Issue - meetings

Remainder of Applications

Meeting: 02/05/2018 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 12)

12 Remainder of Applications pdf icon PDF 901 KB

12.1  19C1217 – 18 Maes Hyfryd Road, Holyhead

12.2  19LPA1043/CC – Vulcan Street, Holyhead

12.3  20LPA1044/CC – Teilia, Cemaes

12.4  25C228A – 41 High Street, Llannerchymedd

12.5  46C615/AD – Visitor Centre, South Stack Road, Holyhead

12.6  49C333A/FR – Hermon Chapel, Field Street, Valley

Additional documents:


12.1  19C1217 – Full application for change of use of Dwelling C3 to House of Multiple Occupancy C4 at 18 Maes Hyfryd Road, Holyhead


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.2  19LPA1043/CC – Full application for the erection of 6 affordable dwellings together with the creation of pedestrian access and 8 parking spaces on land adjacent to Vulcan Street, Holyhead


It was noted that the application had been withdrawn.


12.3  20LPA1044/CC – Full application for the installation of a 3 meter high meteorological station on land at Teilia, Cemaes


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.4  25C228A – Retrospective application for retention of the extended curtilage together with the erection of a garage at 41 High Street, Llannerchymedd


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.5  46C615/AD – Application for the siting of a non-illuminated sign together with the installation of car parking meter at the car park above the Visitor Centre, South Stack, Holyhead


It was RESOLVED to visit the site in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reasons given.


12.6  49C333A/FR – Full application for change of use of disused chapel into a dwelling together with alterations and the construction of a first floor balcony at Hermon Chapel, Field Street, Valley


It was RESOLVED to visit the site in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reasons given.



 12.1  19C1217 – Full application for change of use of Dwelling C3 to House of Multiple Occupancy C4 at 18 Maes Hyfryd Road, Holyhead


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


Mr Craig Stalman (against the proposal) said that the residential street of Maeshyfryd, Holyhead has many elderly and families with various ages.  He said that introducing a House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) could potentially bring these people into contact with persons whom they would normally choose to avoid.  With Maeshyfryd being utilised by children on route to and from school it has the potential to bring these children into direct contact with persons they nor their parents would want them to have contact with.  Parking problems at Maeshyfryd already exist and during the evenings vehicles park on both sides of the road which is a narrow one-way street.  With the introduction of a HMO the potential is to introduce a greater number of vehicles per household and the impact on the residence would be significant.  Due to the one-way system, Maeshyfryd is the main thoroughfare utilised for transport of both commercial and emergency services to Kings Road and Tara Street.  This has already been witnessed by residence when buses have had to reverse down a one-way street.  Mr Stalman further said that HMO’s brings the potential for a larger number of people to be confined within one residence and therefore the associated noise nuisance.  With such numbers of residence in one household it could increase the inherent antisocial behaviour associated with HMO’s and the emotional and psychological impact on the surrounding households and families could be affected.  He further said that the introduction of a HMO would have a negative financial impact on house prices within the area, not only prices falling but also the reluctance of others to purchase close to a HMO.  The Maeshyfryd area already has environmental issues with bin collections and the lack of storage for the recycling bins and black/green bins. With the introduction of a HMO of potentially 6 rooms this could equate to 24 bins alone and this particular property does not have the rear or frontal capacity for such bins.  Therefore the rear lane to the properties would inevitably be used for storage bringing potential vermin and other hygiene issues. 


Councillor R O Jones questioned as to who would be living at this dwelling if the application was to be approved.  Mr Stalman responded that he is given to understand from the neighbouring property who had spoken to the applicant that it is an intention to have professional people living within the individual bedsits.  He said that he did not know as to where all these people were to park their cars as there is a potential of up to 12 cars having to park within the area. 


The Planning Development Manager reported that the application is to change the use of a three floor dwelling into a house of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12