Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Thursday, 15th December, 2005

Meeting of the Isle of Anglesey County Council 

Minutes of the meeting held on 15th December, 2005 (2.00pm)




Councillor J. Rowlands (Vice-Chairperson) (In the Chair)


Councillors Mrs B. Burns, W. J. Chorlton, E. G. Davies,

J. M. Davies, P. J. Dunning, J. A. Edwards, K. Evans,

C. Ll. Everett, P. M. Fowlie, D. R. Hadley, Fflur M. Hughes,

R. Ll. Hughes, W. I. Hughes, A. M. Jones, G. O. Jones,

H. E. Jones, J. A. Jones, O. G. Jones, R. Ll. Jones,  T. H. Jones, D. A. Lewis Roberts, Bryan Owen, R. L. Owen, G.O. Parry, MBE., R. G. Parry OBE, G. A. Roberts, G. Winston Roberts OBE,

John Roberts, W. T. Roberts, P. S. Rogers, H. Noel Thomas,

H. W. Thomas, J. Williams, W. J. Williams, MBE




Managing Director

Corporate Director (Finance)

Corporate Director (Housing and Social Services)

Corporate Director (Planning & Technical Services)

Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer

Corporate Director (Education & Leisure)

Head of Service (Corporate Services)

Solicitor (RMJ)

Communications Officer

Committee Services Manager




Councillors J. Byast, D. R. Hughes, J. Arwel Roberts,  

E. Schofield, K. Thomas.  






The meeting was opened with a prayer by Councillor John Williams






Councillor C. L. Everett declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to  the employment of his daughter and sister within the Housing and Social Services Department and in relation to his employment as Clerk of the Holyhead Town Council.  


Councillor G.O. Parry MBE declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughters within the Finance Department.


Councillor Bryan Owen declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his daughter by the Local Education Authority.


Councillor O. Glyn Jones declared an interest with regard to any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his wife within the Housing and Social Services Department.


Councillor Robert Lloyd Hughes declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his son in the Highways Department.



Councillor G. Allan Roberts declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his son-in-law in the Finance Department.




Councillor T. Jones declared an interest in respect of any item of business on the Agenda which might relate to the employment of his son in the Internal Audit Department.




Councillor A. Morris Jones declared an interest with regard to any item of business which might relate to the employment of his brother in the Education and Leisure Department.




Councillor W. J. Chorlton declared an interest with regard to any item of business which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Planning & Environmental Department.




Councillor G. W. Roberts, OBE declared an interest with regard to any item of business which might relate to the employment of his daughter in the Planning & Environmental Department.




(See also declarations of interest appearing under Item 5 of these minutes)









The Vice-Chair congratulated members of the Anglesey Health Alliance for their positive   response to Health Challenge Wales. A letter of congratulation was received on 19 October, 2005, from John Griffiths, AM (Deputy Minister with responsibility for Older People, Welsh Assembly Government).




Congratulations were extended to Councillor Tom Jones who had received the Farmers'   Union of Wales HSBC Award for outstanding service to the Welsh Dairy Industry during the Welsh Dairy Show at the United Counties Show ground near Carmarthen in October.




Congratulations were extended to Mrs Mary Parry, MBE, who had recently won the Volunteer for Justice Award for North Wales, awarded by the North Wales Criminal Justice Board for her work with the Holyhead Crime Prevention Panel.




Praise was extended to Lesley Ann Cave, Environment Section, and also Craig Davies from Cemaes (who was here at work placement at the time) who gave comfort to a lady who was attempting to commit suicide on the Britannia Bridge. The lady in question was attempting to climb the barriers when they persuaded her to stay on the correct side of the barrier and they then waited with her until the Police arrived. The Council thanked both for their wisdom   under very difficult circumstances.




Congratulations also to Mr Richard Yeoward of Rhosneigr, who was one of three people  recently awarded the Royal Yacht Association's Lifetime Award by the Princess Royal for their commitment in developing opportunities for the sport.




He also congratulated the children of Amlwch Primary School who had just won the HTV  Choir Competition for Wales.




The Vice-Chair extended his best wishes for a speedy recovery to Councillor John Byast,  who was presently indisposed.




On a sad note, the chair referred to the death of Honorary Alderman Ann Lloyd Jones (Lloydie) who died on 22 September, 2005. She was a member of the Isle of Anglesey Borough Council for the Penmynydd area between 1973 and 1987 and was elected Mayor  for 1984 - 85.




Also to the recent death of Mr Idris Davies, OBE who was Clerk to the former Anglesey  County Council. Mr Davies served the Council for many long years between 1947 and 1974   and he was a very loyal and obedient servant to the Council.




On behalf of the Council, Councillor W. I. Hughes took the opportunity of extending the Council's deepest sympathy to Councillor R. G. Parry, OBE and family upon the death of his  mother-in-law. On a happier note he congratulated him upon becoming a grandfather with the birth of his grandson Rhisiart Glyn recently.




The Chair also took the opportunity of sympathising with any member of staff who had   suffered a bereavement since the last meeting of the Council. Members and Officers stood    in silent tribute as a mark of their respect.








Submitted for confirmation and signature, the minutes of the meetings of the County Council held on the following dates:-





20 September, 2005                            (Pages 1 -  33 of this Volume)



1st December, 2005 (Extraordinary)                     (Pages 33a and 33b)











Submitted for information, and for approval of recommendations where necessary, the minutes of meetings of the following Committees, held on the dates shown:-








     held on the 7 September, 2005                              34  -  5    




4.2     DEVELOPMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND                                                                         RESOURCES POLICY OVERVIEW COMMITTEE


held on15th September, 2005                              55  -  61                   






          held on 19th September, 2005                              62  -  68                  






     held on 22nd September, 2005                              69  -  71




     Arising thereon -





That the name of Councillor John Roberts be added to the list of those members present.





That the word 'land' in the English version of the third line of resolution 3.1 be replaced by 'lane'.




      Item 3. Britannia Bridge




Councillor C. L. Everett referred to the minute where Mr Ieuan Wyn Jones, AM had stated that "the way forward in this matter was to ask Mr Andrew Davies, A.M. to meet with himself and a delegation from the County Council to request that the Assembly place in their budget proposals a scheme to alleviate the traffic problems at Britannia Bridge."




As the A.M. had been involved in the Assembly budget Councillor Everett enquired as to whether this matter had been raised by him at that time.The Managing Director in reply stated that he would be convening his customary monthly meeting with the Assembly Member this Friday and that he would raise this matter then.




Councillor Everett requested that he be kept informed of the Assembly Member's reply as in the absence of the Chairman he would be Chairing a meeting of the Overview Committee in January, when this matter would be again raised.




Councillor P. M. Fowlie proposed that the Managing Director should write to the Welsh Assembly before the Christmas recess asking for a written response as to progress made in respect of the Britannia Bridge following the Minster's visit to llangefni on 10th November, prior to the next meeting of the Overview Committee on 24th January, 2006.




The Chair gave his assurance that the Managing Director would write to the Assembly seeking a written response by the Overview Committee date.                     







          held on 27th September, 2005                                72  -  75                          





     held on 29th September, 2005                                   76                                       





     held on 3rd October, 2005                                               77  -  82                                            



PLANNING AND ORDERS COMMITTEE                                                83 - 105


     held on 5th October, 2005                                  





PLANNING AND ORDERS COMMITTEE                                             106 - 122           held on 2nd November, 2005    





EDUCATION, HEALTH & WELFARE OVERVIEW                               123 - 131           COMMITTEE


          held on 15th November, 2005                             







          held on 17th November, 2005




Arising thereon-




Item 4 - Correspondence.




"To recommend to the County Council that the Chair of  Businesses on Anglesey be a co-opted member of the Development, Infrastructure and Resources Policy Overview Committee."




RESOLVED that the matter be referred back to the Overview Committee for      determination with a recommendation that this Council considers there to             be sufficient co-opted members serving on the Committee at present.





SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS JOINT COMMITTEE                            135 - 140            held on 21st November, 2005                             





PRINCIPAL SCRUTINY COMMITTEE                                                      141 - 144            held on 24th November, 2005





AUDIT COMMITTEE                                                                            145 - 147            held on 24th November, 2005                                                                   





     held on the following dates:-





     26th September, 2005                                     148 - 153      




4.15.2.......            24th October, 2005                                                154 - 156                              



     31 October, 2005                                                 157 - 169                                                                                                      



     21 November, 2005                         (distributed separately)


                                    (appended to these minutes - pages 15 - 26)





     5 December, 2005                               (distributed separately)


                                                                              (appended to these minutes - pages 27 - 32)




Arising thereon -




Item 7. Anglesey Sailing Ships - Amlwch Harbour




Councillor A. Morris Jones enquired as to whether the definition of visitor berthing had been finalised yet and what the actual visitor rates were?




Councillor Keith Evans, Portfolio Holder, in reply stated that these visitor ships were an exiting prospect and which the Executive were keen to accommodate and encourage. At the same time the Executive was aware that Amlwch Harbour was already full with local boat operators. Because of the limitations of the harbour that presented mooring difficulties. The Council had therefore been exploring the possibility of adding to the facilities there and that investigation was ongoing. What was resolved by the Executive on 5th December was a compromise for the time being. As Portfolio Holder he had asked the Department to define the word 'visitor' in the context of not only the harbour at Amlwch but other maritime facilities which the Council had at its disposal. The matter would be reported back to the Executive as and when a definition was deemed acceptable.








Reported by the Director of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer - That in October 2003, the Council received an application to register land at Gallows Point, Beaumaris as a town or village green under the Commons Registration Act 1965.




The Council was both the Registration Authority for the purposes of the Act and the landowner for the application site. In addition, the Planning and Orders Committee, at its meeting on 3 March 2004, delegated the granting of planning permission for the redevelopment of the application site to the Head of Planning Service. Such permission had subsequently been issued.




Determination of any application for the registration of new land as town or village green was a decision delegated to the Planning and Orders Committee. The Scheme of Delegation provided that the Director of Legal / Committee Services and Monitoring Officer (the Director) be authorised to deal with the administrative matters related to such an application.




The application and the evidence supporting it were advertised and objections were received. The Director took legal advice on the application and the objections from a barrister whose work included town and village greens. That advice was that the application did reveal a prima facie case. Acting on this advice, the Director in exercising her delegated powers took a decision to follow the established practise in these cases and arrange that the application be subject to a non-statutory public enquiry.




That Inquiry was held in Beaumaris between 4 and 6 July 2005. The Inspector having heard submissions and evidence both for and against the application and having visited the application site had prepared a written Report and this was attached as an Appendix to this report.




The whole of the Inspector's Report was commenced to members and, in particular, the conclusions at paragraphs 51 and 52. The Inspector's recommendation was that the application should fail and that no part of the application site should be added to the register of town and village greens. The Inspector's Report had been forwarded to the applicant and his representative and to those representing the Council's Property Services Section as landowner.









To withdraw from the Planning and Orders Committee its delegated power to determine this particular application.



To refuse the application for the reasons given by the Inspector in his Report and not to register any part of the application site in the register of town and village greens.




(Councillors E. G. Davies, J. A. Edwards, P. M. Fowlie, R. Ll. Hughes, O. Glyn. Jones, R. L. Owen, G. O. Parry, MBE, John Roberts, W. T. Roberts, H. W. Thomas, and  W. J. Williams MBE , having noted the advice given in the report as regards the resolution for the grant of planning permission for the site on 3rd March, 2004, were not present at the meeting during any discussion or voting thereon.)








Submitted a joint report by the Corporate Director (Finance) and the Director of Legal Services/Monitoring Officer as submitted to the Executive on 31st October, 2005.




Reported that the Executive upon consideration of the above had resolved:-




"To recommend to the Council that it approves the proposals in Appendices 1 and 2 to the report, subject to amending Para to read as follows:-




'If the body to which the procedure is to be entrusted is a public sector body, the arrangement shall require prior notice to the Portfolio Holder for Finance and the Portfolio Holder for the relevant service, and the prior approval of the Corporate Director of Finance or the Director of Legal Services, who shall first consider a report detailing the analogous procedures adopted by that body.''




RESOLVED to endorse the above course of action.








Considered - The following recommendation of the Executive held on 5th December, 2005 in this respect:-




"To recommend to the County Council that it adopts the 2005-08 Community Safety Strategy."




(A copy of the report and draft strategy was previously sent to Members with the Executive papers for 5th December, 2005).




RESOLVED to adopt the Community Safety Strategy for 2005/08.








Submitted - A letter dated 11th October, 2005 from the Chief Executive of Staffordshire County Council seeking this Council's support to urge the Government to fund the air ambulance service from central resources.




Reported - That Staffordshire County Council at it's meeting on 6th October, 2005 had resolved as follows:-




"Staffordshire County Council recognise the value to life of the Air Ambulance Service and are aware of the 'golden four minutes' this provides. We are concerned that this vital, lifesaving service, currently, has to rely on charitable donations and we would urge the Government to fund the service from central resources.




We also call on both the West Midlands and National Local Government Associations and all County, Metropolitan, Unitary, District, Borough and Parish Councils throughout the United Kingdom together with all Members of Parliament across all parties to support this proposal."




RESOLVED that the Managing Director be requested to inform Staffordshire County Council that this Council supports its proposal, in the hope that if Staffordshire Council are successful, that this service will be similarly supported by the Welsh Assembly.










Reported by the Head of Service (Corporate Services) - That following inspection visits by the Health and Safety Executive, the County Council had been asked to review the allocation of responsibilities for health and safety within the organisation - for both officers and elected members.




The County Council's General Health and Safety Policy identified the responsibilities of elected members as a corporate body. In general terms those responsibilities remained relevant - effectively the only significant change proposed required and explicit commitment from the membership generally to attending training sessions on issues in relation to their responsibilities. There was a need however, to reflect the changes brought about by modernisation and the Council's revised constitution.




The Executive had received a short report on this issue and had noted the statements prepared in respect of elected members.




The relevant extract from the review working document was attached to this report and comprised the following:-




a)     a chart indicating the overall breakdown and cascade of responsibilities within the organisation (there was an agreed statement of duties and responsibilities for each individual post or group of posts identified)


b)     the proposed statement in relation to the County Council as a body


c)     the proposed statement in relation to the Executive as a body


d)     the proposed statement in relation to the Portfolio Holder with specific responsibilities for personnel, policy and performance matters


e)     the proposed statement in relation to individual service Portfolio Holders within the Executive.




Members were of the opinion that in order to fully protect the Council and it's employees in this matter, that this item should be deferred and that a Panel of Members be established, including Trade Union representation, to deal specifically with Health and Safety issues.




     At this juncture Councillor P. S. Rogers referred to questions he would be asking later in the Council.




     Councillor J. A. Jones raised a Point of Order and asked for clarification if Councillor  P. S. Rogers was raising these questions in his capacity as Councillor or as part of his private business. This was asked because Councillor Jones said  [English Translation]"what he has written down in these papers is misleading and lies and intentionally so."




     The Chairman said he would deal with this matter later on.




     Councillor P. S. Rogers complained that the Chairman had not dealt with the Point of Order and objected to being called a "liar".




     The Chairman asked Councillor P. S. Rogers to sit down and said he would deal with this issue at the appropriate time on the Agenda.




     RESOLVED to defer consideration and that authority be given to the Leader to      establish a Panel of Members to give further consideration to the report before Council today. The outcome of the Panel's deliberations to be reported back to the County Council in due course.  








     Submitted for adoption a copy of the above Plan.




     Reported - That the Executive upon consideration of the above at its meeting on 5th                December, 2005, had resolved as follows:-




     "To recommend to the County Council that it approves the Performance, Social Care and Children's Service Plan for 2005-07."




     (A copy of the report and Service Plan was previously sent to Members with the Executive papers for 5th December, 2005)




     RESOLVED to approve the Service Plan for 2005/07.    








     Reported by the Managing Director - That on the 1st September, 2001, Sections 12 - 16 of the Criminal Justice and Police 2001 Act came into force which provided Local authorities with a power to adopt these provisions to restrict anti-social public drinking in designated public places and the Police with the power to enforce this restriction. On the same date, the Local Authorities (Alcohol Consumption in designated Public Place) Regulations 2001 came into force enabling local authorities to make an order enforcing restrictions on public drinking due to associated nuisance or annoyance to members of the public or disorder.




     The Community Safety Partnership had received numerous complaints relating to the consumption of alcohol in public places in Amlwch via the Crime and Disorder Committee, the Town Council, North Wales Police, members of the business community including the Chamber of Trade and members of the Public. North Wales Police wished to progress restrictions for the consumption of alcohol for a defined area within the town of Amlwch.




     Under Section 13 of the Act, the County Council could make an order to restrict alcohol consumption in a designated area provided that there was sufficient evidence of associated nuisance or annoyance to members of the public, or disorder. The Police had been granted new powers under the Act to deal with anti social drinking in areas specified in an Order.




     Following detailed and a lengthy process of consultation with all interested parties, the County Council on behalf of the Isle of Anglesey Community Safety Partnership was now in a position to consider making an Order under Section 13 of the Act based on the information in the report. Any costs associated with the Order including the consultation process and signage within the designated area would be met from the Policy Service budget.  








     That the County Council formally adopted the powers set out in Sections 12-16 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001.




     That the County Council gives delegated power to the Managing Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Crime and Disorder to make a Designation Order under Section 13 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 and in accordance with The Local Authorities (Consumption of Alcohol in Designated Public Places) Regulations 2001 in Amlwch Town in accordance with the area, identified in the attached plan which accompanied the public notice but subject to final boundary adjustments by the Director of Legal Services in consultation with the Police after due consideration of all representations received during the course of the statutory consultation period.




     That the date of commencement of the Designation Order be stipulated by the Director of Legal Services after the completion of all statutory periods of public notice.








     The following motion was put by Councillor C. L. Everett:-




     "Anglesey County Council sends a complaint to the producer of ITV Wales Six o'clock News that the island of Anglesey does not appear on its opening graphics showing Wales when the Six o'clock News is broadcast live."




     RESOLVED to endorse the Notice of Motion and that the Managing Director be requested to draw this matter to the attention of ITV Wales.








     Submitted - A report by the Managing Director setting out any changes to the scheme of delegation relating to Executive functions made by the Leader since the last Ordinary Meeting (Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules - Page 131 of the Constitution refers).




     RESOLVED to note the contents of the report.









     In accordance with Paragraph 4.1.17 of the Council Constitution (Page 100), ten Members of the Council had put forward the following Notice of Motion:-




     "That the Council withdraws the UDP and moves immediately to preparing the LDP. Inform all Community Councils, objectors and stakeholders of the decision and provide them with a copy of the programme for progressing the LDP. Until the LDP is approved the Council shall rely on the 1996 Local Plan and Gwynedd Structure Plan."




     RESOLVED to defer consideration of the Motion pending further discussions between the Political Group Leaders and the Corporate Director (Planning and Technical Services).








15.1     The following question(s) will be put to Councillor H. Eifion Jones, Portfolio Holder by      Councillor R. G. Parry, OBE:-




     "1) Since the publication of the results of the Panel that were appointed to complete Job Evaluation and the problems caused by their decision, what steps have you taken to move Job Evaluation forward?




     2) Is it true that a letter of apology has been sent to all members of staff?




     3) What is the actual cost of the Consultants that were appointed to sort out the problem?




     4) How is the cost of the Consultants financed? Is it a fact that it comes out of the moneys earmarked to pay the staff who would have had an increase in their wages?"




     The Portfolio Holder in reply stated:-




     1) "The Managing Director's recent letter to members dated 9th December describes what has been done since publication of the provisional scores.




     2) Copies of staff bulletins have been enclosed with the Managing Director's letter. A bulletin on 14 October said "It is acknowledged that the publication of the provisional scores could have been more sensitively handled"




     3) The cost of the work undertaken to date is in the region of £10,000, but this was only a preliminary stage of the work. Further work is being undertaken and the total cost will depend on how the review progresses.




     4) A sum of £250,000 a year has been set aside to meet the cost of this exercise each year since 2002-03, and the current work will be financed from the provision. This was set aside as a round sum to meet both the costs of implementation and the cost of administering the exercise, and the trade unions are in agreement.




     The following supplementary question(s) were put by Councillor R. G. Parry OBE:-




     "I understand that the cost of completing the work with the Consultants is approximately £50k. Is that capped?"




     The Portfolio Holder replied :-




     [English Translation]"There was reference in the Managing Director's letter to that sort of figure but it  hasn't been capped and will be assessed as the work progresses. We've only completed the first phase of the desktop assessment and it has cost £10,000. A lot more work is required in the New Year so we can't tell you if it's capped or not. One of the problems we've had on this is that we haven't  allocated enough resources to the issue. The process hasn't changed at all since you were the Leader of this Council and I take that you were happy with it then. We haven't changed the process and are attempting to move ahead and finalise the scores. With due respect you were part and parcel of the process too."




     Councillor R. G. Parry OBE - [English Translation]"I accept that I was part of the process at the beginning and that we were going to move ahead with the work. But with all work as you know, problems do arise and during the last 15 months its obvious that problems have arisen and the feelings of  staff are very strong. Are heads going to roll due to this? You're the Portfolio Holder who is responsible for the report that went out. Somebody should have read it more carefully. I know that they were post numbers but one of the first things I did after reading the report was to try to put names to the posts and to see exactly what is happening and there were huge mistakes. You as Portfolio Holder should have looked through the report and made sure that it was right before it was released to staff, before causing this, well I don't know how to describe it, but the confidence of the staff with us as Councillors is very low."




     I ask you as the Portfolio Holder would you consider resigning on this?"




     The Portfolio Holder in reply stated that[English Translation]"with due respect, you know the answer to that question Councillor Bob Parry, job evaluation is a matter for the officers, and not something for the Executive. I know that a sore-thumbing exercise has been carried out by the officers and its obvious that wasn't good enough and I'm sure they feel very sorry for it. I hope we are not going to score political points on this, it's too important an issue to the staff of this Council and I hope you note that. A report is going to come out that will try and raise the confidence of the staff and we'll have to act  very quickly on the report. Beginning of the New Year more work will be done. You don't expect me to say surely in this Chamber that heads are  going to roll. It's a matter for officers and more details might come out at the beginning of the New Year."




     Councillor R. G. Parry OBE - [English Translation]”We as Councillors run the Council and it's our responsibility ultimately what happens. There's no point blaming the staff. It's not right that staff have to carry the can for this."




     15.2     The following questions were put to Councillor H. Eifion Jones, Portfolio Holder by Councillor Tom Jones:-




     "1) What was the total cost of appointing Hay Group Management for the review of Job Evaluation?




     2) Who now accepts responsibility for the Job Evaluation project and what will be the input from Councillors?




     3) Has the Job Evaluation received the approval of the Welsh Language Board?"    




     Councillor Tom Jones stated [English Translation] “Some of the questions I want to ask have been partly asked previously by Councillor R. G. Parry, OBE and I'm not going to pursue my first question which has already been answered. The question therefore arises as to why you didn't bring these experts in a lot sooner in this process?"




     The Portfolio Holder replied to the questions in the order in which they were put, viz:-




     1)"I refer the member to my earlier reply to Councillor R G Parry, OBE




     2)The Corporate Director - Finance has chaired the project board since midsummer and is the Lead Director identified in the Corporate Work Plan. The terms and conditions of employment of the Council's staff are ultimately a matter for the full Council (not the Executive) and it will be necessary for the Council to approve the final outcome of this exercise. This is still some way off. The matter will also be reported to the Scrutiny Committee next month.




     3)No. The Job Evaluation exercise is required by the national agreement      between Local Government employers and unions and does not require the input of the Welsh Language Board."  




     The following supplementary questions were put by Councillor Tom Jones -




     [English Translation]"Can I ask you again why didn't you bring experts in much quicker. If you don't think enough resources have been allocated to the process, it's part of your role to ensure that you do."




     The Portfolio Holder in reply stated:-




     [English Translation]"With all due respect to Councillor Tom Jones, as a farmer you know, that until the calf is born you're not sure what is going to come out the other end. This process has been ongoing for some years with Councillor G. O. Parry, MBE as Leader commencing the process then Councillor R. G. Parry, OBE took it forward. We haven't changed anything about the process, all we've tried to do is move it forward to get a result. When you get a result people aren't happy with it, but until we knew what the result was, we didn't know what the problems would be."




     Councillor Tom Jones -[English Translation]"Just to clear the agricultural element, when a cow is with calf, we do feed her  well along the way. What you must realise and admit is that we've made a bit of a mess of this and the seriousness of the situation is that you have destroyed the morale of the staff of this Council during this process and I think this is a great step back for us as a Council. I understand that the guidelines for the Job Evaluation are to be found in the Green Book and local changes have been made to the Green Book during the process. Should there be an appeal by a member of staff against the markings, then these changes have undermined the appeal process. I also think that it is a fundamental point during any appeal, that the Panel who has adjudged the scores to the post is the very Panel who will be listening to the appeal. I want the comments of the Portfolio Holder on that. I don't think that's a fair process. The Appeal Panel must be independent in any process of the original adjudication surely?"  




     Portfolio Holder - [English Translation]”I give you my assurance that the review will be examining that matter."




     Councillor Tom Jones -  [English Translation]"My third question, as far as the emphasis on the Welsh language is concerned in the process of the Job Evaluation. One of the aims of this Council is to promote the Welsh language. In the scheme as it is the Welsh language and the skills associated with the language are not included in the 'Knowledge and Skills' factors which is responsible for 16% of the assessment. The use of the Welsh language is put down in 'Interpersonal and Communication' skills which is responsible for 7.8% of the marks. Can I have your assurance please as Portfolio Holder that the Welsh language will not be treated subordinately in this process and that we as a Council will appreciate skills in the Welsh as well as the English language."




     Portfolio Holder -[English Translation]"We examine the post and not the person carrying out the post. Again it's something we need to look at next year. Can I assure you that as far as the Welsh language is concerned, there was great respect given to staff who wanted to fill their forms in Welsh. I don't know why this needs to be referred to the Welsh      Language Board, but more emphasis will be put on the Welsh language as you would expect on Anglesey."




     Councillor Tom Jones -[English Translation]"If I can respond, may I kindly suggest to you as Portfolio Holder that you do take your Plan to the Welsh Language Board, perhaps they can improve it for you."




     Portfolio Holder -[English Translation]"There is a Scrutiny Committee in the New Year and we'll ask the officers to bring a report to you. If we take the matter to the Welsh Language Board it's going to slow the process down again. We must finish it by April 2007, but the matter will be reported to the Principal Scrutiny Committee if you so desire."




15.3     Chairman -[English Translation]"Before I move ahead with the question, things have been said in this Council earlier today, between Councillor John Arthur Jones and Councillor Rogers. Can I therefore ask Councillor John Arthur Jones, if he is prepared to withdraw his statement?"




     Councillor J. Arthur Jones -[English Translation]"Not at all, Mr. Chairman, I still ask the same question. The rules here make it perfectly clear that if a Councillor displays inappropriate behaviour in any way in an unofficial capacity. I ask Councillor Peter Rogers, is he, acting in an 'official capacity' I'll then go on to discuss what he said."




     Chairman - "Can I ask you to discuss this outside the Chamber please."




     First question by Councillor P. S Rogers:-




     Councillor P. S. Rogers - "Before I ask the question, can I clear the controversy over that. I am acting as a Councillor, it is very important, as a Councillor, my neighbouring Councillor was ill, and the press cutting service will respond to that from the article in the Daily Post. I  don't remember the date when my neighbouring Councillor was ill and people rang me up about the floods and also they rang me up about that because he was indisposed, so I am acting as a neighbouring Councillor because he was indisposed. The other thing I must make absolutely clear before I ask this question, it has come through to me this morning that you have a Barrister here today. I don't know whether it is Mr W. J, in the back here who is listening to what I'm saying."




     The Chairman requested Councillor Rogers to ask his questions:-




     Councillor P. S. Rogers - "Thank you very much indeed. Last week a Cabinet Member was elected as Vice-Chairman of the Isle of Anglesey Charitable Trust - is it acceptable under the rules of the Constitution for a Councillor to remain in office after the public exposure that he issued a dishonoured cheque in attempt to settle a County Court Judgement made against him following work carried out by his Company on a contract awarded by this very Council?"




     Chairman - "I will ask the Leader to respond to that."




     Leader - "I thank Councillor Rogers for his question.  In response to his first question, enquiries have revealed that the cheque referred to was issued by Cefni/Pentraeth Limited.  A private limited company.  As such, the Council within the constitution is not responsible for the business dealings of that company and is in no position to answer questions which should more properly be addressed to the company or its receivers/liquidators."




     Councillor P. S. Rogers asked a supplementary question, viz:- "This is not about a dishonoured cheque, Leader of the Council, this is about the failure to name the      Scaffolding Company, who in fact own the scaffolding that fell on the car. There was no need for this to have gone to Court. If that name had been disclosed the insurance company would have taken on the scaffolding company. This is an absolute disgrace what has happened. This is far (using) up a check (tape not clear). I will check that. I don't think you are correct about that but I will certainly check that. I will have the evidence to produce to you. What it is in fact that they failed, they would not disclose the name of the scaffolder and that is the dishonest part of it. In fact the people who should have been responsible, it is not the County Council, the people in fact should have been the agents who were paid a fee and the agents actually took no part, and the gentleman that keeps interrupting me was at that time a Director of that Company."




     Councillor P. S. Rogers asked his second question - "You confirmed to me a few weeks ago that you investigated renovation works carried out under a Council renovation scheme on a Council property - when can I expect a response?"




     Leader - "With regard to questions 2 and 3 Councillor Rogers is possibly referring to an issue of a resident in Gaerwen who has been provided grant funding to renovate his property.  Since the issue has apparently escalated into dispute between the resident and the contractor, it is not a matter in which this Council should be involved."




     Chairman - "Question please .."




     Councillor P. S. Rogers - "The question is are you aware that we are pursuing an insurance policy with the full support of the Council which is not correct and proper?"




     Leader - "No comment Mr. Chairman."




     Chairman - "Your final question please."




     Councillor P. S. Rogers - "Can you confirm whether all County Councillors enjoy a special dispensation to deposit trade waste on Council run sites?"




     Leader - "The answer to that question is NO."


     Councillor P. S. Rogers - "Thank you very much. Well I would in reply say that certainly there is evidence that one Council member did that under the pretext of putting some hair on top of products from a hair dressing/beauty salon, I was wondering whether I could do the same thing Leader, by cutting my hair and putting (tape not clear) back."




     15.4    The following question was put to the Leader by R. Ll. Jones




     "In view of the present world wide concern at the affect that CO2 emissions are having on global warming could the Council be informed as to how much CO2 and other greenhouse gases our Council activities create and what is being done in order to take a lead in reducing these emissions?"




     The Leader in reply stated:-




     "Councillor Bob Llewelyn Jones asks a very important question, one which is of concern to us all. Council Officers have been actively engaged for some time to combat the high energy usage and reduce CO2 emissions from Council Buildings. This work is complemented by research into the use of vehicles, street lighting, housing, waste management and the procurement of various goods and services which also contribute to CO2 and other greenhouse gas production. Today I am not able to provide detailed figures to take account of all such activities but the Council's Building Energy Efficiency Officer has prepared a Climate Change and Energy Policy for the Authority which, when combined with other plans and policies, will increase the effort to combat the production of greenhouse emissions and allow the Council to aim to achieve a 20% reduction on 1990 levels of CO2 emissions by the year 2010.




     In the near future, and on behalf of the Council, I will be signing up towards a Welsh Declaration on Climate Change and Energy Efficiency which will commit the Authority, with all others in Wales, to work with the Assembly Government to deliver the UK Climate Change Programme in Wales. I am more than happy to provide a more detailed written response to Councillor Jones but you all might be interested in knowing that over the past two years the amount of electricity procured for the.Council's Property Portfolio from renewable sources has risen by 85% - and now are 100% supplied from 'green' sources. The Council's street lighting is also supplied from 100% renewable sources.




     The Council is working with Carbon Trust and other organisations to ensure that energy efficiency is integral to all building design and maintenance. In the New Year, for example, an audit of energy efficiency for the Island's four Leisure Centres is being undertaken. As I said, further information about this and initiatives such as the Green Schools Initiative will be detailed in my letter. I will send you a letter and if members wish to have a copy of that letter, I am more than happy to send a copy to all members."




     The following supplementary response was put forward by Councillor R. Ll. Jones:-




     I think that this is probably the most important item before us today. I think we need to take a lead in this, we need to be a beacon for Wales as an Island because we've probably the most to lose out of this. We are a low-lying Island. Holyhead Mountain is probably the only place that will stand out . It's a very important item and all I'm asking Mr. Chairman is that we take it on board now, that we do have something in the foyer to show that we are a Green Island, that we are doing our bit. We could be promoting this and calling an all-Wales get together in Anglesey here, to ensure we are taking a lead on this. I propose that we do go for it and become a beacon for the rest of Wales."  


     The Leader in reply stated:-




     "I welcome the views of Councillor R. Llewelyn Jones and I will be taking these views onboard."


     The meeting concluded at 3.45pm