C')

6.3 Public speaking at the Planning Committee

(a) To report that the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on 26th April, 2011 had resolved to accept the contents of the report and to recommend to the County Council and to the Welsh Ministers that they:

” amend the Protocol on Public Speaking in order to reflect the changes required following the 12 month trial period;

adopts the protocol permanently as part of the Planning Matters Procedure Rules as contained within the Constitution.”

(b) To submit the report of the Chief Planning Officer as submitted to the Board of Commissioners on 26th April, 2011.

(Enclosure 'CH')

6.4 Representation of Community / Town Councils on the Standards Committee

(a) To report that the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on 26th April, 2011, had resolved as follows:

“To recommend to the County Council and to the Welsh Ministers that they amend the Council's Constitution by increasing the number of Town/Community Council representatives on the Standards Committee to two, and to authorise officers to make any consequential amendments to the Constitution.”

(b) To submit an amended report by the Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer as submitted to the Board of Commissioners on 26th April, 2011.

(Enclosure 'D')

7. Recruitment of the new Standards Committee

To submit the report of the Director of Legal Services / Monitoring Officer.
(Enclosure 'DD')

8. Indemnities for members and officers

To submit the report of the Legal Services Manager.
(Enclosure 'E')

9. Corporate Business Plan 2011-12

(a) To report that the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on 3rd May, 2011 had resolved to recommend to the County Council:

“That it adopts the draft Corporate Business Plan subject to the following:

That it notes the feedback received on the initial draft Corporate Business Plan, subject to incorporating the following in the finalised document:

To acknowledge the importance of citizens and communities and an international perspective to support the Council's aim and strategic priorities;

To recognise the importance of economic regeneration and particularly the Energy Island programme on a North Wales, Wales and UK basis;

To confirm that reputation management should be replaced by raising the profile of Anglesey as above as a priority for 2011-12 and that the focus should be on the following:

  • Becoming more businesslike;
  • Affordable priorities programme;
  • Realisation of the Outcome agreement;
  • Democratic renewal.

To authorise Officers to make any further amendments including details of targets and monitoring arrangements in conjunction with relevant Commissioners;

To note the intention to move towards a 3 year Corporate Business Plan from 2012 onwards to ensure alignment with a revised Community Plan and medium term financial strategy. As part of this task to acknowledge the important role of Scrutiny in this process.”

(b) To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy) as submitted to the Board of Commissioners on 3rd May, 2011.

(Enclosure 'F')

10. SPG - Llanfechell Conservation Area Character Appraisal

(a)To report that the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on 26th April, 2011 had resolved to recommend to the County Council as follows:

“that it approves the Llanfechell Conservation Area Character Appraisal and to support the submission of the document to the next Full Council for adoption as Supplementary Planning Guidance.”

(b)To submit the report of the Head of Service (Planning and Public Protection) as submitted to the Board of Commissioners on 26th April, 2011.

(Enclosure 'FF')

11. Children and Young People's Plan 2011-2014

a)To report that the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on 26th April, 2011 had resolved as follows:

“To recommend to the County Council that it approves the contents of the Children and Young People's Plan for 2011-14.”

(b)To submit the report of the Corporate Director (Education and Leisure)

(Enclosure 'G')

12. Political balance

To submit a joint report by the Corporate Director (Finance) and the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer.
(Enclosure 'NG')

13. Local Authority Criminal Records Bureau Policy

(a) To report that the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on 26th April, 2011, had adopted the Policy in relation to staff, independent contractors and volunteers on behalf of the Council and;

(b) Had recommended to the County Council that it “adopts the Policy as it related to elected and co-opted members as detailed within the report.”

(c) To submit the report of the Senior Solicitor (Children's Services) as submitted to the Board of Commissioners on 26th April, 2011.

(Enclosure 'H')

14. Annual Report of the Audit Committee

To submit for information, the report of the Chair of the Audit Committee.

(Enclosure 'I')

15. Nominations to outside bodies

To submit the report of the Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer.
(Enclosure 'L')

16. State of the area report

To submit a verbal report by the Leader of the Council.

17. Delegations

(a)The Acting Managing Director will present for information, a report setting out any changes to the scheme of delegation relating to Executive functions made by the Leader since the last Ordinary meeting (Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution refers) and up to 16th March, 2011.

(Enclosure 'LL')

(b)To report that no delegations have been made by the Board of Commissioners between 16th March, 2011 and the date of despatch of this agenda.

18. North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority

To receive a verbal report from Councillor Aled Morris Jones, one of this Council's representatives on the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, on meetings held by that Authority between 1st March, 2011 and 31st April, 2011.

19. North Wales Police Authority

To receive a verbal report from the Councillor P.S.Rogers, this Council's representatives on the North Wales Police Authority, on meetings held by that Authority between 1st March and 31st April, 2011.

20. Motions received pursuant to Rule of the Constitution

To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillors K.P.Hughes, Aled Morris Jones, Bryan Owen, G.O.Parry, MBE and Eric Roberts:

“We the undersigned request that the Interim Managing Director calls an extraordinary meeting of the Isle of Anglesey County Council to discuss the direction of the Minister of Social Justice and Local Government dated the 28th March, 2011 to further review the electoral arrangements of the Isle of Anglesey.

It is intended that the final report is to be submitted to the Minister by 30th September, 2011.

This timescale will not allow an initial period of consultation with the communities of Ynys Mon at the start of the review.”

21. Terms and conditions of employment for the current and future Head of Paid Service and Chief Executive

(a) Having warmly and unanimously supported the appointment of Mr Richard Parry Jones to the post of Managing Director, the Appointments Committee on 3rd May,2011 resolved to recommend to the County Council as follows:

“That the Council redesignate the title of the post of Managing Director to that of Chief Executive;

That the Council ratifies the Job Description and Person Specification of the Chief Executive's post in accordance with the documents attached to this Report;

That the salary for the currently appointed Managing Director/Chief Executive shall be at a fixed point of £110k per annum;

To request a Report regarding the implications of this appointment for the Education and Leisure Services and that suitable arrangements be made urgently to cover the now vacant post of Corporate Director (Education and Leisure);

That a Report be submitted before the end of 2011, to the Appointments Committee, to decide on arrangements regarding the salary, terms and conditions, advertisement etc for the post for the next Chief Executive to be appointed after May 2012.”

(b) To submit the report of the Corporate Director (Finance), Monitoring Officer and the Human Resources Services Manager as submitted to the Appointments Committee on 3rd May, 2011.

(Enclosure 'M')

22. Awarding of contracts

To submit the report of the Head of Service (Finance)
(Enclosure 'N')

23. Members Allowances Scheme

To submit the report of the Corporate Director (Finance)
(Enclosure 'O')

24. Adjustments to the Council Budget

To submit the report of the Corporate Director (Finance)
(Enclosure 'P')