Decision details

Draft Final Accounts 2022/23 and use of Balances and Reserves

Decision Maker: The Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


It was resolved –


·      To note the draft unaudited main financial statements for 2022/23. The full Draft Statement of Accounts 2022/23 is published at

·      To note the position of general balances of £13.967m and to approve the creation of the new earmarked reserves set out in Table 3 of the report which amount to £4.320m.

·      To approve the balance of £19.638m of total earmarked reserves for 2022/23 (£23.181m in 2021/22). This is £3.544m lower than 2021/22 and is made up of £4.320m of new reserves as recommended above and a £7.471m overall reduction to existing reserves though this is made up of increases and decreases to existing reserves.

·      To note the school balances position of £6.716m.

·      To note the HRA balance of £12.107m.

·      To approve the new Capital Grants Unapplied Reserve with a balance of £0.407m as shown in the Movement in Reserve Statement in Appendix 4.

·      To approve the transfer of £1.365m of service reserves back to the general reserve to increase flexibility and financial resilience of the Council.

Publication date: 18/07/2023

Date of decision: 18/07/2023

Decided at meeting: 18/07/2023 - The Executive

Accompanying Documents: