Issue - meetings

Applications that will be Deferred

Meeting: 07/02/2018 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 6)

6 Applications that will be Deferred pdf icon PDF 178 KB

6.1  39C285D – Lôn y Gamfa, Menai Bridge

Additional documents:


6.1  39C285D – Full application for the erection of 17 dwellings on land at Lôn Gamfa, Menai Bridge


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reason given.


6.1  39C285D – Full application for the erection of 17 dwellings on land at Lôn Gamfa, Menai Bridge


The Planning Development Manager reported that the Officer recommends that consideration of the application be deferred pending receipt of a report following a recent flooding incident.


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reason given.