Meeting documents

Isle of Anglesey County Council
Thursday, 17th May, 2012


Thursday 17th May, 2012 at 9:30a.m
Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni

Please note: due to the nature of these documents, some are not fully accessible for people with visual impairments and cannot be read by 'screen reader'.


1. Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

2. To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council, Board of Commissioners or the Head of Paid Service.

3. Delegation by the Leader / Membership of the Executive

In accordance with Rule of the Executive Procedure Rules, to be informed by the Leader of the names of Councillors he / she has chosen to be members of the Shadow Executive, together with their Portfolio Responsibilities and any further information required under Rule; including the appointment of the Deputy Leader of the County Council (until the Local Government Elections in May 2013).

4. Confirmation of Committees

The Chairperson will confirm the re-appointment of the following current Committee structure as referred to in Section 3.4 of the Council's Constitution, together with the following:-

  • Scrutiny Committees
  • Pay and Grading Panel set up by the County Council
  • Standards Committee Appointments Panel
  • Standards Committee
  • Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
  • Special Educational Needs Joint Committee
  • Joint Planning Policy Committee
  • Democratic Services Committee

5. Political Balance

To submit the report of the Interim Deputy Chief Executive.
(Enclosure 'A')

6. Democratic Services Committee - Election of Chair

To elect a Chairperson for this Committee.