Decision details

Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


11.1 FPL/2020/98 – Retrospective application for the retention of engineering works creating a hard standing surface for agricultural storage use and permitted development use as a carboot site together with the retention of the alterations made to the vehicular access on land at Cae Prytherch, Llanfairpwll




·   To refuse the retention of the engineering works to create a hard surface on site in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations as outlined in the written report;


·   To refuse the retention of the alterations made to the vehicular access to the site as being contrary to policies PCYFF 2 and 3 contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.


  (In accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution, the application was automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow Officers the opportunity to prepare a report in respect of the reasons given for refusing the application).




Publication date: 05/05/2021

Date of decision: 05/05/2021

Decided at meeting: 05/05/2021 - Planning and Orders Committee

Accompanying Documents: