Decision details

Smarter Working Project

Decision Maker: The Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Submitted – the report of the Deputy Chief Executive in relation to the above.


The Portfolio Holder (Performance Transformation) stated that the smarter working project is delivered as a range of savings which is outlined within the report.  Based on advice received by the Section 151 Officer, savings are unlikely to materialise by adopting a piecemeal approach.   A number of the aspects within the report have been ideas put forward by staff and management can now work to modernise facilities, service delivery and working practices within the Council. 


The Corporate Programme Manager reported that over the two year period the project will release savings of up to £700k.  Capital receipts will be used to contribute to capital investment linked to the project which will lead to improvements within the authority. 


A copy of the decision and recommendation of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee held on 15th October, 2014 was circulated at the meeting.


Councillor Bob Parry OBE stated that whilst he appreciated that elements of the Smarter Working project are acceptable he specified that spending over £1m on the Headquarters would not be acceptable to the residents of the Island when the Authority considers increasing the Council Tax by up by 5%.  He considered that the project should be deferred until the issue of local government reorganisation is clearer.


The Deputy Chief Executive responded that the Smarter Working project is an ‘invest to save’ project.  She considered that through modernising the way in which the Council works and enhancing the use of technology and managing assets is paramount to the future of the Authority.


Members of the Executive were in agreement that the Authority needs to modernise the way it works.  The revenue savings will enable the Authority to serve its residents in a more effective way and to bring in capital receipts.  The authority needs to move forward in enhancing its services and be a modernised Council.    It was agreed that update reports on the project should be afforded to the Executive on a quarterly basis.    It was further agreed that the costings of proposals within the report should be reviewed.




·           That the Smarter Working project be approved as set out within the report, subject to the allocation of capital and revenue resources;


·           That the costing of the recommended proposals within the report should be reviewed;


·           That the Executive mandates and instructs the sale of the vacated assets in scope as soon as is practicable;


·           That update reports be submitted to the Transformation Board, Corporate Scrutiny Committee and the Executive on the process of the Smarter Working project.


·           To arrange a Seminar for all Members to inform on the details of the project.


Publication date: 20/10/2014

Date of decision: 20/10/2014

Decided at meeting: 20/10/2014 - The Executive

Accompanying Documents: