Meeting documents

Standards Committee
Wednesday, 14th December, 2005



Minutes of the meeting held on 14 December, 2005




Dr G Roberts (Chair)


Mr J Cotterell

Dr J Griffiths

Mr G Jones

Dr J Popplewell


Representing Community Councils:

Mrs C Thomas (present only with respect to item 3 on the agenda relating to complaint against a Community Councillor)






Director of Legal and Committee Services/Monitoring Officer

Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer (MJ)

Committee Officer (JMA)


















Declaration of Interest by Mrs C. Thomas with respect to Items 4 and 5 on the Agenda.






Minutes of the Standards Committee meeting held on 15 August 2005 were confirmed and signed. (Council Volume 20.09.2005, pages 185 - 187) There were no matters arising on the minutes.






Submitted for consideration - a Report from the Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer concerning an allegation of a breach of the Members' Code of Conduct by Councillor Bernard Summerfield (Llanfaelog Community Council) with a view to deciding, pursuant to paragraph 7 of S.I.2001 No. 2281 (W171) whether there be sufficient cause to proceed to a Hearing and, if appropriate, to fix a Hearing date.


The Chair reported that an allegation of a breach of the Code of Conduct had been submitted to the Ombudsman, who had subsequently referred the matter to the Monitoring Officer for investigation.




In addition to the papers included as part of the Agenda, additional papers were distributed at the meeting, namely a letter dated 9th December 2005 received from Mr Summerfield in which he responded to the report of the meeting between himself, his wife and the Solicitor for the Monitoring Officer together with a copy of a letter dated 6th June 2003 which he had sent to the Public Footpaths Officer of the County Council.




Meirion Jones, Solicitor to the Monitoring Officer had investigated the alleged breach and presented the appropriate papers to the Committee for a decision as to whether or not there is sufficient evidence to proceed to a full Hearing.




He drew attention to the following facts:





Mr Richard Pritchard and Mrs Dionne Louise Pritchard had submitted a complaint against Mr Bernard Summerfield who, as a then member of the Llanfaelog Community Council, had signed and accepted the Code of Conduct on 28 November 2001. He had subsequently resigned from the Community Council in May 2003. The fact that Mr Summerfield is no longer a Community Councillor has no bearing on the Committee's decision as to whether or not to proceed to a full Hearing;





The complaint alleged that Mr Summerfield failed to declare a personal interest and participated in a Community Council meeting and objected to a proposal, which proposal, had it been refused, could have resulted in financial and commercial gain. In particular, he had attended and participated in a meeting of the Llanfaelog Community Council on Wednesday 23rd October 2002 when the "main topic of discussion was the proposed deletion of the spur on path number 4a at Ty'n Pwll Bach, Rhosneigr" which was a subject matter of dispute between himself and his neighbours Mr and Mrs Prichard of Ty'n Pwll Bach;





It was important to note that the numbering of the Welsh Assembly Government's      Model Code of Conduct, which has been accepted by the County Council, differs from that accepted by the Llanfaelog Community Council and members were asked to ensure they referred to the correct Code;





A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Llanfaelog Community Council held on Wednesday 27th November 2002 was also distributed to Members.  Attention was drawn to the fact that there was no reference to the Minutes of the previous meeting. However, the Clerk had produced his written notes of the meeting which included the comment: "Minutes - OK". This confirmed that the minutes for the meeting held on 23rd October 2002, which showed Mr Summerfield to have been present and having taken part in the discussion, were correct. Furthermore, there was no reference to footpaths in "2.0 MATTERS ARISING".




A proposal was made that the Standards Committee move to a full hearing. Due, however, to the complexities of determining the precise location of the properties and footpaths referred to in the submitted papers, it was requested that the Committee should be supplied with a more detailed, high quality map showing all the relevant properties and footpaths. A request was also made for the following additional information:





on the functions of Community Councils and their powers concerning  footpaths;



what damage, if any, had been incurred to the complainants;



what opportunities are given to Community Councillors to declare an interest and whether it is mandatory to do so;



concerning the training of Community Councillors;




In order to allow sufficient time for the additional evidence to be collated, the Committee RESOLVED that a full Hearing into the alleged breach of the Code of Conduct be held on Tuesday 7th February 2006.











The Monitoring Officer introduced the Ombudsman's report with respect to two complaints of an alleged failure by Councillor Robert Lloyd Hughes to declare an interest in relation to two planning applications submitted by Mr & Mrs Wood in 2003 regarding Tan y Felin and The Mill, Llangoed. Councillor Hughes had Chaired the Planning Committee held on 3rd December and had not declared an interest when the applications were considered.




The Ombudsman had found no evidence that Councillor Hughes had breached paragraphs and of the Council's Code of Conduct in relation to Mr and Mrs Wood's planning application concerning the development at Tan y Felin and had not upheld that aspect of their allegation.




The Ombudsman had found Councillor Hughes had breached paragraphs and of the Council's Code of Conduct by failing to declare a personal interest and failing to withdraw from the Planning Committee on 3 December 2003 with respect to consideration of Mr and Mrs Wood's planning application regarding the Mill and, under section 69(4)(c) of the Local Government Act 2000, had referred the breach to the Monitoring Officer for consideration by the Council's Standards Committee.




The Standards Committee therefore needed to consider what sanction, if any, should be imposed with regard to the breach. However, the rules required that the Committee adjourn to a further hearing date at which time Councillor Hughes would be entitled to respond either in writing or in person to the Ombudsman's findings. Councillor Hughes has also been advised that he is entitled to legal representation but that the Standards Committee has no power with regard to ordering an award of legal costs. The Monitoring Officer also informed the Committee that the complainants wished to present a written submission to the Committee for the hearing.




RESOLVED that a sanction hearing into the Ombudsman's findings be held on Tuesday the 14th February 2006.