Issue - meetings

Economic Applications

Meeting: 01/11/2017 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 8)

8 Economic Applications pdf icon PDF 308 KB

8.1  19C842E/1/TR/ECON – Parc Cybi, Holyhead

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8.1  19C842E/1/TR/ECON – Full application for the erection of a hotel, associated infrastructure and earthworks at Parc Cybi, Holyhead


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the written report, together with further negotiations taking place with Officers and the applicant as regard additional conditions to be attached to the approval.


8.1  19C842E/1/TR/ECON – Full application for the erection of a hotel, associated infrastructure and earthworks at Parc Cybi, Holyhead


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is a departure from the development plan.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the application is a full application for the erection of a hotel within the Parc Cybi Industrial Estate.  The application site is within an AONB area and the Ty Mawr Standing Stone and the Trefignath Burial Chamber is located to the south east which is separated by an area of planting and path.  The nearest residential properties are located to the west adjacent to the B4545 Trearddur Road.  Although the application site is located within the settlement boundary: policy CYF1 of the JLDP states that land and units on existing employment site such as Parc Cybi are safeguarded for employment/business enterprises.  Policy CYF5 ‘Alternative Uses of Existing Employment Sites’ permits alternative uses in special circumstances provided they conform to listed criteria.  She noted that a sequential test has been undertaken which shows that there is no other suitable site for such a development.  She further noted that the development will afford 15 full-time staff and 15 part-time staff working at the hotel.  The Economic Development Unit supports the application subject to a request that the applicant supports an information board encouraging tourism, Welsh language requirements in relation to signage, together with local opportunities within the area.  The Planning Development Manager said that additional conditions need to be attached to any approval of the application as regard to mitigation issues as raised by statutory consultees as noted within the report and further negotiations will need to take place with the developer before release of any approval of the application.


Councillor Dafydd R. Thomas, a Local Member said that he was supportive of the application but emphasised that bilingual signage should be secured within the hotel complex as well as historical information signage outside the development.


Councillor T.Ll. Hughes MBE proposed that the application be approved and Councillor K.P. Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the written report, together with further negotiations takin place with Officers and the applicant as regard additional conditions to be attached to the approval.