Decision details

Capital Budget 2018/19

Decision Maker: The Executive

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


It was resolved –


To recommend to the Full Council the following capital programme for 2018/19:



Committed schemes brought

forward from 2017/18                 23.399


Investing in existing assets        2.518

Invest to Save projects                 0.258

Highway Maintenance                 1.592

21st Century Schools                  8.850


Total General Fund Capital

Schemes                                      36.609


HRA Capital Schemes                12.417


Total Proposed Capital

Programme 2018/19                    49.034


Funded by:


Funding B/F from 2017/18             1.040

General Capital Grant                     1.334

Capital Receipts                              0.500

Supported Borrowing                   2.192

Unsupported Borrowing:

21st Century Schools                   3.734

Supported Borrowing:

21st Century Schools                   1.279

External Grants                             28.030

Capital Reserves                             0.258

Highways Refurbishment              

Grant                                                0.910

HRA Funding                                 9.757


Total Funding                                49.034           


• To support the two submitted bids for Invest to Save funding as follows –


Energy Efficiency in Corporate Buildings   £250,000

Upgrading the WiFi Capability at

Canolfan Byron                                                  £8,750


  To support the following unsupported borrowing projects for inclusion in the 2018/19 capital programme -


The construction of a 3G Football Pitch at Plas Arthur Leisure Centre

The upgrade of Fitness Equipment at Holyhead Leisure Centre






































Publication date: 19/02/2018

Date of decision: 19/02/2018

Decided at meeting: 19/02/2018 - The Executive

Accompanying Documents: