Decision Maker: The Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
· To note the position set out in Appendices A, B and C in respect of the Authority’s financial performance to date and expected outturn for 2024/2025;
· To note the summary of Contingency budgets for 2024/2025, detailed in Appendix CH;
· To note the monitoring of agency and consultancy costs for 2024/2025 in Appendices D and DD;
· To agree to the implementation of new, and amendments to, Fees and Charges for 2024/2025, detailed in Appendix E.
Publication date: 18/02/2025
Date of decision: 18/02/2025
Decided at meeting: 18/02/2025 - The Executive
Accompanying Documents: